20. Everything Goes Horribly Wrong

Tove's P.O.V

"This place is horrible." Loki stated.

"Yeah, well, it's not Asgard so shut up." I quipped. I was stressing out. This Cora woman and Hook we're trying to get us. Mary Margaret put herself into a deep sleep and found out that we needed to find some squid ink in Rumplestiltkin's cell. We we're currently wandering through the dungeons trying to find the right cell. Then the four women stopped.

"Huh. Rumplestiltskin's cell." Mary Margaret said. "I haven't been here since before Regina's curse." I nearly asked who Regina was but thought better because there was probably a 5 hour long back story. "This is where he told us you we're going to be the saviour." I felt bad eavesdropping on their conversation bit it was difficult not to.

"He knew?" Emma asked.

"It was prophesied. Come on." We all followed her into the cell. It was a bit cramped.

"The squid ink. It's not here!!" Aurora panicked. I noticed that Willow was rolling her eyes. I turned around to help looked but when I turned around I was inches from Loki's face, sort of. If I was taller it would be his face but it was more his chest.

"Was there anyone else in here with him?" Mulan asked. I stepped away from Loki and helped looking.

"No. He was kept alone. Visitors were forbidden. It was to dangerous to allow any human contact." Mary Margaret said also panicking. I noticed Aurora pulling something out of the wall.

"Hard to keep him from going crazy!" Emma exclaimed.

"He didn't." Aurora stated. We all looked at her.

"What is it? Is it a message?" Emma asked.

"Yes. And I think it's for you." I looked at Willow confused and she just shrugged.

"Why would you think... that." And there, on the scroll was the word 'Emma' written over and over again.

"Ah." I said. "So, no ink. Just a scroll with Emma written on it. Hmm."

"What does this even mean?" Bucky asked. Mary Margaret Mulan and Aurora we're still searching. Bucky, Willow, Loki and I decided to stay out the way. Emma was staring at the scroll.

"He was obsessed with her. She was the key to breaking the curse." Mary Margaret informed us.

"We've looked everywhere! There's no ink in this cell." Aurora complained.

"Well why don't you look harder?!" Willow said.

"Willow be quiet and leave them alone. You are in no position to be saying that considering the four of us aren't helping at all." I said getting annoyed with her attitude.

"Oh, trust you to protect the 'innocent'." Willow rolled her eyes "You barely know her Tove." She snapped.

"That still doesn't mean you can talk to her like that. 'Treat others the way you-"

Willow cut me off "Don't give me one of your stupid sayings!"

"Fine." I said. I didn't want to start a full argument.

"It has to be here somewhere. He told David!" Mary Margaret said frantically searching.

"You were in the netherworld. Maybe something got lost in translation." Emma said still staring at the scroll. I was playing about with the stones on the floor.

"No." Mulan said. "She heard right!"

"YOU FOUND IT?!" Mary Margaret shouted.

"In a manner of speaking." Mulan said.

"It's empty. Isn't it?" I said. I knew it without even looking at the bottle. Mulan's tone said it all.

Suddenly Aurora whirled around and flung a stone at the contraption keeping the door open.

"AURORA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Mulan shouted.

"I KNEW IT!" Willow also shouted.

"Not the time, Willow." I said.

"Oh be quiet. You may have been on S.H.I.E.L.D. longer but that doesn't make you the boss of me. Plus I'm older." I didn't even bother to answer.

"She's helping me." Someone said from the shadows.

"Oh. So this is that Cora you we're talking about." Loki said. Then she waved her hand and the compass disappeared from Emma's hand and into Cora's.

"Ah shit." Bucky said. Emma started freaking out and tried to break the jail door.

"Don't waste your energy dear. Rumpelstiltskin himself couldn't escape from this cell." Cora said. "Thank you Aurora. We couldn't have done it without you." We all looked at her. Willow started towards her but I put my hand on her chest.

"It's not our fight... yet" I muttered. Everybody else immediately started shouting at Aurora.

"Don't blame her." Cora drawled. "She was only doing what she was told." Cora held up something in her hand.

"Is that?" I said.

"Eww." Willow gagged.

"Interesting way of getting your dirty work done," Bucky said.

"She has a heart. In her hand." Loki said.

"You took her heart?" Emma asked, shocked and confused.

"Actually, I did." Hook said, emerging from the shadows. "It was a gift." Cora smiled coldly and started squeezing the heart. Aurora cried out and doubled over.

"Loki, do something!" I whispered.

"I can't!" He hissed.

"Forgive us, but Storybrooke awaits." Cora and Hook started walking away when Emma said:

"Hook. Wait." Hook turned around. "Please don't do this. My son is in Storybrooke. He needs me."

"Perhaps you should have thought about that before you left me on that Beanstalk."

"I was against it... originally," I muttered.

"What was that sweet cheeks?" Hook asked.

"Nothing." I said through gritted teeth. Sweet cheeks was worse than British.

"You would have done the same," Emma said.

"Actually. No." He pulled something out his pocket. "You know what this is?"

"The bean that the giant kept." Loki said whilst Emma tried to grab for it.

"Ah ah ahhh! Yes indeed. A pirate always keeps a souvenir of his conquest, but this, this is much more than a mere trinket. This is a symbol. Something that was magical, full of hope, possibility. Now look at it. Dried up. Dead. Useless. Much like you." He said the last part so quietly I could barely hear him.

"Can I kill him now?" Willow asked.

"Oh yes. Sure. But I bet you'll get far." I said stating the obvious.

"OK. What is your problem Tove?" I was about to answer her when Loki told us to shut up and save it for later.

"The time for making deals is done. Just as I'm done. With you." He pointed at Emma. "And you." He pointed at me.

"Aww. I thought we had something special." I said sarcastically. He just looked at me and then turned around and walked off with our only hope of getting home.

{15 minutes later}

"We aren't going to break it down Emma! It was enchanted to hold Rumplestiltskin. We don't have a chance." Mary Margaret said, exasperated.

"Well apparently we do have a chance. A piece of paper with a name written over it a hundred times. Useful." Sarcastic Loki strikes again

"Loki, don't talk out loud. You lower the IQ of the whole street." I said.

"Wow. You're a bitch today." Bucky said.

"Actually I was quoting Sherlock. I relate to him a lot. Especially at times like these." I said.

"Did you actually quote Sherlock!?" Willow asked, annoyed.

"Shut up. I'm British." I stated.

Aurora sighed and sat down. "This is all my fault." She said, evidently holding back tears.

"No, it's not." Mulan comforted her.

"Yes, it is!" Willow muttered.

"Typical!" I said.

"What? Whats typical?" Willow asked, annoyed.

"You. Always picking a fight. Trying to make it look like you're such a big man. For god's sake you have to sleep with the hall light on and your door open every night."

"I only to that because I'm worried that the Mafia are coming back to get me. But I wouldn't expect you to understand, Miss 'Perfect Life'!"

"Yes. You're right. I don't understand. But maybe if you opened up and actually trusted me like a friend, I would understand and I would be able to help you. And this is what annoys me most about you. You always push away those who care for you who try to help you. Me. The Avengers. Fury. Coulson. Hill. Even Loki. And especially Bucky. You think that you're stronger if there's nobody around you, but you're wrong. You're stronger with people, because they're there to protect you. But I wouldn't expect Miss 'Lone Wolf' to understand." Willow stood there in shook for a second. Then suddenly she stormed towards me, fists clenched, ready to punch me. She lifted her right hand and I flinched away but it never came. I looked at Willow who was now glaring at Bucky.

"LET GO OF ME, YOU ASSHOLE!" She screamed.

"Only if you don't punch Tove. She's your best friend after all."

"Fine. But don't expect me to be nice." She hissed and yanked her arm away from Bucky. Then she stormed to a corner and sat there brooding.

"That's stupid. Brave, but stupid. And honestly, the complete and utter truth." Loki said. "I should know." I smiled sadly at him.

"Thanks," I said quietly.

"If you're quite done. It's my fault. I'm the savouir but I'm not doing much saving lately." Emma said sadly.

"Cora may have one the battle but good always defeats evil," M-M said, sitting down beside Emma.

"You sound like Henry," Emma said.

"Well, I guess optimism runs in the family," M-M replied.

"Are you sure you're not related to Tove then?" Loki asked.

"Yeah, well, I think it skipped a generation," Emma said.

"You should know better than anybody. You broke the curse."

"And what have I done since then? I stranded us here, burned down the wardrobe, let Cora get the ash and now the compass. The only reason I broke the curse was because that's exactly what Gold wanted me to do. I had nothing to do with it."

"What are you talking about?" M-M asked.

"He told you that I was the saviour. It was his plan, once I'd fulfilled that role. Maybe that's all I was ment to do. Everything that I've ever done, it was all mapped out before I was even born. I'm not powerful. I'm not, the-the saviour. I'm a name on a piece of paper. I'm a con. And that is exactly why, we're in here....and Cora is on her way to Storybrooke." I looked at Emma and then at the piece of paper. There was something we were missing and it was starting to bug me.

"You still staring at that scroll?" Emma asked me. "It's not like it's going to magically open the door for us!!"


"What??" Mulan asked.

I looked at M-M and Emma. "What, even in our land, do most people use to write with???" They both looked at me and then M-M stood up.

"INK!!!" We both said. She picked up the scroll and blew on it. The words literally flew off the page.

"Ink! Gold wrote the scroll in squid ink!!!" Emma exclaimed. The words floated towards the door and disintegrated half off it.

"Told ya," M-M said. "Good always wins."

"Nice work," Willow muttered, pushing past me.

And just like that, we were free.


I'M BACK!! Hope that chapter was long enough and most of it was word for word from the first half of the episode. I'm now updating on a Saturday because it's easier. Also I have exams so nexts weeks chapter might not be as long. See you next Saturday though.

Love Y'all

Alex_Laufeyson Xxx
