Chapter 15: The Stranger's Power

Everyone watched in a mix of awe and horror, as the sudden storm had gone from mild to hurricane in a matter of seconds. The wind felt hot as it blew in their faces and the rain had began. "Oh no!" Elely cried, "It's the melty rain again!" Chibi jumped up and put a barrier around them. The stasis rain bounced off of the barrier and onto the seaweed floor below. Amalia buckled. "Gah!" she cried, "I can't let them suffer anymore! I have to release the plants back!" without warning the golem collapsed. Everyone landed on a light platform thanks to Yin's quick incantaions. Chibi reapplied the barrier. The storm got worse and worse as lightning began to strike all around them before cumulating at the sides of the tower. The wind began to circulate as well, lifting the vessel into the air and forming two water spouts beneath it. The dark clouds surrounded the vessel as a massive humanoid figure formed out of the storm itself. The head of the figure let out a thunderous roar that shook everyone to their core. The eyes and mouth glowed a sinister purple as it looked down upon the group the same way a predator looks at its helpless prey. "What the heck is that!?" Grougal asked uncharacteristically frightened. "Master Joris?" Amalia said nervously. "I...I have never seen anything like this in my life" he replied fearfully. Chibi noticed Yin clenching her fist. She didn't seem like the type to get aggravated and show it since she had a graceful elegance to her all the time. But it was understandable considering they were looking a living death storm in the face. Without warning, Yin coated herself in white light and burst out of the barrier. "Yin, no! Stand down!" Master Joris shouted after her. Yin said an incantation that none of them understood and huge beam of light shot through the beast. The clouds parted out of the way but then resumed their original position. The storm roared and answered her sudden retaliation in kind. The stasis lightning that it had for arms arched up and shot at Yin from all sides and ended with terrifying crackling sound. Yin was nowhere to be seen. Before anyone could say anything however she reappeared within the barrier alongside...

"Ch-Chronu!" Chibi stuttered. He was met with the blank stare of her mask before asking his next question. "Wait where's Elaine?"

The Xelor looked around and answered Chibi's question with her metallic voice as she placed her hand on the light platform, "We'll see her in 3...2...1..."

A large red cog sigil appeared beneath everyone and suddenly they were all transported  to Elaine's ship, which was navigating the ferocious waves caused by the storm monster. "Good to see you all safe and sound!" Elaine shouted from the wheel. "How the heck did we get here!?" Elely asked. "Time rift," Chronu replied coldly, "Now we have to stop that thing somehow. Does anyone have any ideas?" Nobody could answer her. "We can't get close to that thing or do any damage to it" Master Joris finally spoke up. "Until we can discover some form of weakness, we're powerless to do anything" Amalia clenched her fist. "But there has to be something we can do!" she said, "My son is still in there somewhere!" Chibi noticed that tears were running down the sides of her face. Everyone else looked down, helpless and downcast.

All of a sudden, the features of the Xelor's mask went from dark blue to light blue and her head shot up. "B-by Xelor!" Clara's voice came out in a metallic ring. "Guys!" she said as she started to laugh. "Guys we're saved!" Everyone looked at her like she was insane. "Clara," Grougal said in a frustrated tone, "This is no time for your stupid jokes" Chibi was about to agree with his brother until he noticed Master Joris go wide-eyed and look towards the sky. "I'm not joking you silly dragon!" Clara said excitedly, "Look!" Clara pointed to the sky, where Master Joris was also looking in disbelief and maybe a hint of fear. The storm monster seemed suddenly agitated as well. It's roars were more frequent and it seemed to have taken a couple steps in their direction. Flopin used his Eagle Eyes and looked in the direction that Clara was pointing. "Clara?" he asked hesitantly, "Who exactly is that?" Clara laughed even more giddily and started waving her hands. "That's my sister! The one who sent me here to help you guys! And now she's come to help us!" While Clara was acting like a child and waving wildly at the mysterious figure above, Flopin did a thorough check of this new stranger.  She wore purple stirrup stockings with a yellow border around the top that looked like a dragon's mouth, a brown loin skirt with yellow borders, a dark maroon cloth belt with two yellow straps made of metal to hold onto it, a top that showed off her shoulders and midriff which had the same colors as her skirt but had dragon wings across her chest, and finally, a long, purple hat with what looked like horns and a grey portal sigil in the center. Her eyes were glowing as blue as the aura that shimmered around her body. Flopin gasped when he realized what he was looking at. "Chibi..." he said, "This is gonna sound weird but...Do you know any adult Eliatropes with purple hats?" Chibi tilted his head at the odd question. "We don't really have any adult Eliatropes," he replied, "They all look like maybe my age right now. And Yugo is the oldest one of us but he still looks like he's your age...why?" Before Flopin could answer the figure took off towards the storm monster. It was the most incredible thing Chibi had ever seen. A small light-blue streak in the sky heading straight for a beast right out of the pages from a monster book. The storm let out a thunderous roar as it engaged this new, foolish, opponent. As it roared, the storm began to get worse as it followed the woman rapidly closing the distance. The lightning began to strike more often and the rain began to concentrate on her. Everyone watched in awe and relief that the rain no longer hurt and the lightning seemed to be no threat. When the rain stopped all together and the sun shone through, Elely looked up and made every one else take their eyes off of the imminent collision of the strange woman and the storm beast. "It's the eye of the storm!" Elaine said, "We should be safe here!" With a nod, they all looked back at the raging storm ahead. The lightning tried to strike the blue streak down, but it was no use...she was too quick. Without stopping the woman flew straight into the storm cloud that was the monster's body. The beast roared in protest and turned its arms inward in an attempt to vaporize the intruder with its stasis lightning. As the monster did this, it roared in triumph. Suddenly, an old man fell onto Elaine's ship right behind Amalia with a loud THUMP! Then another person dropped in, then another, and another. One by one people kept falling out of sky blue portals and landing on the wooden deck. "What the heck is going on!?" Flopin demanded as he put his hand on Clara's shoulder. Clara removed her mask and smiled back at him. "She's just showing off" With that unhelpful explanation, out popped Jak, faceplanting on the ground. "Jakial!" Amalia exclaimed and ran over to help him to his feet. "Oh thank Sadida!" Jak looked around, wild eyed and frantically. "Wait a minute!" he demanded, "How did we get here and where is that glowing lady!?" Amalia put her hands on his shoulders to calm him down. "You're safe now, its okay. As for the glowing lady..." Amalia pointed to the raging storm behind her and Jak ran over to the edge to see what was happening.

The blue streak had finally reappeared, much to the monster's annoyance. Suddenly, the glowing figure became a blinding blue light. A loud roar could be heard, but this time it wasn't made with thunder. It had a different sound. At first, it was the sound of a chorus of both men and women, and then as it went on, the roar became that of a bear. When the everyone could see again, the upper torso of a bear made completely out of wakfu could be seen staring down the storm monster. Its arms were muscular and it had hands like a human with long beastly claws and the illusion of fur going down its back. Amalia gasped when she saw this. "Amalia?" Grougal asked, not entirely taking his eyes off of what was happening, "What's wrong?" Amalia hesitated and reached out to find support for her trembling legs. "I-I've seen this before..." she said. Grougal noticed that Flopin and Elely also looked pale. Before he could ask for an explanation, the thunderous roar of the storm answered the call of the wakfu bear. But something was different. The monster had taken a single step back. The Bear roared again and charged the beast. Roaring defiantly, the storm threw all the lightning it had at the bear, but it was unphased in its charge. In one fell swoop, bear dove into the storm beast's body and reemerged holding the vessel and storm tower in its mouth. The monster let out one final thunderous cry, before the jaws of the bear snapped shut. Breaking the Sufokian submarine and the storm tower. 
