Are You The Best?

The interview this week is with carrie365.


What is your name and where are you from?


I don't put up my real name but I go by Carrie and I am from Canada.


How did you get your inspiration to write 'Forever Running'?


Forever Running is a story that I never thought I would write. It has a mood that I never normally write, I'm more of a upbeat type of person. ;) I guess my inspiration would be from various movies and books I read about teens who run away from home. I never really had a definite inspiration.


Have you ever ran away from home?


Oh God no! Hahah! I love my home and my family! No way I would leave. But I think that's why I'm worrying this book. I'm challenging myself to write about something that has never happened to me and hopefully never will.


I have to admit I have thought about it when I was younger, but instead of running away I moved out like 3 times and ended up coming back.

What type of environment is around you? Such as home life, family, and things like that.


I honestly love my environment so much! Although my family can be slightly pressuring at times I love them very much! My friends are also so sweet and nice. Have you ever heard if that saying or stereotype that Canada is boring? Well being a Canadian and all, I would like to day it's not boring. It's safe. The crime rate here in Ottawa is so low it's unbelievable, especially for the capital. This is why I love my city so much. It's a nice feeling to know that I can walk down the street without have if the fear of being kidnapped or shot or any other horrific experiences. 


I have always wanted to go to Canada, I have a friend that lives there.

What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?


Personally I can't stand world hunger. I hate the feeling I get when I wat something and I realize that not everyone in the world don't even have something as simple yet crucial as food. If one thing in the world that I think should be changed is ending world hunger.


I like that, I feel the same way.

You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire.  They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend.  The criticism is distasteful and unjustified.  What do you do?


Right when they were criticizing my friend, I would tell them to stop and reveal the fact that I am a friend of the one they are criticizing. I would probably make some 35 minute speech about how they are wrong about her/him and also explain how cowardly and messed up they are to talk about someone behind there back. Also, I will not tell my friend about the others. One feud had already ended by me telling them they were wrong, there is no need to start a new one.


Do you regret anything?


Do you mean do in regret anything in my life?




I don't like to say I regret anything I've ever done. Mainly because everything I have done in the past, made me who I am today.


Last question, what or where do you want to be in the furure?


In the future I really want to be a doctor. I'm not sure what kind yet but I know I want to be one. I'm going into the eleventh grade now and I am taking all the courses that I need to take to get into a good university and hopefully medical school. I want to be a service of the people and help save lives. Thank you so much for the interview.

Do you want an interview? Please contact me.
