
11 months later...


I'll not be able to go with you today.

Us boys have a night out together.

We got the contract rights for our first software today.


It's alright.

Have fun.

Call me when you reach home.


Alex chuckled as he read her downtrodden message. He could see her clenching her phone in her hands and wondering how the fuck did he forget.

He didn't forget.

Alex walked out of her room and down the stairs going to the lobby of her house and flinched as a balloon popped somewhere. Probably the work of Zayn..

Richard and Zayn were completely infatuated by her spunky yet kind behavior. It was surprising that they got attached quickly, especially Richard since he rarely opens up to anyone.

The kitchen wafted with the fragrance of freshly baked cake, made by her mom and brownies made by her nanny- the same she made when they first met.

And now, it's been a year.

Today was the day he had first got to know a silly adorable girl, who make bad jokes, hate maths, paints to relieve stress, love nuts, smiles shyly at compliments, couldn't run for life and he was so utterly infatuated with her.

His phone vibrated in his hands and he smiled.

"She is here."

"Switch off the lights."

The room dissolved in darkness and a jingle of keys could be heard from the other side, before the door was pushed open.

He could hear her fumbling with the switch and there was a click.


Myra froze in shock and her handbag fell to the ground as her hands flew up to her mouth to depict just how shocked she was.

... and she started crying.

"Waahhh!! Waahh!"

Oh lord.

Alex chuckled. He actually forgot about how sensitive she is.

"Alright. Alright." He walked towards her and drew her close. She wounded her arms around him as she sobbed out her heart.

"Waah! I thought y-you f-f-forg-"


He kissed her forehead tenderly, ignoring the bout of awes and smiles thrown at them.

"How could I forget the day, I met my little darling.."

"Waah!! Waah!"

"... even if she is a sobbing mess."

"Waah!! Wah!!"

"Come, let's cut the cake."


Amber eyes peered up at him in delight at the mention of cake and he sighed as she drew back.

"Let's cut the cake."

She tugged him towards the table, where a heart shaped red velvet cake sat smugly and Alex sighed.

She probably still love cake more than him.


This marks the official ending of the Wrong Number. Hope you had loved reading the story of our dearest Alex & Myra. Thank you for all your votes and comments.
