I get pranky

"WHY?!" Violet cries "the only hot guy here is taken! How can my life get any worse!!" "Shut up Violet! Shut the hell up!" Penny yells at her "wow. Looks like the Amity has a badass side" I say

After training

After me and Toby dismiss the initiates to their dorms, we walk down to the cafeteria, hand in hand, to get some Dauntless cake (Toby's idea). As soon as we sit down, Zeke comes up behind us and pats us really hard on the back, and yells into our ears "CANDOR OR DAUNTLESS AT MY PLACE TOMORROW NIGHT!!" Before running off. As soon as Zeke runs off, Tobias and I exchange glances, and look on each others backs, because last time he patted us on the backs he put "kick me" signs on them and my butt was sore for days. Suddenly the best idea come to mind. "I've got to go" I say suddenly getting up "but you didn't finish your cake" Tobias says to me concerned. "I'll finish it later" I say running out of the cafeteria knowing Tobias will obviously finish it for me because it'll drive him crazy if he doesn't.

"Uriah!" I yell down the hall. "Ya Trisypoo?" "Ok first don't call me that and second, you know what we haven't done in a while?" "What?" He asked without a clue. I give him a devilish smile, "a prank." "you're right" he says smiling devilishly, "the last one we did was on Zeke when he was an Initiate"


Me and Uri wait outside the transfer forms for our alarm clock to go off. Then they start going off, releasing the buckets of slime that we set up each bed and dumping all over the initiates. The girls start shrieking, some of the guys are laughing, but not Zeke. "PRANKED YA!!!" Me and Uri yelled then shooting them with paintballs. "TRIS!! URIAH!!" Zeke yells. "See ya" we both say before bolting down the pit.

Me and Uri are running for our lives with a slime and paint covered Zeke chasing us. "You two get back here!" He yells. "No way!" I yelled back shorting him with a green paintball and hitting him right on the forehead. "Bullseye!" I yelled laughing. "Now you've done it!" Uri yelled as Zeke ran faster. Suddenly I trip. "Tris!" "Go! Go Uriah! Save yourself! It's to late for me, run!" Uriah then starts running and Zeke grabs me and throws me over his shoulder and walks me back to the dorms.

Zeke throws me onto his bed back at the dorms. "Who ever wants vengeance follow me!"Zeke says with many other Initiates following him. "And Four. Keep an eye on this one and make sure she doesn't run off to warn Uriah that we're coming." Four stands in front of me covered in slime and paint with a very displeased expression on his face. "Sorry Four. It was just a prank" I say all sweetly and innocent. "And just saying you're kinda cute when you're covered in paint and slime." His expression slowly softens. "I can't stay mad at you" "Four!!" Zeke yells "But I have to." His expression changes back to an angry one. 

End of Flashback  

"That was so funny!" Me and Uri say at the same time laughing our heads off. "We should totally do that again!" We both stop laughing and give each other our idea look. "You get the buckets, I'll get the slime" we both say together. "Go!!" we say again together, after doing our twin handshake and taking off in different directions 
