61. 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑦

And dance the night away they did.

With hands firmly wrapped around the other's waist or loosely hung over shoulders, Hoseok and Yoongi danced merrily in each other's arms until the excruciating cramps in their feet told them that the night had come to an end — as well as how far their bodies could go until eventually giving out; totally limp by the end.

But it was all worth it.

Every. Single. Second.

It simply felt like a fever dream — the way they swayed from side to side during the slower, romantic songs such it was just simply instinct to do so, or how Yoongi occasionally stepped on Hoseok's heel before spurring a string of nervous apologies and explaining how he wasn't quite that experienced in the field of dance. But of course, as always, Hoseok was more than understanding and didn't take it to heart — quickly ridding a smile to reassure Yoongi that it wasn't anything significant to fret over before collapsing into a giggling mess.

And just like that, their blissful, euphoric atmosphere returned once again — cushioning the air with a heartwarming, pillowy feel to it, one that rung their hearts with jolly so extravagantly that they felt them being flown up to the heavens above and gracing it with their pure souls. Perhaps that was fitting, especially when the holidays were just right around the corner — so establishing that sort of festive mood was appropriate.

Not only was their little dance-off (which by the way, wasn't that little since it lasted well over an hour and extended into the night until they reasoned it was time to go home) perfect for replacing those past bubbles of envy with fizzes of elation, but it also managed to refuel Hoseok's worn out steam engine with a new load of energy that had severely decreased over the days solely because of his cold.

But thankfully, feeling under the weather soon vanished into thin air as Hoseok felt better than ever; soaring high into the sky and feeling nothing less than utterly elated and energized, a part of himself that he missed dearly. Because it supplied him with the illusion that he was all better and healed, though he wasn't, it created a facade for everyone to see.

For him to see, nearly convincing him that sniffles, sneezes and coughs were now long gone and out of the way from his future.

But when he woke up the next morning with a sore throat that swelled up the worst it's ever had, reality soon dawned onto him as he was hit with the realization that perhaps it was merely a placebo effect that granted him those few gracious moments of prosperity — before quickly being whisked out of his grasp to never be seen again.

And who knows when the next time he'll feel that lively ever again will be, it may not be for days, for weeks, for months. Though he highly denied a silly little cold lasting for months at a time, it was possible and he couldn't keep his hopes held high since he already had enough experience of being even more let down when creating false hope for himself.

Hoseok clenched his throat with both of his hands, feeling all around for his pulse while slowly running a finger down his neck — perhaps in attempts to soothe some of the soreness that would go away in a matter of seconds. Yet, it never did since that was simply an idiotic thought to behold in the first place.

But alas, his sore throat was here to stay — and worse than ever.


There were no restrictions to clothing up in the sky, there were no limitations or certain rules as to how one could dress; since that was all up to their own self-made decisions at the end of the day.

No one cared, and every outfit was entirely based off of self expression — purely because no one bothered in judging or holding distasteful options to ones fashion sense since at the end of the day, they were all stars whose main purpose was to abide by the universal regulation set for them which was, well, guiding the universe through tranquility.

So obviously when Hoseok finds a small, pink barrette left stranded on the kitchen counter one day, obviously he doesn't think much of it before quickly running over towards the nearest mirror to clip it in — weaving it in between his thick, golden locks that remained looking as healthy and luscious as ever before.

Doing this alone required absolutely no thought process. He simply saw the rose colored hair clip, thought it was pretty, grabbed it, carried it with him to the bathroom, and put it on.

As simple as that.

Because Jung Hoseok always possessed a love for the tiniest, seemingly unimportant and useless things in the world — immediately turning them into something significant enough to make it please the common eye of the people who may not hold as big of a passion for turning lost gems into found treasures.

Because anything in his eyes was simply pretty.

Just like this tiny barrette, now tucked away in the loose strands of his blond hair as he happily skipped back out of the bathroom — not one change in his mood, as if nothing happened at all.

And really, nothing did happen.

Nothing at all.

Except that Hoseok simply felt pretty.

And pretty he was.

"Hi Yoongi!" Hoseok chirped, greeting Yoongi with a wide, heart-shaped smile as he approached him currently heading towards the living room, with them both accidentally crossing paths.

"Hi H—"

And that's when Yoongi paused in his tracks, noticing something light pink sticking out of Hoseok's hair — but still hidden enough to keep his curiosity piquing.

"Um — what is that in your hair?" Yoongi asked, completely forgetting about a proper hello as his mind automagically went straight to an interrogation, eager to find out what it was despite how obvious the answer was, though Hoseok didn't mind and was more than happy to show off his new treasure.

"Oh, this!?" Hoseok giggled, temporarily shifting his gaze upwards towards his bangs before landing them back onto Yoongi, motioning a finger towards his hair clip, "I just found this cute little hair clip laying around and decided to wear it! I— I hope that it's okay with you," he murmured shyly, not at all contemplating the consequences that may follow by taking something without asking, especially since everything in this house was under Yoongi's name and his property.

But that hadn't even registered in his mind before now, and all that was flooding through his mind was a tsunami of worries that overflowed his conscious with overbearing frets — instantly switching out any exuberance with desolated regrets.

Biting into his lower lip anxiously, Hoseok patiently waited for a response while nervously shifting from one foot to the other — fully expecting Yoongi to lash out at him for taking something without permission. But he couldn't help himself, and sure call it a flaw or egotistical or maybe even a form of vanity, but when you've spent your entire life restrained yet so incredibly free at the same time, you grow used to a certain culture and mindset that may differ from places such as Earth.

However, when small, lighthearted laughs were heard, that's when Hoseok blew out a sigh of relief; not even realizing his had been holding his breath this entire time while waiting for that greatly anticipated for response.

"Of course it's okay!" Yoongi chuckled, stepping closer to Hoseok before carefully lifting a finger to move a part of Hoseok's bangs out of the way so now that the tiny clip was now on full display for him to see, "Plus, it looks pretty on you, so you should just have it." He beamed, taking time to gaze fondly at the dainty accessory once more before stepping back from Hoseok — oddly noticing how a pale pink blush made its way up the star's cheek at the remark.

Another thing that Yoongi found, and always will find, pretty.

Just everything about Hoseok was pretty, and there wasn't a better word that Yoongi could use to describe him. Maybe it was his delicate, glass-like features that made Hoseok look like a real life porcelain doll, or maybe it was that bright platinum blond hair that gave the illusion of a luminosity within itself — whatever it was, Yoongi couldn't bear the thought of letting that idea go, and in a two second arrangement with himself he agreed that Hoseok truly was the epitome of a pretty boy in pink.

"O-oh um thank you! Are you sure though? I just, I guess I just wasn't really thinking when I found it and put it on—"

"Yes, keep it, plus what am I going to do with a random hair clip? I don't even remember where I got it from or why I have it," Yoongi smiled, trying to recall the backstory behind this random object that Hoseok just so happened to find laying around the house, but whatever it was — it probably wasn't important so he didn't bother delving too far into the matter.

Plus, it seemed like it had a rightful owner now.

Feeling his cheeks heat up even more than before, Hoseok hastily bowed his head before dashing up to Yoongi to pull him into a tight hug and later skipping back up to his room where he first emerged from that morning; leaving Yoongi to wondrously gaze after the eccentric star, now wearing a mysterious hair clip in his golden locks.

Regardless of how confused Yoongi was or how many plot holes there were, a smile never left his lips as his eyes lingered on Hoseok's figure until he was completely out of sight.

And a smile would never leave his lips, until that very same night where Yoongi would glance quickly up at the sea of stars outside his window — suddenly being reminded that Hoseok was one of them, not a human, not a person, not even a mortal being or some other species that was destined to walk Earth, but a star.


thank you for reading ! 🥺💖💖
