21 - Murderous Phone Call

Over the next few years, Prussia kept coming to meetings - getting worse every time - and America and Russia were absent. While America started coming first, Russia was persistent in intervening with the war going on. And that did not make America happy.

I need to give him a lesson on not meddling with other world superpowers unless absolutely necessary.

On a slightly happier note, I found out why England was uneasy at the first meeting that Prussia came to. It was because the Beatles were breaking up, which doesn't sound happy until you find out that he's obsessed with a different band now.

On another bright side, Brezhnev is getting quite old for an average human, and with a bit of luck a better person will replace him, or they'll be really old and die. And they'll be replaced by a better person. Its all about hope, which I am struggling to get my hands on right now.

That went from sad, to happy to sad again, I'm sorry. I can not wait until the damn Union falls apart, it always happens, look at England and Spain. Goodbye old empires (except Britain, he is really holding on to as much as he can for as long as he can, aka Hong Kong).

Not much has happened other than that, at least not involving me. Wait never mind, there was that one time when Romano had a stern talking to that if he ever takes away my innocence, he would never see the light of day again. You'd have thought he'd've had that as soon as we started dating, but here we are.

I guess there was a few dates and other events here and there, but nothing major. Until we got a phone call from Italy, which doesn't seem weird until you realise what it was about.

It was Romano who answered it, and the responses he gave were, I can't even describe it.

"Yeah, just tell him to syringe air in between his toes, that'll work."

"It should look like a heart attack." It's now that I question what he's saying.

"Whats happened?" I ask him.

"Germany's gone insane." I mentally applaud him for such a great answer and go to stand by the phone so I could hear the conversation.

It was literally just Germany yelling "I'll kill him!" In the background and Italy trying to calm him down, which didn't seem to be doing anything.

"Who is he going to kill?" I whisper to Roma, and he quietly replies with,

"Brezhnev, for what he's doing with the east."

"Italy, do you want to go to Moscow for a day?" I hear from down the phone.

"Wait, stop, no, what." I basically yell. "Even if he deserves to die, doesn't mean we should kill him. And we could die ourselves. Its not good to murder."

"I want to kill him but I also want to side against potato bastard, so I'm with Canada on this one." Romano agrees. "He's old, he'll die soon anyway."

"Germany's already left, I should probably stop him." Italy says before putting the phone down on us.

We shrug and get back to watching the TV, which needs re-aerialising or whatever the word is. I move to fix the static, the programme flickering in and out of a signal.

"Over in the Sov-" it went out of static. I tried a different direction. Nothing. Again.

"-heart attack. The country's people are in utter despair and Yuri Andropov has taken over as leader. Further information will be reported once the USSR delves into it a little more. In other news-" Romano turns the TV off.

"I never thought he'd do it. Especially not this quick." He says.

"He didn't, this is a coincidence that I think everyone will be happy to hear." I correct his stupidity, which come to think of it, may have been a joke.

"Relax, I was just kidding." There it is. I was right.

"How do you even know how to kill someone anyway?" I interrogate.

"Just in case I need revenge. Its not the only way I know, but its the easiest and most reliable." Should I be scared for my life right now?

