8 mounts later

Tris's P.O.V

I wake up wrapped in tobias's arms. Then he waked up and catches me staring at him. "Morning" "Morning" "what time is it?" i turn around and look at the clock "its 9:56 we have at least an hour until the new Initiates come" "OK im going back t-" then we hear banging on the door and Zeke yelling "TRIS, FOUR, GET UP, YOU UP?" I get out of bed and throw on my robe and slippers. I open the door and get ready to yell at Zeke. He then slaps his hand over my mouth before I could get any words out. To get his hand off my mouth I bite his finger. "ow" "what do you want?" "nothing" "ok then bye" I almost close the door in his face when he stops it and barges in. "ok come on in we dont have to get ready for intation" "ok" Zeke goes into our fridge and gets out the bacon i saved for dinner. 'Zeke, i saved that for dinner" "oh well sorry, im having a Condor or Dauntless party at my place tonight dont forget" Zeke tells us heading to the door "Zeke dont take the bacon with you" ''to late'' he says through the door.

an hour later

Me and Tobias wait at the bottom of the net for the initiates to jump off the roof. I see a blur of black and white, Candor. Tobias grabs the net and a Candor boy falls out. Tobias helps him up, he walks forward and when he sees me he starts staring at my breasts. "name" he then looks up into my eyes "what'd you say" "i said, name, you can change but make it good, because you dont get to pick again" "um Jax?" "Four wanna make the announcement?" "how about you six" "First jumper Jax" I yell.

we have 17 initiates this year, 4 Candor, Jax (Jackson), Eve (Avery) Cole, and Alex (Alexander)
1 Amity, Penny (Penelope)
6 Dauntless born, Hunter, Logan, Faye, Blaze, Kara and Ruby,
4 Erudite, Violet, Sky (Skylar), Lilly, and Luke,
2 stiff's(that's what we Dauntless call Abnegation), Mack (Mackenzie) and Charlie

"DAUNTLESS BORN YOUR WITH CHRIS AND WILL, NON DAUNTLESS BORN YOUR WITH US" I yell to get the Initiates moving. "my names Six and this is Four" I hear one of the Candor's laugh "Aren't Four and Six numbers?" Tobias is about to do his scary Four thing he did to Chris last year when someone makes fun of his name, but I stop him. "listen up, Jax if I wanted to listen to Candor smart mouths all day I would've joined their faction, but I didn't, this is Dauntless, so you shut your smart mouth or you end up factioless , got it?" A wide eyed Jax looks at me and nods his head up and down rapidly, then says, "got it" "good, now let's start with the tour" I walk away from Jax and Tobias high fives me "I think you scared him" "good he needs to learn to keep his mouth shut" I stop and turn to face Jax and then stomp towards him and he jumps, I then, continue walking and I say "yup, I scared him" I say popping the p
