1. The little bella wants to run away


I woke up early, 5:17 according to my clock. I never really knew if that was the time, I hadn't seen outside in 11 years. I remember the day I got taken.

I had had enough. I was done. This had gone on too long. I was packing my bag, taking everything that was of relevance. There wasn't much, I didn't have a lot of good memories here, I took my blue locket from my real parents and my hot pink Doc Martins. They were the only items of real importance.

"The fuck do you think you're going." My head snapped up. It was my 'brother'.

"Wherever you're not. You disgust me." I spat at him putting my bag on my back. I tried to walk out the door, but he put his arm around my waist.

"You've been a good girl." I shivered in disgust as he kissed my cheek, his breath smelling of cannabis, as always. "I'm going to let you go. Goodbye W." I closed my eyes and looked away. "I said goodbye." He gripped my waist tighter, making sure to make it hurt.

"Goodbye Craig." I said through gritted teeth. He looked at me expectantly and kissed me.

I gasped and pulled away. I stamped on his foot and ran. I didn't look back, not once. I finally stopped running after about 20 minutes, I looked behind me and there was no-one there so I sat on the ground, against a wall and cried. And for the first time in the 9 miserable years I spent on this planet, I cried out of relief. I was finally free. Free from a 'mother' who can't keep a bottle away from her lips. Free from the sounds of my 'father' having sex with his students. Free from an abusive 'brother'.

I sat for another 10 minutes, still thinking over the situation, until I got up and started walking. I was walking down the high street, when I heard a commotion. I turned down the next street on the left, to find three men standing there. I quickly hid behind a bin. I peeked my head out, looking at the tree men.

"You owe us 90 grand Amico." The first man, Blondie, said in a thick Italian accent.

"What the hell for?" Said the man he was facing, Rat Face, in a Boston accent.

Blondie's friend, Wanker, held a knife to Rat Face's throat. "He said, you owe us." He growled, also in an Italian accent. What were these guys? The Mafia?

The scene went on for a while longer, before Blondie snapped.

"You're gonna tell me where the fuck your friends are, or I will blow your brains out." He pulled out a gun. "1."

Rat Face looked panniced and tried to back up, but he was trapped. "I told you man, I don't know nothin'" He pleaded.


He realised what was going to happen, so Rat Face opened up. "Fine! They have Eliseo in number 27 North Drive in LA. Please let me go!"

Blondie chuckled. "You hear that? Our amico wants mercy." Rat Face nodded. "I'll show you mercy." Blondie's tone dropped and shot Rat Face straight in the head. "Americani stupidi." He spat.

As they started walking towards my hiding spot, I realised what I had just witnessed. I tried to jump up and scurry away, but something grabbed me from behind. It was Wanker.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here? The little Bella wants to run away." Blondie chuckled. "Kill her."

I squeaked in fright.

"L'uomo, non si può ucciderla, lei è come nove anni!" Wanker said in Italian.

"Non mi importa se lei è la regina in Inghilterra. Uccidila." Blondie responded. They carried on this argument for a minute, until Blondie turned to me. "It's your lucky day piccolo."

After Blondie and Wanker, who I now know are called Lino and Romano, kidnapped me, I was trained underground to become their personal fighting machine.

I woke up at 6 and had a glass of water.

6-6:30 I did light warm ups and stretches

6:30 is breakfast of an omelette with ham and cheese with orange juice.

6:30-7 is hard warm ups and then a snack of bread and water.

7-12 is hard training, sparring, kickboxing, getting out of hostage situations.

12 is lunch of salad and a raisin bagel with cranberry juice

12-3 is working on flexibility and reflexes.

3 is a break with dried fruit

3-7 is weapons training; guns, knives, swords in some obscure times.

7 is dinner of salmon and noodles with a green smoothie.

7:20-8 used to be Italian lessons for 4 years, but as became fluent, it became a rest period where I mostly read and then bed.

Then I repeated it. The same exact routine for 11 years. Except one day.

As I said, I woke up early, expecting the glass of water on my bedside table as it was every morning, but it wasn't there. I sat on my bed waiting, but it never came. So I just went into my stretches and then waited at my door for my omelette. It never came. I started to get worried. What had happened.

My room was soundproof, so there was no way I could hear what was going on so I sat in the middle of the room for about an hour, before the door to my room opened for the first time in 11 years.

There stood a man with dark skin and a beard. He was bald on the top and was completely clad in black leather. Behind him stood six, very odd looking people.

There was a buff man, with short hair in black, carrying a bow and arrow.

There was a... thing? Completely green and at least 9 feet tall. It looked like one of the 'Family's' hybrids.

There was a red and gold robot, or I thought it was a robot before it moved like a human.

There was a man in a ridiculous blue, white and red suit, with a round shield with a star on it.

There was a extremely toned blonde man, wielding an oddly shaped hammer.

And lastly, there was a woman in a leather catsuit and bright orange hair.

"Che diavolo vui?" I asked these people, thinking they were Italian. (T: What the hell do you want?)

"We don't speak... foreign." The robot said, in an almost human voice.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, changing my question, as they obviously didn't want to kill me.

The coloured man answered, with words I will never forget.

"These are The Avengers. We're here to help you."

AN: Yay! Chapter 1! That took me an age to write (it's not 3am). Anyway, I was thinking of updating on Tuesdays. And Alex will be updating on Thursdays. Yay! Friendship!


