Candor or Dauntless

Tobias's P.O.V
As soon as we all calm down and start playing the game again. "Ok my turn" Uri says looking around the circle "Four, Candor or Dauntless?" "Dauntless" I say "I dare you to answer Candor for the next 5 rounds." Tris looks up at me with a concerned face. "It's ok" I say and take off my shirt. And throw it in the middle of the circle. "Ok Lynn Candor or Dauntless?" "Hmm....Candor" "ok who are you dating?" Lynn takes off her shirt and tosses it in the middle to. "Ok Zeke Candor or Dauntless?" Lynn says smirking "Dauntless" he replies "I dare you to propose to the first woman you find" "ok" he says quickly. I grab the video camera and follow Zeke out of the apartment.
Tris's P.O.V
2 minutes have passed and they finally come in the apartment. Zeke looks embarrassed and like he's in pain. Tobias tosses me the camera and I press play on the video.

The video shows Zeke searching for something then a girl starts walking by "my love I've found" he says "who are you?" She asks "I'm your boyfriend and I've been wanting to do this for a long time, will you whatever your name is marry me?" He says getting down on one knee "you asshole" she says punching Zeke in the face. He falls over "but my love" then she kicks him in the stomach and walks away as if nothing happened

We all start laughing. "Zeke you got rejected" Uriah says and we all start laughing harder. "Ok haha now I know how you felt Uri" "pay back" he says "ok 3 more rounds and we'll call it a night"

"Ok Candor or Dauntless.. Peter?" "Dauntless" he says firmly "ok kiss your crush." Peters face turns a little red and he looks at me. Tobias wraps his arms around me protectively and gives Peter a touch her and I'll kill stare. Peter just slowly takes off his shirt and throws it in the middle of the circle. "Ok my turn Tris Candor or Dauntless" "Dauntless" "I dare you to do 7 minutes of heaven with Four." "Ok" I say getting up and leading Tobias to a room "what" Uriah and Zeke say "I'm not a pansycake" I say closing the door.

Zekes P.O.V

As soon as Tris closes the door me and Uri give peter a dirty look "what?" he ask "thanks to you our little sister is going to lose her
V-card" Uri huffs "she still hasn't lost it?" "No she hasn't we would know if she did" I yell

Tris's P.O.V

As soon as I close the door I hear Zeke and Uri yelling at Peter. I then turn around and see Tobias sitting on the bed looking cute "you look cute" I say climbing on his lap. He holds  my back to support me. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. We kiss for what seems like a few minutes until we hear Zeke and Uriah banging on the door yelling "TIME'S UP!!!" "Already" I say in a pouty voice. "Ya times up" "ok just let me put on my pants" "WHAT" they both yell. "Kidding" I say opening the door. And sitting back in the circle with Tobias following me.
