Candor or Dauntless

Tris p.o.v
I hear a knock on my door "come in"!I yell. Christina comes in "hey tris where are you" "I'm in my room" "kk" she enters my room and hands me a bag "new house gift" she says smiling "ohh what is it" I ask opening the bag. It's a red skin tight leather dress and some black strapped heels "I'm speechless" I say. " Ya love it" she asks me "ya I do" "put it on" she says pushing me into the bathroom.
Christina's p.o.v
I sit on Tris's bed and wait for her to change into the new dress I just got for her when I hear a knock on the door. "Chris?" Tris says "ya" "can you get that" "kk." I open the door and see Four he must think I'm Tris because he calls me Trissy. "Hey Triss-Christina hey what are you doing here?" Getting ready for Zekes Candor or  Dauntless party with Tris and one more thing why did you call me Trissy?" I thought you were Tris and that's my nickname for her" "aww so cute". "What's so cute?" I turn around and see Tris in her dress and heels. "Tris you look, amazing." I glance at Four who's mouth is hanging open "carful Four you don't wanna catch flys" I say closing his mouth. "Tris wow you look, just, wow" he says scratching the back of his neck. "I turn to Four and say "are you going to stand their looking like an idiot or are going to come in and talk to your girlfriend." "Wha" he says looking at me "oh forget it." I grab Fours wrist and pull him inside and close the door "you two have fun but not to much fun" I say pointing my finger at them as I walk away.
Tris's p.o.v
I look and see that Tobias has roses. "Are those for me?" I ask him pointing at the big bundle of roses in his hand "um yes,yes they are for you." He says handing me them "aww Toby" I say smiling at him and taking a big sniff of the roses "they smell amazing." I set them down and get a vase to put them in.  "You look amazing" Tobias says as I fill the vase up with water. "Thanks Toby" I pick up the roses and take another sniff and put them in the vase "tris they are so pretty" Chris says "thanks but Four got them for me" I say looking at Tobias and smiling "Chris you look gorgeous" Christina looks down at her dress and spins around "ya think" "Will is going to love it" I say glancing at the clock "shit we're going to be late".

We finally arrive and sit in a circle. I look around and see who's here.
Lynn, Marlene, Will, Uriah, Zeke, Christina, me, Toby and Peter what's he doing here "uh Zeke?" "Ya" "what's he doing here" I ask pointing to Peter "he invited himself" Zeke says shrugging "ok".
I take a seat in between Toby and Chris. "OK my apartment I go first" Zeke yells "ok Candor or Dauntless...Uriah" "uh Dauntless I ain't no pansycake" "ok" Zeke taps his chin and an evil grin spreads across his face "I dare you to let Christina and Marlene dress you up in whatever they want". Uriah starts to get up. " I'm not done. And you have to run around the pit screaming I'm a pansycake until someone asks you if your ok then slap them and yell of course I'm ok and run away laughing like a an idiot while flapping your arms like a bird". Zeke crossed his arms over his chest and has a proud satisfied  look on his face. Uriahs face turns red and he's about to take his shirt off when we all yell at him "PANSYCAKE" "fine" Christina and Marlene shot up from their spots and drag him into a room.

A few minutes past and then Christina comes out laughing hysterically "Uriah come on it's a dare come out" Christina says still laughing. Then Marylin pushes him out of the room and we see that Uriah has a pink tutu on a white shirt that says I'm a pretty princess written in sparkly letters a blond wig on with the crown that that has a star on top he has fairy wings and to top it all off he has ballet slippers on. We all just start laughing so hard. Let's just get this over with" Uriah mumbles "what was that princess Uriah" I say. Everyone starts laughing even harder "haha very funny let's just get this over with" Uriah says trudging out the door. "Zeke quick gimme your camera" Tobias says. Zeke quickly grabs it and tosses it to him.

About five minutes past and then Uriah enters the apartments looking very displeased "I hate you all" he says to us then Tobias runs in with the camera laughing so hard "let's see" we all yell he tosses me the camera and I press play

The video starts off with Uriah asking Tobias if he can start "ya go" then Uriah starts running around the pit screaming I'm a pansycake over and over until Eric approaches him "uh Uriah" "WHAT" Uriah yells in his face "dude you ok?" "YES IM OK WHY WOULDN'T I BE" Uriah yells in his face then he slaps Eric and starts running away laughing "muahaha" and waving his arms like a bird. I just drop the camera and start laughing so hard I'm almost in tears. "Haha very funny thanks Zeke" "your welcome my brother" Zeke says patting him on the back.
