48. ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠

"I-I need advice," Namjoon mumbled over the phone, not even making amends to clear up his voice so that it would be a bit more understandable for Yoongi — who was on the other side of the line — to hear. Because, inevitably, the fight with Taehyung had left him reckless. Relentlessly picking at his nails out of anxiousness or twisting and turning in bed as faint memories from the argument from earlier drifted through his unconscious where dreams were supposed to play out instead.

Yet this time it only seemed as if real life nightmares had come true, playing out in his head nonstop until he made that final decision to put an end to it once and for all by seeking out for advice from none other than Min Yoongi himself, a childhood best friend whom he had known longer than anyone else from their friend group. So of course, it seemed most fitting to retreat to him as he always did when stuck in a whirlpool of utter turmoil.

Yoongi scrunched his eyebrows together in concern, clumsily plunking himself down onto one of the kitchen chairs before responding with an immediate, "Whats wrong Joon?"

Namjoon let out a shaky breath, gathering up all his last ounces of courage that even dared to leak through his body at a time where he needed them the most. Alas, that wish wasn't one to be granted, explaining as to why Namjoon only felt his nerves eat away at him with no remorse until there wasn't even one decent figment of humanity left resting beside his torn up soul that was left tattered and ripped to sheds, and exerting every ounce of aggression into his conversation with Taehyung the day prior.

"It's about — Tae, well also kinda about Jimin b-but—"

"Namjoon, take a deep breath I can feel you shaking all the way from the other end of the line," Yoongi chuckled, thinking that perhaps incorporating some sort of lighthearted tones into the conversation would be successful in soothing Namjoon's bubbling nerves that only seemed to grow worse and worse by the minute.

Taking Yoongi's advice, which at the moment he was incredibly thankful for since that's exact kind of reassurance he needed, Namjoon lowered his phone from his ear down towards the bottom hem of his shirt as he took one long, deep inhale of breath — exerting all his shakiness into the air around him as comfort slowly began to make way into his system.

Even if it was something as small or minor as taking a break from talking and meditating for just a minute or so, it actually was one of the most effective strategies that Namjoon constantly found himself doing whenever stressed to the point where his brain would just simply refuse to function; that was until Yoongi, however, showed him this exact method that practically saved his life.

"Well earlier at the shop today Tae — um — well, he suggested I ... confess," Namjoon sighed, already feeling the guilt rush back into his conscious from the reminder that he had unfairly brown up at his friend who was really only trying to help get two clueless lovebirds together. Unfortunately, Namjoon's stubbornness got in the way of that and put up this blockade which denied any access to practicality or sensibility — not letting himself see that he and Jimin very much had a future together if they built up the courage to come clean about their feelings.

Yoongi nodded, seeing as this was a moderately casual statement since he and the others were always encouraging either Namjoon or Jimin to confess their feelings to one another and wouldn't stop until that day finally arrived, since they only wanted the absolute best for their two best friends.

"But I got kinda annoyed cuz he kept suggesting it after I advised not to in case it fucks with my and Jimin's friendship. And Yoongi I don't want to do that — I can't risk losing him just cuz I feel like confessing my feelings without knowing of the consequences that could follow afterwards. But now I realized how much of a fucking asshole I was being because I, well I—" Namjoon bit his lower lip to keep the tears from running down his cheek, something that he had just simply let happen over the past eighteen hours ever since him and Taehyung's bicker in the flower shop from yesterday. But now as he was on the phone for the sole purpose of seeking comfort and advice, he only wished to portray a confident and strong demeanor for Yoongi — not wanting to accidentally slip and let his vulnerability show through or how much this entire situation really affected him in the end.

Of course, despite talking on the phone rather than having a physical conversation with him, Yoongi could see right through that facade that he saw as nothing else than utterly stupid and foolish — since hiding away or masking your true feelings regarding something only worsens it, deepening the hole that was already dug until only the remnants of your soul lay there withered.

And it hurt Yoongi, it hurt Yoongi to hear the evident trembles ridden in Namjoon's voice, giving away the hints that he has been crying his eyes out just minutes before, or how he could tell that Namjoon was swallowing down all the feelings that begged to erupt from the pit of his stomach out of anguish, out of frustration, out of the yearning to let loose his spirit that begged to fly free.

Yet until courage delivered, that far away dream would be abandoned in the crumbles of his own sullenness.

"I yelled at him," Namjoon finally got out through this unbearable pain that stung every corner of his body, not leaving one single part untouched as it wavered in and out of every metatarsal, every fiber, every bone and muscle that only continued to ache until the pain sufficed, "but listen I know it sounds like a really shitty thing of me to do and I have no excuse to defend myself — but I thought I'd come to you for advice cuz you know, you know me better than anyone else and I just — I dunno. I'm sorry, Yoongi—"

"Joon, don't apologize for something like this," Yoongi ushered quietly, retreating to his upstairs bedroom just so he could gain some privacy in case Hoseok overheard their conversation from the living room, "I know you, and I know you're not a bad person so don't make yourself out to be one, alright?" He hushed softly, praying that he got the main message across before venturing out into other categories of their conversation in which Namjoon desperately needed help with the most.

Namjoon nodded, despite Yoongi not actually being able to see him through a phone call, but Yoongi took the silence as an indicator to continue reasoning that Namjoon was taking time to process all the information he was given, "I'm not saying it was right for you to yell at Tae, but don't beat yourself up over this okay? Everyone gets annoyed at least sometimes and I'm sure if you just apologize and explain your side of things to him later, he'll understand. He always does."

And somehow, Namjoon only felt guiltier than ever.

Sure, it provided him some reassurance that this fight wouldn't permanently ruin their friendship especially when they were young, mature adults in their early twenties who could work around their differences and resolve arguments with ease. Yet that last sentence that Yoongi told him couldn't help but linger above his head 'He always does'.

In fact, it actually succeeded in plunging him further down into the hole of self pity where ghouls submerged from every corner and grabbed at his body from every direction — pulling him into various of tunnels where each one led to his doomed fate. Dramatic, sure, but it perfectly represented in the whiplash that Namjoon was feeling at that exact moment in time, reminded of the sole fact that Taehyung was always someone who forgave their mistakes, who gave them second chances, who accepted their misunderstandings despite it happening over and over again.

Because Kim Taehyung was the kind of person to sacrifice his own well being for the consciences of others — despising nothing more than the idea of people feeling bad or guilty for their mistakes that involved him in some kind of way.

Even if he was still left frustrated to the core from a disagreement with someone, he'd plaster on a smile and assure them that it was just a mistake, that it was just a misunderstanding, that they didn't mean it.

Maybe they did, maybe they didn't, but what matters here is that Taehyung left his own feelings burned to the crisp whenever the flame of forgiveness was lit somewhere far far away in the depths of his own subconscious — telling him every single time to suck it up and comfort the person who was hurting him instead.

Regardless of how twisted and messed up it sounds, it was nothing less from the truth.

And only now was Namjoon realizing that.

"Fuck," Namjoon whispered to himself, running a hand through his hair before fusing his stress by walking around the kitchen relentlessly, "Well how can I make it up to him? I know I shouldn't have yelled at him Yoongi but, I don't know what came over me and I really do wish I could just go back and have a sane conversation with him. It's just he mentioned Jimin and confessing and you know that's something I've always struggled with doing," he murmured worriedly, wanting nothing more than to just magically transport over towards Taehyung's house right now and catch him in a long, comforting hug as they worked their problems out together, as one.

Humming in thought, Yoongi pressed his lips together before coming up with a simple idea, yet one that would hopefully work in its own ways, "Well what did Tae even suggest you do?" He asked, trying to get a more in depth explanation and backstory as to what went on in both sides of the conversation, since it still seemed like he was missing a piece of the puzzle that was mandatory when offering desperately needed advice.

Flashbacks from the day before began playing in Namjoon's head once more, searching for a proper way to phrase everything so there wouldn't be any more misinformation spread than there already was.

"He said I should buy him a bouquet of flowers and write him a note, which doesn't seem too far out of my comfort zone to do since I'm not actually like, talking to him about it — or not yet at least — but still, just the idea of Jimin knowing about how I've literally been fucking in love with him for the past two years is something I can't just adapt to that easily," he exasperated, exposing every inch of himself that he had failed to do beforehand; something that he restricted himself from doing in fear that only mockery and ridicule would follow afterwards.

But when he was expecting Yoongi to laugh or poke fun at him, all he got in response were therapeutic words of encouragement instead.

"Oh! I mean I definitely think you should think about it cuz listen Joonie — I love you and all and being both your and Jimins wingman's has been tiring as fuck, and when I say that Jimin looks just as bout as enchanted by you as you do, I mean it. Like just imagine how happy he'd be when getting those flowers from the exact person he's been crushing on for years now — and I know you don't want to believe it, but trust me I know, that if Jimin is in love with anyone, it's you."

Namjoon's breath hitched in his throat — suddenly finding himself away with words as his chest rapidly began rising and lowering, perhaps from a mixed combination of both relief and fear; relief that there was some hope of Jimin liking him back, but fear in case all of Yoongi's predictions (as well as their other friends) were completely wrong and misjudged. It was wildly known that Jimin was an overly affection person, constantly hanging out hugs and kisses to any casual friends or family members even if there was no actual chemistry involved; and when dealing with someone who seemed as if he was in love with everyone going off by traditional behavior, it only made the job more difficult when trying to decipher whether feelings were actually returned or not.

Still, whatever last worries or doubts remained swimming inside his conscious were overlapped with a wave of gleam, gaining some hope from those last words that filled the empty silence with a positive atmosphere that did something in raising Namjoon's spirits, even if it was by just a little. Because every minor piece of advice helped, ones that he surely was not going to take for granted.

Not now, not ever.

"Okay," Namjoon firmed, plastering on a broad smile that differentiated from the flat line that had owned his face from the time being, "thanks Yoongi, I'll do just that."

Yoongi widened his eyes in surprise, overjoyed that his advice seemed to help in either one of those problems — ideally both, but only time would tell and patience was key for that, "Wait do you mean—"

"Anyways I gotta go see someone who I need to apologize to, thanks Yoongi take care and I love you!"

"Wait J—"


"Fucking bitch," Yoongi swore under his breath, looking down at his phone in dismay which only read that the call had ended, which only left his curiosity bubbling even more since Namjoon never confirmed whether he'd go through with confessing or not. Though perhaps, all Yoongi could do was be patient and that that day would come sooner or later.

But more now, he has his own special someone to attend to.


HAPPY FUCKING PRIDE MONTH YALL !!!! TURN IT UP🗣🗣🗣‼️‼️ ❤️🧡💛💚💚💜🤍💖🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

on a real note tho, I love all of you so so much. please know that every single one of you are so fucking valid and even if people haven't made you feel like that in the past — just know that I am here to tell you right here, right now, that you are beautiful for who you are <3

so fuck all those stupid ass irrelevant homophobes, who needs em anyways when we got the whole of bangtan to protect us 😈😈

but seriously, have fun this month and be proud of your identity <3333 and even if you aren't apart of the community, thank you for supporting it and please show your queer friends how much they mean to you 💗💗

ily all, and enjoy this chapter hehe <3 and if you ever need anything, know my dms are ALWAYS open💓

now, enjoy some gay memes:
