15 - Persuasion And Legalisation

Canada's POV

"Pearson?" I ask.


"Can I ask you something?" He puts his pen down and looks at me.


"There's this thing that everyone else is making legal, I was wondering if maybe doing the same might make us seem like we're getting more accepting and it may get us more popular." I say nervously, fiddling with the bottom of my shirt.

"What is it?" He inquires.

I take a deep breath before answering, "Gay people. All it takes is to let them live their lives like everyone without meaningless punishment."

Just before Pearson was about to speak, Trudeau stepped in.

"Of course, Canada. I'll get that sorted as soon as possible. You thought you'd follow in your fathers footsteps, of course you did." He gives me a quick wink to show that he knows that's not the only reason before dropping something on Pearson's desk and leaving.

I like him, I hope he becomes Prime Minister one day. He's a good person.

I give the current PM a rather rapid thank you before leaving quickly. When I exit through the door, my brother is waiting on the other side.

"Did you do it?" He asks eagerly.

"Yes. What about you?"

"I went around to some of the states but I'm not sure I did anything significant. I may have to try again soon." He says. I hope he did manage to get some people on our side.

And now we wait. We wait until the law is gone. Apparently it takes two years to discuss the issue because thats how long we waited. Two. Whole. Years.

I knew something was happening on that day but I wasn't sure what. When I heard, I literally screamed. Not quite, but I did do that hyper jump shakey hands squeak thing. I may have also immediately gone to Romano and kissed him because I was so happy and he was right next to me. He didn't seem to mind.

"That's great! You just need America to jump on the band wagon now and then that's all four of us." He says happily.

"His problem is that he has fifty states to get, while as I only have a few provinces." We both giggle a bit before the man himself walks in.

"CANADA, DID YOU HEAR THE NEWS?" I say walk, he nearly smashed the door down.

"No, thank you for informing me on my own laws." I sarcastically say.

"You're welcome, dude." He flashes a large grin. "I thought the law was introduced today though."

"It was?"

"Because," he coughs to cover his next words slightly, "your neck."

"Romano, what did I tell you about leaving marks?"

"Its not like we went any further than that. You wouldn't have let me anyway. You're just salty." He makes up an excuse.

"Why would I be salty, I'm legal now."

"Fair enough." I could feel America getting slightly, whats the word, left out? I don't know, but he just stood there awkwardly.

"Got any plans for tonight?" I ask him, trying to change the subject.

"Nope, you?" He returns the question.

"I do." I replies, at the same time I wrap an arm around Roma. "Our plans consist of staying in and doing nothing. The perfect night."

"I'd better go, I promised Japan I'd meet him at DC at two, so I'm gonna go now, if that's okay. Bye!" America excuses himself and leaves.

"That was awkward." I say bluntly.

"Either way, what do you want to watch?" He responds, turning on the TV.

I love writing because its like reading and I'll have no clue where its going when I first start. Also I can be reading/writing multiple at a time, which is never a good idea, at least not for me
