Chapter 6: Wrong Place, Wrong Time

"What do you think you're doing!?" Mandi said pushing Jak onto the bench, "You're making us look bad!"

Jak folded his arms and sat back. "I'm winning the game, how am I making us looks bad?"

"You idiot," she replied, grabbing the collar of his jersey, "Did you forget that we're supposed to be the underdogs this year!"

Jak slapped his sister's hand away. "I'm pretty sure having a reputation of the greatest player after dad and Krow eliminates me from being an underdog. And if you weren't so busy holding back, you and Krissy would be the top players in Gobbowl History!"

Mandi gritted her teeth. "Look Jak..." but she was stopped by Krissy placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Jak," she said gently, "Gobbowl isn't fun if we don't add drama to it. Dad thought it was different for a while, but look how much the game has changed since he retired. Look at all these people who paid kamas to see a show. What's the point of winning if its boring to watch?"

Jak stood up and brushed past Krissy, "Do what you want, I'm sitting this one out."

"W-w-wait a tic, where is Jak-in-the-box going?" The announcer asked, "The second quarter is about to begin, and yet he's leaving the field!" The crowd exchanged concerned glances and whispers. Amalia and Cleome turned to Maude, who looked back at them in confusion, before getting up and making her way towards the exit. Amalia and Cleome both started after her, while Bert slipped into a portal and travelled after Jak.

Meanwhile in the crowd, a group of rouge men noticed Bert's unique way of travel and looked at each other for a moment before taking off through the crowd after the portal jumping boy. As they went through the exit, one of them radioed his cohorts. "Yeah, It's me...There's been a slight change of plans. We're gonna snatch us an Eliatrope and use him to get the Queen. He wore a sickening smile as he greedily rubbed his hands together, "Bring the digger around to the west side of the stadium and wait for my signal!"

Bert silently tailed Jak as he stormed off towards the locker room, He paused for a moment after hearing the sounds of shouts from the stadium. Sounds like they started back up again he thought, before continuing on his way. He sensed that he was being watched so he proceeded with caution. Once he got to the locker room, he tore his jersey off and placed it in his locker. The feeling of eyes on him intensified so he grabbed a gobbowl and threw it as hard as he could at the ceiling. The ceiling tile cracked and gave way and down fell Bert into a pile of dirty clothes.

"Hey what's the big idea!?" he demanded pulling a pair of dirty underwear off of his hat and throwing it.

"How did you get in here kid?" Jak asked confused and a little embarrassed that he got so worked up over a kid.

"Hey I'm not a kid!" he replied brushing himself off, "I'm five years old, and besides you're a kid!"

"I'm eleven..." Jak said flatly.

"So? You're still a kid!" Bert insisted.

Jak gave an annoyed smile, "Alright you're annoying too. Why were you following me and how did you get into the ceiling?"

"I wanted to ask you a question!" Bert replied, ignoring his second question.


"why do you have black marks on your arms?"

Jak was taken back by his ludacris question.

"I'm sorry..." he scoffed, "what?"

"They look cool and I want them. So can you give them to me too?"

Jak looked at his arms. The amekings that Bert was talking about were indeed unique to him, but for a scarier it was nothing special. Jak's particular marks were lightning bolts in a zebra-like pattern going up his arms until it became a flame-like pattern spread around his shoulders.

Bert asked so innocently that Jak wasn't sure if this kid was for real or purposely messing with him.

"So you followed me.... All the way from what I'm assuming are the stands... Just so you could ask me a dumb question like that?"

"Hey, it's not dumb! I want your arm marks cuz they look cool!"

Jak chuckled a bit before breaking out into full on laughter. Bert tilted his head as he tried to figure out why Jak was laughing so hard.

"Oh man!" Jak said finally, "I actually needed that laugh. I like you kid, you're cool with me. What's your name?"

"My name is Prince Alibert the second, son of King Yugo and Queen Amalia of Eliatrope City on Mount Zinit"

Jak blinked a few times.

"That sounded rehearsed kid"

"Mother says I should always introduce myself like that, but I just prefer Bert. I don't like doing all that prince stuff"

"Wait, you said you're King Yugo and Queen Amalia's kid?" Jak asked more for himself, "So then you're an Eliatrope! That explains how you got in here. Wait, are the king and queen here right now?"

"Just my mom" Bert replied, "We were sitting with your mom during the game"

Jak's face turned pale. "S-so you mean that THE Queen Amalia Sheran Sharm, was watching my team play?" Bert nodded. "And she saw me storm off the field! Crap!" Jak grabbed his Jersey and took Bert by the hand and bolted towards the door. "C'mon kid," he said frantically, "We gotta get back out there!"

Suddenly, the floor under the door exploded and caught the boys in the blast. Jak and Bert had no time to react and they were thrown against the back wall, knocking Bert out and dazing Jak.

"Aye lookie what we got here" A man said, "An Eliatrope prince AND a star Gobbowl player as an added bonus"

Jak's eyes were hazy and all he could see where men in bandanas pulled over their eyes and a huge machine of some sort before everything went black.
