
Tommy and Tubbo did their best to fight Dream off but it was no use, I lost them. "Why?" I said as I walked next to Dream. "Like I said last night, I'm protecting you." He replied. "You aren't safe there, look how easily he gave you up. What if I was Schlatt?" He continued. He was so right. I was better off here, safe away from Schlatt. I couldn't let him know I agreed with him. "You ripped me away from my family." I explained. "I am never going to forgive you for that Clay." I finished, before he could speak I walked away. I knew where the base was and George and Sapnap had already carried on whilst Dream tried to rip Tommy and Tubbo away from me. As I walked far enough ahead, I let everything out. I burst into a fit of tears to the point I could barely see through the cloud I had created in my eyes. "Sadie?" I heard a voice say, I could care less about who it was. I had too much shit on my mind to care.

I felt someone pull me in for a hug and wipe my eyes. "George?" I said through the sobs. "We don't have the best history, but it hurt seeing that happen to you. I'm sorry." George whispered. I didn't have the strength to speak, I just cried into his shoulder. He stayed there with me for a while until we heard footsteps approaching. "Just leave her with me, I don't think she wants to speak to you right now." George said, I didn't want to see who it was nor did I want to speak to them. "Sadie I'm sorry. I just want you to be safe." Dream. I could've guessed. I waited until I heard him leave before I took a step back from George and sat on the floor. Surprisingly, he sat with me. "I'm so sorry all this happened." He said, looking at me apologetically like it was his fault. "You clearly had no clue all of this would happen, it's okay." I feel terrible for exploding on him, he's a genuine person and clearly cares about how I'm feeling.

Sapnap emerged out of the gates. "Hey Sadie.." He said, I could practically hear the sympathy in his tone. "Hi Sap." I replied, gesturing for him to sit. I knew it wouldn't be a bad thing staying here, there were no hard feelings between any of us. I just felt betrayed and discarded. Wilbur knows we could've fought for L'manburg yet he dropped me in a heartbeat. After everything I did for him and our country, I guess I never really mattered. "I made food if you're hungry? It's okay if you aren't." Sapnap said, letting a faint smile sit on his face. "Of course, what did you make?" I said, standing up and brushing myself off. He jumped up grinning, "I made pasta!" He said excitedly before running back inside, hoping we'd follow. I waited for George to get up and as we walked inside, he put his arm around me. "You're going to be okay, maybe not yet but soon."
