18. A Giant Adventure

Beginning authors note. Whaaat! I want to dedicate this to hiyaitsclaire as she has been such a huge support today and she has amazing books. On with the (late soz) chapter.

Tove's P.O.V.

Halfway up the Beanstalk and I already regret my choices.

It was so tiring and were very high up. I'm not usually afraid of heights but this was ridiculous.

I could hear Hook and Emma talking just above me and I could see Loki out the corner of my right eye.

"Are you alright?" Loki called over. I just nodded not wanting to break my concentration. "Talkative(!)" Loli said. I ignored him.

When we got to the top of the Beanstalk the first thing I did was sit down. The three of them just looked down at me.

"So.Much.Regret!" I said looking up at them. Loki and Hook smirked simultaneously while Emma just smiled at me.

"Come on." Emma said pulling me up. "I think there's a giant we need to take out."

"We won't need to knock out the giant. Oh no he'll let let us right in(!)"

"Really?" I asked.

"Its called sarcasm mate. You should try it sometime." Hook said. I just rolled my eyes and then he winked at me which just made me roll my eyes again. "I have poppy powder. We need to lure the giant out and then 2 people need to sit up on those statues and throw the poppy powder over him."

"Don't you have all this planned out?!?!" Emma said.

"Cora and I had this all planned out. Unfortunately for her, she left all the equipment with me." Hook said.

"And how do we know you aren't doing this to help her?" Loki asked.

"My loyelty lies with whoever can get me to your land first. At the moment it's you lot. You should feel privalaged that you have such a good looking pirate helping you." He said winking at me....again.

"Oh yes, so privileged that your helping. Now who's going to do what?" I said.

"Tove and I will be on Poppy powder duty, Hook and Loki lure the giant out." Emma looked very focused. We all nodded in agreement.

"We're going to need to need something to bring him out." Loki brought up a slight issue. We all looked at each other wondering who was going to come up with something first.

"Oh!" I exclaimed. I went into my pocket and brought out my phone. Emma raised her eyebrow and I shrugged at her. I looked between Hook and Loki's confused faces. I sighed and went into my music. I found a heavy metal song and put the volume all the way up. I didn't play it yet but had it set up so one of the guys could just turn on the phone, press a button and it would play. I handed my phone to Hook which earned a jealous look from Loki. "Turn it on using that button and then when you're ready please the sideways triangle and HIDE! Ok?" They both nodded. Emma gave me a bag of powder and we both ran over to a state each. It took me a couple of minutes to get positioned on the top but I can happily say it was easier than that goddam Beanstalk. We nodded at the boys to signal we we're ready and they nodded back. Hook played the music. It was loud.

Then I hurd a thud. And another. And another. Then the statue shook with each thud. And then the giant appeared. He was big. He was saying stuff but I wasn't concentrating, I was too busy opening the Poppy powder bag. I very nearly dropped it but managed to catch it before it slipped put of my grip. I looked over at Emma who nodded at my so I stood up. I hadn't really thought through how I was going to do this so it was time to improvise.

"HEY!" I shouted. He turned and looked at me whilst Emma gave me this look of what the actual fuck are you doing. I nodded at the giant and she got the point. At the same time we both threw our bags, hers into the back of his head and mine into his nose. He stumbled about for a bit and then finally fell on the floor snoring. Emma and I jumped off of the statues and headed into the castle.

{5 hours later}

"RUN YOU MOTHER FUCKING TWAT." I screamed at Loki as the giant ran after us. We ran into a giant goblet and stood in it to hide. I turned around and suddenly felt a sharp object rip through my cheek.

"OW!" I exclaimed. Turns out he was holding his sceptre up and I had just turned into it.

"I am so sorry." He said, panicked. "Are you alright?"

"I'll be fine."

"The giant can't smell blood...can he?"

"I don't know why are you asking me?"

"I was just wondering."

"Well can you smell blood?" I asked.

" What?! No. I can't smell blood. Why would you think that? It's not like I'm a gi-......how. do. You. Know?!?!" He asked through gritted teeth.

"I know the Avengers. There's a certain Asgaridian on the team that likes to talk a lot." I said.

"I am going to KILL that oaf when we get back!!" Loki shouted, angrily.

"If, we get back. And that's only going to happen if you listen and do as your told."

"Follow the rules? I don't think so."

"Then this", I said gesturing to the both of us. "Isn't going to work."

"Why? You say that as if there is already something going on." He said smirking. I rolled my eyes. Then I heard Emma calling us over. We ran over to her.

"We have a way out." She said pointing to a pipe.

"Where's the pirate?" Loki asked.

"Handcuffed. We can't trust him." Emma said.

"Emma, wait." I caught her just before she slid herself down the pipe. "Hook still has my phone."

"Do you really need it?" Emma asked.

"I've seen a lot of weird things in the past couple of days. If I get signal it's not going to be the weirdest. I'm not giving up hope."

"You sound like Mary Margaret. Fine, two minutes."

I ran over to where Hook was handcuffed to a pipe.

"The black slab that you stole from me a while ago. Where is it?" I asked him.

"I didn't steal it. You gave it to me. And why don't you come look for it." He said with his eyebrows raised. I rolled my eyes, crouched down in front of him, took out my taser and put it to the side of his head.

"Where. Is. It?!"

"My coat pocket on my left hand side." He growled. I slipped my hand into his jacket and tried not to blush. I felt my phone and quickly withdrew my hand. I got up and started to walk away.

"Your just going to leave me. Why don't you free me?"

"Oh, Sure(!)" I said.


"Its called sarcasm...mate! You should try it sometime." And with that I ran back over to the pipe.

Back on the ground at last. Willow and Milan seemed to be arguing when we walked over. Willow immediately started inspecting me for injuries.

"You have a cut on your face, what happened?" She demanded.

I scowled and looked over at Loki. "Someone can't control where he sends flying objects."

She walked up to Loki and cracked my hand across his face.

"Oh schnap" I muttered.

"Don't hurt my friend." She growled at him, before walking away from the group.


My apologies. I had parents evening yesterday. The last bit was rushed. see y'all Thursday.

Alex_Laufeyson Xxxxx
