The End

Alex: Now come one come all to this tragic affair.

Sophie: Shut up

Alex: Sorry.

Sophie: ...

Alex: ...

Sophie: ...

Alex: Anyway. We are here to tell you something important.

Sophie: That last chapter I uploaded. That was the final chapter.

Alex: And to be honest it probably created more questions than it answered.

Sophie: But do not worry as very soon the first chapter of the sequel shall be published.

Alex: Yes. So keep an eye out for 'I lost everything for you' the dramatic sequel to 'You mean everything to me'.

Sophie: It's not dramatic, you're dramatic.

Alex: And you're crap at insults.

Sophie: I'm not crap, I just can't be bothered.

Alex: You can never be bothered.

Sophie: True.

Alex: Us. Story. TANGENT.

Sophie: Yeah. Good point. But yes look put for it on our account as we are in the process of deciding what the first chapter will be.

Alex: So long and good night.

Sophie: Stop quoting MCR

Alex: No.

Sophie: I hate you

Alex: Love you too.

The first chapter of 'I lost everything for you' will be published soon so keep an eye out. And if we don't see you before have a spoopy Halloween.

Sophie and Alex_Laufeyson Xxxx
