28. 𝑡𝑤𝑜 ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑣𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑎 𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑜𝑜𝑛

Evening lapsed into sunset — with golden streaks painting themselves all over the sky as if a divine being from way up somewhere in the intergalactic universe itself, was holding that paintbrush that decorated the sky with a fleet of stars and array of vibrant pastels that only continued to fade as nightfall draped its way over half of the Earth.

Hoseok nuzzled deeper into Yoongi's side, both in their unconscious states and deep in the wonders of dreamland after having fallen asleep on Namjoon's couch about an hour ago, now accidentally having their arms and legs entangled with one another's and completely unaware that they naturally fell into a cuddling position when their original plan was to just savor their mentalities from having to endure another painful moment of watching Jimin and Namjoon painfully flirting with one another.

But alas, whether it be intentional or completely accidental with no sense of realization that Hoseok had both legs wrapped around Yoongi's waist and protectively hidden away from the cruelties of the world by Yoongi's arms tightly wrapped around his entire frame — they were fast asleep, and that was clearly evident.

However, although fully aware that they didn't put themselves in this situation purposely, both Namjoon and Jimin still took the opportunity to snap pictures of them both all snuggled up against one another's bodies with neutral expressions resting on their sleeping faces — yet still, somehow managing to look as pretty as ever.

It was adorable, and no one was capable of denying that fact.

"You think we should wake them up for dessert? Or let them sleep?" Jimin whispered to Namjoon, not wanting to startle the napping duo on the couch, although it would be very unlikely anyways if they did end up hearing him, since Jimin and Namjoon were still several feet away in the comfort of his kitchen, while Hoseok and Yoongi were undoubtedly in a deep deep slumber without any plans of waking up soon unless violently shaken back to reality.

Namjoon squinted his eyes, trying to get a better scope of the two to make his final decision. But seeing how comfortable they were on the couch made his heart only swoon with empathy — not even able to bear the thought of separating them just for some sugary delights.

"Ehh we should probably let them sleep, plus they look so cute!" He squealed happily, dramatically placing both hands over his heart before sighing lovingly at the heartwarming and innocent sight before his eyes — somewhat reminding him of little grizzly bears cuddling.

Jimin pouted, slightly disappointed that neither of them would get a taste of his freshly baked cookies that were at the perfect condition; warm and soft on the inside and satisfyingly crispy on the outside since they had just gotten taken out of the oven and and were in the absolute perfect stage to be eaten. But obviously, when people are fast asleep they can't exactly eat unless forcefully shoved down their throats, which is most definitely not something that Jimin nor Namjoon plan on doing.

"But the cookies will get cold," he mumbled, holding the tray of two dozen chocolate chip cookies out before him with pink oven mitts on — eyes slowly grazing over the few rows of cookies and admiring the pleasant aroma that flooded the air around them; one that one may define as heavenly sweet and satisfactory.

Namjoon chuckled, pulling in Jimin for a side hug carefully as to assure that he wouldn't make him drop the pan of cookies — since that would be awfully devastating and only make the situation worse on the baker's end, "Cookies stay warm for a while Minnie, I'm sure they'll still be just as good by the time they wake up," he reassured confidently, truly meaning every word since each one came from deeply within each crevice of his heart, which only consisted of an overflowing pool of amour for a certain someone in the room with him.

Or a certain someone next to him.

"I guess," Jimin murmured in return, sadness clearly ridden in his unusually low tone of speech, and understandably so since Jimin's prior bubbly bursts of excitement when baking those batch of cookies only proved that he really was looking forward to treating his best friend of almost ten years, and his other friend's new friend of about three weeks to something that would both give Hoseok a quite literal taste of the human world, and also Yoongi a break and treat from cooking or excessive housework.

And while they looked absolutely adorable cuddling together on the couch in front of them, Jimin couldn't help but feel a small pang in his heart — one that spread a feeling of desolation all throughout his body that diminished every pre-existing hope that he'd be able to see their faces light up with bliss or amazement the second those mouth-watering delicious cookies met with their taste buds.

Noticing the rare sullen tone gracing Jimin's normally high of excitement vocals, Namjoon spontaneously grabbed the cookie tray out of Jimin's hands — which caught him off guard immediately at the rather unexpected action — and set it down on the kitchen counter, before reaching over towards his phone.

Bringing his eyebrows together in confusion, Jimin opened his mouth to say something, "Joonie, what are y—"

"Let's dance," Namjoon interrupted steadily, cutting off Jimin's speech half way as his fingers lightly scrolled through his Spotify library, finally landing on the perfect playlist that was both filled with a large variety of tranquil tunes and also few upbeat songs that would hopefully raise Jimin's saddened soul that was let out by their minor inconvenience.

Feeling himself being drowned out by a sea of new rising emotions that slowly, yet steadily, choked him until a verbal reaction wasn't an option anymore, Jimin shakily let out, "I— wait, what?"

Biting down on his lower lip, already feeling his heart pace rapidly speed up with every second that passed without Jimin making any attempts to properly respond, Namjoon nervously fumbled with his fingers behind his back, already preparing for a rejection that in his mind; was yet to come.

"I-I um, I mean maybe dancing will cheer you up? You always love to dance so I thought maybe you'd like to— unless you don't want to! That's totally fine too, honestly we can do whatever you want I don't ca—"

"Joonie—" Jimin hushed reassuringly, light feather giggles slipping past his lips as he quickly wrapped Namjoon in a hug, "You're worrying too much, sorry— I was just caught off guard, but of course I want to!" He beamed, already feeling his spirits rise joyfully and make their way above the clouds that graced heavens gated entrance — where angels sang their harmonies and blessed everhone with their ethereal appearances; where everyone  was happy and elated without a worry in the world.

Which is exactly what Jimin felt at that moment, happy. In fact, it wasn't just Jimin either — Namjoon felt beyond euphoric that Jimin wasn't uncomfortable with asking to dance with him and actually made the first move in slow dancing around the kitchen when the clock was just brushing past nine pm. Even Yoongi and Hoseok, who were still dozed off on the couch and far far away from any sign of consciousness or aware of how their limbs brushed up against each other or fingers naturally finding each other's and entangling them; just as they did everyday when normally awake. Because their minds, their souls sensed each other's presence — even if it was in dreamland, even if it was in a far away fantasy that was unreachable by any common factor of reality, even if it was in their own imaginations that only existed in the brinks of their subconscious.

And that was enough to plant those small smiles on their faces, that held all the stars of the galaxy and all the planets of the universe, that held all seven wonders of the world in their very own curled up lips.

So as Namjoon lightly spun Jimin around in several circles under his arm and messily led him in a waltz dance that spoke of nothing but pure carefreeness and disinterest in actually caring about whether they were doing the proper dance moves or not, Hoseok and Yoongi unconsciously melted their two bodies together — as if created two half moons that soon blended into one.


ayo drop your Spotify's 😫😩(if ur comfy w it)

mines awoofishy5 🧍‍♀️don't ask about the nameKDJSLJS
