Books Mayhem!

Hello! So here I am again with my wonderful column of books, books and books!:D

Last week's question that you had to answer for this week was:

Who is your favourite published author? What are your favourite books that your favourite author wrote?

Answers I received:

@KarmaGi My favourite author would be James Patterson or Rick Riordan. Favourite book is Maximum Ride the whole series by James Patterson.

@JCabanilla Favourite author: Becca Fitzpatrick. 

My favourite books by this author: The Hush Hush Series.

@barbiel My favourite author is Emily Bronte. My favourite books are The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, A Tree Grows In Brooklyn by Betty Smith, The Fallen Series by Lauren Kate and Tentacles by Roland Smith.

@Hellodoggie My favourite book author is J.K Rowling, because I love Harry Potter, I'm a total potterhead. Besides J.K Rowling I really like Rick Riordan for the Percy Jackson Series.

I would like to say a big thank you to these wonderful persons who answeres my questions!

And as you may know by reading my columns of last week, I will be answering my own questions!

So here it is:

Me, @Windwinder My favourite published authors are Enid Blyton and Roald Dahl. I love all of their books!

Now, here is some information on a fantastic author, Enid Blyton!

Enid Blyton

Enid Blyton is one of the greatest authors of all time. She was born on the 11th August 1897 and died on the 28th November 1968. Her second name is Mary. She is sometimes known as Mary Pollock as her second name is Mary and Pollock is the surname of her first husband. She has two children both girls whose names are Gillian and Imogen. Some of her most famous books are Famous Five, Secret Seven, Five Find Outers and Dog, Naughtiest Girl, The Faraway Tree and The Wishing Chair, among others. It is calculated that in 40 years she wrote 600 books and that her books have sold 600 million copies. Her first carrier was that of a teacher. The character Noddy that she invented for little children is still popular to this day especially with English children. Her work has been translated into nearly 100 languages. Her first book for children was published in 1922 which was Child Whispers, a collection of poems. In the 2008 Costa Book Awards, Enid Blyton was voted Britain's best-loved author.

I hope you enjoyed this piece of information on Enid Blyton!

In this column I will also be having a Wattpad Book Of The Week, every week. So keep your eyes peeled for a wonderful book here every week! I hope you enjoy them!

So here is this week's Wattpad Book!

Wattpad Book Of The Week

Mirror Opposites

Author: @pennameajt 

Genres: Science Fiction, Fantasy 

Parts: For now, 8 parts. 

Wattcode: 17026595


Ever wonder if those myths of having a twin somewhere else in the world are true? Ever wonder why they always tell you to be careful what you wish for? Ever wonder if maybe there is another world out there that we never knew of? For two teen boys, Seth and Sean, that wondering is brought to an end. But will it be for the better or for the worst? Two worlds and dimensions collide as human Seth Larson of Earth and elemental Sean Laurel of Thrae switch places in following a freak lightning storm. They are forced to live out each others lives until they can find a way back home, but for Seth who has to go to war pretending to be Sean this can be a dangerous task. And for Sean who has never known the life Seth has, it may be one he never wants to leave. Will the two teens switch back to where they belong? Or will everything come to a sudden end? Original Copyright (c) Jan. 2012. Continued Copyright (c) May 2013

This is a great book! I love it! It captured my interest at the very beggining! It is very good written and it has a wonderful plot! I recommend it to everyone! 

The book has only 8 parts for now but it will expand soon! I am waiting for the next update right now! 

This book is also in The Watty Awards 2013 so help the author by reading, voting and commenting!

Next week's question is:

Apart from Wattpad, what other book/story sharing and reading for free sites do you know/use? Which is/are the best including Wattpad? Why?

Please reply by sending me a private message or posting a comment below!

Important Announcment

I have a contest for you! I am going to do a contest here! Here are the details:

If you would like to share your opinion/s on my column and what can I add and/or improve and why, just post a comment below!

Hope you enjoyed my column! See you next time!:D

I am holding a contest!

Here are the details:

Name: All You Can Write Contest

Genre: You decide which genre you want to do.

Words: You can do as many words as you want but it has to have at least 1000 words. If you can't do 1000 words, we will discuss it.

Deadline: Tuesday 7th August 2013

Format: The best way is that you put your story as a book on Wattpad and dedicate it to me.

Prizes: 1st Winner: A fan from me and a read, vote and comment on 2 books of his/her choice.

2nd Winner: A read and a comment on a book of his/her choice. If you don't have a book on Wattpad, we will see what we will do.

3rd Winner: A fan and 2 reads on a book of his/her choice.

I will fan all the other contestants!

Other: No poems here please! This is a story contest. But don't worry, I may hold a poem contest in the future!

Your stories have to be written purposely for this contest. You can't give in a story that you have  

already put on Wattpad or any other story/book sharing site. But you can give in a story that you wrote in the past but haven't put on Wattpad or any other story/book sharing site as long as they have the requirements above.

No swear words in your story please.

You and your story will be feaured in this magazine if you enter!

If you have any questions just send me a private message or write a comment below to me and I will answer back!

Please enter!:D
