
It has been an hour. Punz is here visiting and he has had to join Sapnap and George on the other side of the door. "What's going on?" Punz asked. He had obviously just gotten here. "Dream won't budge." George sighed. "HI PUNZ! HELP!" I screamed. Dream just laughed at us all, he clearly didn't plan on moving at all. "Is that.. Sadie?" Punz asked, I could tell he was very confused and concerned. "Yeah, Dream's being weird." Sapnap explained. "SHUT UP SAPNAP!" Dream yelled, everyone burst into a fit of laughter. "I don't know what you're laughing at princess, you're stuck in here with me." I glared at him from the corner of the room. "Fuck off." He raised his eyebrows at me, getting up from where he sat. He locked the door and started to walk over to me, kneeling down in the gap between my legs. "Clay, what are y-" He placed his hand over my mouth. With his free hand, he slowly moved it towards my thigh. Drawing circles with his finger the whole way, normally I would've stopped him but I didn't want it to stop. Why was I being like this? He shuffled forward, getting right in my face. "Are you going to listen to me now princess?" He whispered.

He could probably hear how fast my heart was beating, I was as red as a tomato that didn't help at all. I tried to get up but he just pushed me back down again. This wasn't helping the urge to rip his mask right off. You know what? Fuck it. I lifted my hand and brushed it along his jawline, he was visibly confused. I lifted my index finger and flicked the mask up. "Hi there." I smirked. He just stared at me in absolute awe. "What? Cat got your tongue?" I bit my lip, praying I didn't piss him off. Like I mean I wanted to piss him off but I didn't want to overstep a boundary. "Hi princess." He said, returning the smirk. Bringing his face centimeters away from mine, my breaths became shorr and shaky. What was he doing? Well boy was I about to find out.

He cupped my face and let out a deep exhale, he was clearly anxious about what he was going to do. He lifted my face high enough up so he didn't have to crouch so low. Were we really about to do this? He came closer, there was barely enough space for a finger between us. "Clay-" I started, but I was cut off by his lips crashing into mine. It was so wrong but it was like heaven. He pulled me up off of the floor and placed me in his lap, not letting our lips part. I never wanted it to end. He snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me as close as I could possibly be. We parted for a moment to catch our breath. I analysed his face, scanning every imperfection, every scar trying my hardest to let the image slip from my mind. Before I knew it, our lips met once more. I could tell he had been yearning for this, yet so have I. We parted for what would be the final time because as the bliss ended, Sapnap burst through the door.

"You guys were so quiet we thought you were de- OH NEVERMIND!" He yelled, running back out. "Shit." We said in unison. I reached over and grabbed his mask, handing it to him. He messed around with the back of it as I got up out of his lap. "I'm gonna go get him to keep his mouth shut." I said, gasping for air. "Smart." He laughed. I did not think this was funny. "SAPNAP!" I screamed, running down the hall after him, praying he hadn't gotten to George and Punz yet. I couldn't have been more wrong. I threw the kitchen door open, they all just stared at me shell-shocked. "Okay no it wasn't-" I started. "You can't lie to us, look at you." George was right, I was a flushed mess. God what have you done to me Clay. "Please don't tell anyone." I begged, if the boys found out about this they'd disown me. "No, don't worry, we get it. Family stuff." Punz assured. That's a huge relief, thank the lord. Dream came running down the hall, "IT WASN'T-" I looked at him and laughed, "They aren't stupid." He just stood there for a moment. "No regrets." He laughed, walking back upstairs. I looked back at them, "No regrets." And with that, I ran upstairs after him.
