
I woke up to the child banging on my bedroom door. Yet again. "Sadie! Up! Quick! Now!" He screamed. I chose to ignore him as this wasn't the first time he'd done this. Next thing I knew, he burst through my door. He raided the closet, throwing my armour out and started running around looking for other things. "Tommy? What the hell?" I groaned, not even having enough energy to open my eyes. "I have a really bad feeling about the war today. I want us to be prepared. Nobody will listen to me." He gasped, barely letting himself breathe. I sat up and looked out the window, they were all outside the camaravan having some sort of meeting. Wilbur, Fundy, Tubbo and Eret. L'Manburg didn't believe in armour so I couldn't really understand why Tommy was wearing his and begging me to put mine on. "We need to be prepared, Sadie. I don't trust Eret." Tommy said, finally sitting down and letting himself breathe.

I combed through my hair with my hands and looked up at Tommy. He hadn't slept, you could see it in his face. The way the bags under his eyes drooped and darkened by the second. He really was worried. "Are you sure Tom?" I asked, grabbing my armour from the other end of the bed. "100%" He confirmed. I got up out of bed and started to put my armour on. God it had been so long since I had worn this. "Please hurry, I don't know how much longer we have." Tommy rushed, fiddling with his hands, eyes fixated on the floor. I stopped what I was doing and walked over to him. As annoying as he was at times, I could tell this was no joke. I crouched down in front of him, "We got this Big T." I reassured. He nodded and picked his helmet up off of the table while I continued to put the rest of my armour on.

"We can't go out yet, we have to wait." Tommy said, peering out the window. "Wait for what?" I asked, why would we have to wait? "I know Eret has something planned, I heard him talking to Dream." He said, eyes glued to what was going on outside. "A traitor?" I asked, shocked that our worst fears had come true. A terrible fate awaited us and we were sitting ducks, waiting for the chaos to unfold. "Yeah, I know I sound mental-" He started. "-No I understand Tommy, I trust your instinct." I interrupted. He looked to me with a limp smile on his face and nodded. Now we wait. We wait for what feels like hours. Just as we decide to give up and maybe it was all a misunderstanding, they all moved. They followed Eret over to a trapdoor placed conveniently next to the L'Manburg walls. "It's go time." Tommy said. With that, we ran out of my house and sat at the top of the hole in the ground. Praying everyone was going to be okay.

