Chapter 12: Reunion

"We finally made it!" Elely said leaping off the side of the ship and onto the docks. She was joined quickly by the others. "You kids go on ahead," Elaine said once everyone one was on the docks, "I've got to get some repairs made on my ship. It should be done by the time you guys get back with the Princess" Chibi nodded and tossed her a sack of kamas that Yugo had slipped him before they left. Elaine, although surprised, caught it almost instinctively with one hand. "Thanks for the ride Elaine" he said with a smile, "we'll see you soon!"

 Chibi turned on his heel and ran to catch up with the others. 

"Alright," Flopin said, "here we are. Now how are we going to find Queen Amalia in this massive city?"

Chibi put his hand on his chin and pondered. "I guess it would be a lot faster if we split up"

"One problem," Grougal said, "How would we signal everyone if we find the Queen?"

"Oh oh oh!" Clara chimed in raising her hand and shaking it.

"Uhhhh...yes Clara?" Chibi replied.

Clara reached underneath her cloak and brought out 5 little mechanical bug-like mechs. They chimed, whirred, and blinked in response to being activated.

"What the heck are those!?" Elely asked in surprise, "They're so CUTE!"

Clara smiled, "They're apparently called noxines. My big sister found them on her island one day and had them deactivated. Then she found me and suddenly they started reacting to my presence. So, I did a little Xelor tinkering and voila!"

The noxines chirped and blinked again before taking off and landing all over Clara.

" just keep mechanical bugs in your pocket" Grougal said sarcastically, "That's convenient"

"I don't have pockets" Clara replied before nuzzling the noxine on her right shoulder. "Anyways, these guys will be able to help us look and contact each other when we find this Queen" As soon as anyone finds something, just tell them to alert us and the noxines will hone in on the signal. All we gotta do is follow them!"

"She is way too excited for this" Grougal whispered to Chibi. Chibi laughed nervously before reaching his arm out and allowing a noxine to land on him. The little mechanical bug did a twist and blinked a few times before chirping twice and settling on Chibi's head.

"Looks like she likes you" Clara commented. The rest of the noxines did the same and fanned out, attaching themselves to their respective partners. Grougal's let out a blatant hiss and flew back to Clara.

"Oh come on, he's just a little grumpy, but he's not going to hurt you"

The noxine chirped and whirred in response.

"Look it won't be that long I promise. Do it for me? Please?"

After a couple of clicks and blinks, the noxine begrudgingly flew back to Grougal and landed on the dragon's shoulder.

"Alright, then lets not waste any time!" Elely shouted. "We'll meet up back at the ship in an hour! Happy hunting everyone!" Elely said before taking off towards the town. She didn't really have any inkling of where she was going, she was just following her instincts the way that her father had taught her and for some reason she had a gut feeling that the queen would be inside the city at the most expensive clothing stores ever. However, as she was running through the crowds of people she noticed that there was a bit of a commotion going on as she got further into the city. A crowd of people were slowly being escorted out of Bonta's gobbowl stadium. Elely stopped and watched as disappointed sports fans were turned away by the Bontarian police.

Well that's suspicious, she thought as she approached the stadium. Naturally, the police tried to turn her away as well. "Sorry ma'am" the policeman said, "King's orders. There was a bombing here and we cant' let anyone through"

"Elely?" she heard her name being called and whipped around.

"Auntie Cleo!" Elely gasped and jumped into her arms for a big hug.

"Goodness, you've gotten so big!" Cleome noted as she looked her niece up and down. "And you look so much like your father with that cape"

"Elely, it's very good to see you"

Elely looked down to see Master Joris standing to the left of her aunt and another companion to her right. The girl on the right was a tall blonde young woman, dressed in an elegant white cape, a white one piece that ended in puffy shorts. She had teal blue gloves and boots to match. Her face was plain and didn't really seem interested in this little reunion.

"Master," the woman said, "This is truly touching and all, but we really should be going if we are going to help this queen that Cleome spoke of"

"Right," Joris nodded, "Excuse us Elely but time is of the essence"

"Wait, you mean Queen Amalia?" Elely asked, "That's why we're here! King Yugo sent us to bring her, Alibert, and Yuna back to Zinit!"

Cleome and Joris looked at each other.

"Who is we exactly?" the woman asked.

"My team, Ms...uhhhhh..."

"Yin" she introduced herself flatly, "Yin Mareline"

"Right" Elely replied before poking the noxine that had taken residence in her back pocket. The noxine chirped in protest as it crawled out from beneath her cape and up to her shoulder.

"A noxine!" Joris exclaimed, "Elely get away from that thing!"

The noxine hissed and blinked before cowering behind Elely's neck.

"Wait it's okay!" Elely said, "this little guy is my friend's. We all have one and I'm going to tell it to call the others"

The noxine chirped and whirred, blinking rapidly for a few moments before projecting an image of Clara in her Xelor mask.

"Hello my friend!" she said, "I've got your location, Ill be there before you can say—" The image cut out.

"Tofu" Clara said behind Elely, startling her.

"Ahhh! Don't do that!" she complained.

Clara looked at Cleome intensely. "So, is this the queen?" she asked

"What?" Elely asked surprised, "No, this is my aunt Cleo"

Clara nodded and reached her hand out. The noxine that was with Elely jumped into her hand and crawled up to her shoulder and perched there next to the other one. Clara's noxine chirped quietly.

"She said the other's are on their way and will arrive shortly."

"Awesome!" Elely said, "So auntie," she turned to Cleome, "What did we miss?"
