23 - The Best By Far

That's an image I found on tumblr by pixeltalia I think

Just to everyones luck, the next meeting was to be held in Rome. Which meant that Roma was definitely going to dig at someone and insult them and claim that they can't argue back because they're in his territory. Its a good job that everyone isn't like him or else even more people would go home crying.

We left early to get to the meeting first, because Roma wanted to do something, god knows what.

Even when we arrive, he doesn't let me in immediately and makes me wait outside. When I am allowed in, I try to spot what he's done, so I can stop it before someone gets mega offended.

The host country is supposed to decide where everyone sits, however the people who arrive early always move their seats to be by someone they can tolerate.

After looking around a bit, I notice that America's and the chair allocated for the representative of the USSR are directly next to each other. I also notice that Romano has swapped all of the letter I in Soviet Union to the word we, making fun of the nation.

"You're going to start another war." I say to him, placing my head on top of his, which I know he hates because it makes him feel short, which he is.

"But it'll be a funnier start than most wars, and I'll be laughing all the way." He moves away to stand on a chair. He's only just taller with that.

"It won't be funny when you have to pay war debts to one of the most powerful countries on earth." I join him on the chair.

At that moment, England walks in and ruins the moment.

"What are you two doing? This isn't some weird new trend is it? I can't be bothered with them anymore, they're all ridiculous."

"He likes being tall." I say, picking him up and putting him down on the floor before stepping down myself. "I forgot how light you were." I say, ignoring England and returning my focus to Romano. He is my boyfriend after all.

We end up sitting and waiting until everyone else arrives and we can start the meeting. As expected, Hungary showed up for the first time in years, and basically everyone was happy, she's a lovely lady, even if she has a tendency to hit people on the head with a frying pan.

America arrived one of the last, no change there, and nearly threw something when he saw who he would be sitting next to. I could see him grasping onto something in his pocket in anger trying not to injure someone.

One change was Romano actually started the meeting, even if he was terrible at speaking to people and tended to keep within his shell for the most part. He began by writing down some stuff, the problem being he was writing incredibly small, smaller than I've ever seen him write.

"I can't read a single word that you're writing." Someone said.

"Your eyes must be going bad. Wait a second, I'm so sorry Russia, I forgot. Your wes must be going bad. Everyone is equal, apologies." He says, taking the piss. I've a feeling this is only going to get worse.

As if on cue, America pipes up,

"Hey guys, check this out! They call it a Wii!"

"America, I haven't invented that yet, sit down." Japan hushes. Everyone starts piping up with their own jokes just to annoy Russia, each one earning a crowd of laughs. When I saw him getting absolutely furious, I knew I had to step in and try to do something.

"STOP!" I yell. "Guys, stop. I thought you all knew this by now. Communism jokes are only funny when everyone gets it." Within seconds, the entire room was in heaps of laughter, and I hate to say it, but this is my proudest moment yet.

I knew I had only made the situation worse as Russia just straight up left the room without a word. The room settled a bit after that, and not much happened for the rest of the meeting.

It was almost a perfect meeting for me until I was leaving. I just sort of dozed off a little and was running on autopilot (don't worry, I do it a lot) when I accidentally walked into Cuba.

"That was a funny joke you told. Almost as funny as your education system." He says.

"What, my education system is fine?" I question.

"Not what the media says. The media also says that communism only works on paper. You know what else only works on paper?"


"Nothing, they just have something against us." And with that, he smashed his fist into my jaw. I felt and heard it break. I fell to the ground, but not before getting a foot to the stomach. The last thing I remember was gaining another kick to the head.

Everything turned black.
