
Here are the horoscopes for the week.

(Note these are from the website theastrologyroom.com)

ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)

Try to stay out of trouble this week if you can Aries. Mars is trying to push you into arguments which can only leave you looking and feeling the fool.  Stick to facts, not fiction, and you can build a firmer foundation for your love life.  You’ll have to agree, it’s about time you asked for what and who you want, just as you need to accept people for who they are.

TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)

Make sure you behave in business this week when it’s going to be all too easy for you to stir up trouble, just to get a reaction.  Someone has said something which has upset you and the sooner you face them, instead of addressing third parties, the sooner you will be able to move on from what occurred. 

GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)

We can’t help but fall out with our close ones sometimes. Recent upsets have affected you more than you’re letting on.  Use Sunday for peace talks when you can be sure that you’ll have the communication skills of Mercury to help you both find common ground. Money spent on the home hurts, but will save you a small fortune later my friend.

CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)

Waiting for results of some sort is driving you crazy and you would be well advised to fill your time with relaxing and mixing with friends who can take your mind off your worries.  Have confidence in your abilities. I can see from your stars that your life is headed in a better direction than you’d dared dream. 

LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)

Other people’s arrangements clash with your own and so you may have trouble trying to please everyone this week. A lot of the signs are acting somewhat selfishly, so make your own plans without them if you are not getting the reaction you had hoped for.  Romance progresses but could push you to say more than you’re ready for.

VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)

Group arrangements go well this week and you’ve at last learned to work as part of a team rather than trying to cope with everything on your own.  Money you were hoping to receive needs to be chased up before Wednesday if you are to avoid disappointment.  Pregnancies and births bring surprise as you see how quickly other signs have moved on with their lives.

LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)

Love and hate come close together, which is why it’s so important that you don’t say or do anything you may come to regret.  Listen to their side of the story this weekend. There is much about them you have to learn and which can bring you closer together.  A last minute party invite aided by Venus changes your view on what you want from your future.

SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)

The home needs your attention and, for someone who can be quite a home body when they want to be, it’s somewhat of a shock to friends how much of a rebel you’ve become.  From Tuesday you find a happy medium and you also learn that you have a new admirer who’s willing to change anything to fit in with you. 

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)

Financial matters are getting out of hand and just as you’ve managed to work out where you’re spending too much of your money you’re also working out who it is that is responsible for parting you and your cash. You’re no longer frightened to say goodbye to the bad influences in your life as you refuse to suffer fools gladly.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)

New hobbies start to take up much more of your time and you start to realise that you can, and should, have fun in life.  A past influence can no longer hurt you and although it’s taken you a long time to realise this, it will only take you a matter of days to use your freedom dramatically.  Good times call and you’re ready to be you again.

AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)

Problems in the family are getting out of hand and it’s vital that you try to avoid getting involved in any disputes as you won’t get to know all of the facts until Thursday or Friday.  Unexpected gifts or packages give you reason to have more faith in what close ones are planning to commit to.  Older faces prove demanding, but not if you listen and help them with their needs.

PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)

Try to stick to arrangements you’ve made for this week as others have gone out of their way to accommodate you.  Lies you’ve told come back on you but can be forgiven and moved on from if you’re willing to hold your hands up and make apologies where they’re necessary.

 (If these are describing your week perfectly please comment and explain how. They are accurate for me and a few people I know. I use this website quite often.)
