Chapter 4: The Meeting

Chibi tried to make sense of everything that just happened. He had been having odd feelings every morning for the past week, but this was the first time he had ever had a dream that felt so real in his life. He quickly got out of bed and dressed himself and sat on his windowsill.

"Hey Chibi!" a voice called from below. Chibi looked down and saw a young Sadida accompanied by her Eliatrope friends. Putting on a weak smile he waved at them. "Are you and Grougal gonna play some gobbowl with us?" she asked. "Uhhh...I gotta see if King Yugo needs us for anything" he replied, "If not I'll come find you!" The girl and her friends looked a little disappointed but they waved at him one more time before running off. Chibi looked around him and saw all that he, Yugo and the others had built over the years. Thanks to the help of the Sadida Kingdom, the Eliatropes were able to make Mount Zinit inhabitable, despite its obvious missing upper quarter from when Yugo and Percedal had engaged Ogrest. Where the peak of the mountain had once stood was now a stone tower where Yugo, Adamai, and the rest of the original brotherhood would meet on occasion to discuss happenings in the world of Twelve. Yugo, Amalia, Adamai also lived in the tower. Chibi and Grougal had a room in it but Chibi, wanting his own space, built his own little treehouse along with the rest of the Eliatropes and Sadidas that lived on the upper slopes. Jumping out of his window and creating multiple portals, Chibi made his way to the village square. In the Village Square stood a stone statue of all of the original Brotherhood members. Chibi hopped out of his portal and stood in front of the statue, staring and thinking.

"You think we'll get one of those?" came a voice from behind Chibi. Chibi looked behind him and noticed Flopin finishing climbing up a ladder that led to the square. "You guys are still here?" Chibi asked. "Don't sound so upset my friend" Flopin laughed, "Truth is, Elely and Percy are being iop-brains and want to fight your brother next. Chibi looked at him in disbelief. "They want to fight Grougal? But he's like...a million times stronger than me! Even working together they wouldn't stand a chance"

"I know," Flopin said, "That's what I said but y'know..."

"Iop-brains" they both said in unison before laughing.

Flopin brushed his blonde bangs out of his eyes revealing his Armbow­; A crossbow that was mounted on his forearm.

"How's the armbow working for you? Chibi asked. "It's finally perfect," Flopin replied, "I made some modifications and upgrades and whenever we finally get to go on our first adventure, you'll definitely see it in action"

Chibi scoffed, "What do you mean 'first adventure'? Weren't you there when your father and my older brothers defeated that Oropo lunatic?"

Flopin sighed and scratched the back of his head, "Well to be fair...I was kidnapped and kept in a room for most of that fiasco until Percy was born and destroyed the prison that my mother and I were being held in. After that, your brothers got a hold of the Eliacube and the Dofus—"

"And then the two of them, with help of Percedal and your uncle Goultard defeated the deranged Yugo wannabe yeah, yeah, yeah." Chibi said rolling his eyes and leaning on the base of the statue. "I've heard the story a million times. I honestly wish Yugo would let me go see the world on my own. I'm not a little kid anymore, I'm 16 years old for crying out loud! That's older than him when he started his first quest!"

Flopin opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by a ball of energy glowing in Chibi's hand, "If you say anything about still being short and looking like a little kid, I will blast you into tomorrow..."

Flopin put his hands up, "Hey take it easy, I wasn't going to say anything like that" he said avoiding eye contact with Chibi, "Besides, don't all Eliatropes have to deal with that?"

Chibi lowered his arm and sighed, "No...just Yugo, Nora, and me" "Oh yeah, how is little Nora?" Flopin asked. "She and Efrim are bored because they want Bert and Yuna to hurry up and..." Chibi paused and frowned for a moment before looking up in shock. "...Chibi?" Flopin asked, "hey are you okay?" After a long pause, Chibi turned towards him, "Y-yeah, but there's something I have to go do! I'll scroll you later!" he said as he opened a portal and hopped through it.

Chibi beelined toward the Tower of the Council. Talking about his sister-in-law and her kids had reminded him of what he saw in his vision. That storm of death was on its way across the World of Twelve and he had to tell Yugo before it was too late. Chibi landed in front of the large metal doors that lead into the council's meeting room, but paused because he heard voices. He pressed his ear against the door to see if he recognized the voices, and then peeked inside.

"King Yugo it is definitely worse than we thought!" said the voice "These storms are wreaking havoc across the oceans and even on any islands in its path!"

Yugo sighed and stood up. "I appreciate how quickly you came back to me Master Otomai" he said walking towards the stained glass window, "And its storms you say?"

"Yes" Otomai replied, "I've never seen anything like it either. My son's destruction of the ecosystems pale in comparison to this.

Balthazaar, raised his head and eyed Otomai. "What did you see young man?" the old dragon asked. Otomai looked at the floor with a dire expression. "Death" he said grimly, "Melted corpses, purple fires, On one of the islands I smelled so much Sulphur that I couldn't keep my eyes from watering. All of the fauna and flora on the island...gone in only a matter of hours"

"How did you happen upon this storm Otomai?" Adamai asked. Otomai simply shook his head, "Like I told Yugo before I left, there has been a dangerous increase in the planet's stasis. I'm sure that I don't have to tell you how dangerous stasis can be in large quantities" Otomai pulled a tablet out of his waist bag and handed it to Adamai. "I followed the readings on that tablet and the closer I got to one of these storms, the higher the numbers went" Adamai handed the tablet to Yugo as Otomai continued with his explanation, Even after the storm has dissipated, the stasis levels were insanely high"

"Disipated!?" Yugo asked, "The storm didn't get blown elsewhere?" Otomai shook his head again, "No, your majesty" Yugo looked at the numbers on the tablet and then handed it back to Otomai before returning to his seat. He slumped down and pinched his eyes. "Otomai," he said, "It's been about 3 weeks since we've gotten wind of these storms. Do you remember where you saw this one?"

Otomai massaged his chin, "I believe it was about 300 miles from the southeastern coast of Brakmar. And when we first heard about their existence, it was further east"

"So these 'stasis storms' are moving towards Brakmar..." Adamai concluded.

"I have good reason to believe so" Otomai said, "And with the destructive force behind them, I wouldn't hesitate to warn the King of Brakmar and get him to evacuate inland until we come up with a plan to drain the stasis from the storms"

"Hmmmm..." Yugo sighed, "What do you think Ad?" Adamai stood up and began pacing. "If what Otomai's saying is true, then these storms are deadly, but very slow moving"

The large doors flew open as Chibi finally stepped inside. Yugo and the others looked surprised to see him. "Chibi!" Yugo said, "I didn't sense you come in"

"That's because you were heavily occupied with this conversation" Chibi replied, "Anyway, these storms aren't just coming for Brakmar, I have reason to believe they will destroy the entire World of Twelve!"

"We know that little brother, what we need to find out is how to stop it" Balthazaar said gently. Chibi shook his head, "No no," he said, "The question is not how to stop it, it's who we need to stop!"

The rest of the room looked deeply puzzled at Chibi's statement. Chibi explained to them the vision that he had. He recalled the screams of terror and the mass destruction of each of the major nations and everything else in and out of the storms path as it moved from Brakmar to Amakna, to Bonta, and everything in-between" Otomai looked stunned. Adamai's eyes fell to the floor and Yugo's face became grim. "Chibi" he said finally, "I need you to do something for me"

Chibi raised his eyebrows. "Y-yeah bro?"

Yugo glanced at Adamai, who, after a brief moment, grinned. "I need you to get your brother and pack a haven bag ASAP!" Yugo ordered, "Adamai, go tell Percedal and Evangelyn that I'm sending for Elely and Flopin. I want them here in an hour.

"W-wait a second..." Chibi interrupted, "What's happening here?" he asked too shocked to answer his own question. Yugo gave a mischievous smile to his little brother. "Isn't it obvious?" he asked, "I'm sending you on your first quest!"
