
How does SCREAMO/HEAVY METAL help with writing?

From now on I will be inserting how certain genres of music will be helping.

Small exercise to start…

There may or may not be a link in the side, but if not open up a new tab and type in then type in the search bar for you tube: Pierce The Veil, King For A day lyrics (Also insert clean version, if you prefer non-cussing songs) and turn down your volume a bit, though it does help if loud.

This is a screamo song.

What’s the first emotion that comes to mind when you hear this?

The first thought.

Mine is, for example. Anger and truth.

When writing a scene between characters in which they are angry or so upset they may or may not be screaming. I feel this music is the best too listen too. It sets the mood (I listen to it a lot anyway). This song in particular is about being pushed to the limit, there’s only so much a person could take.

My attempt at writing an angry scene without the music:

He stared. His  eyes weren’t looking, but they were staring. His lips quivered and he bit back a scream. His own brother, his own twin brother had betrayed him. “How could you?” He whispered, but it was a dangerous whisper, a whisper that spoke of homicide and knives piercing skin.

“Kurt I…”

“SAVE IT CARSON,” He screamed, tears in his eyes, his calm demeanour evaporating. He never shouted, never screamed, barely ever batted an eye in the worst of times. He was the strong one, the composed one. But this was his brother.

“I didn’t mean…”

“To what? To tell him, to tell everyone? To let the whole world know that the only job I have left is in…that, to have them laugh at me and snarl at me in disgust when I come near?”

“I only told him, I thought I could trust him!”

“And I should believe you why?”

“I’m your brother, your big brother, your twin,”

“No, You were,”


However, try reading it with the music to set the mood.


“I DARE YOU, GO ON, I DARE YOU,” His eyes were alive, wild, the usual calm water were now rough and tormented. The younger boy’s cheeks were flushed and burnt with the air, hands shaking.

“I didn’t do anything-,” He was cut off abruptly by a scoff from his twin brother, the four minutes difference was something he’d often gloat on, but not today, no gloating in this damp air.

“Didn’t do anything my ass,” He hissed, hand flying out, catching the pale cheek of his four-minute-older brother. “How DARE you pretend this ok, that I’m ok? You disgust me,” Each word was full of venom, and Carson knew, he just knew, he wasn’t going to get his brother back, for one mistake, for the popularity he was falsely promised.

“Please..” He begged, but Kurt wasn’t listening. “It was one mistake, please; I’m your brother…”

“No, you WERE my brother,” And with one last look from his brother, his heart shattered to the ground and the anger that coursed through Kurt’s veins flew at him. But he didn’t want too fell anything anymore, He was numb.


Difference much?

Anyway, I’ve proved my point, see you next week.



Okay, so I’ve been struggling to get interviews, because I have quite a small section and very few friends, so I guess this is sort of an advertisement. So if anyone feels like being an interviewee, please just drop a message in my personal account-KickTheCJ.


I’m doing a competition. You have to finish off the lyrics that I give you, with the name of the band/singer and the song title. I will post this also on the competition section.
