^Imagine Namjoon's hair a little bit grayer. :)

Just a note, I've decided to change RM's "disorder" to substance abuse, not just alcohol addiction. Thanks for understanding, and I hope you guys won't mind.

Enjoy! :)

Sighing, (Y/n) shifted the tray of prescription medication in her arms and looked at the next patient's label near the door. Reading it, she saw:

Patient 00351
Kim Namjoon
Suffers from: Substance Abuse

That's strange, (Y/n) mused, shouldn't he be in rehab, not a mental ward?

Pondering over this thought, she knocked on the door (learning from her last mistake) and waited for an answer. Hearing a "Come in!", she twisted the door handle and entered said room. Whatever she had been expecting, this was not it.

Sitting upon the bed situated in the middle of the room, much like the last one, was a tall male with light gray hair and a nice complexion. He was sitting with his legs crossed over each other, surrounded by notebooks and pens, of all things. He hadn't looked up from his writing and (Y/n) could immediately tell whatever he was writing, he sure was passionate about it. Unlike the last room, this room's lights were on, and (Y/n) had the ability to see more of the outlook of it. On the far left of the room was a closed white door entering into she what guessed to be a bathroom. By the bed in the middle of the room was a large white dresser with a picture frame on top of it, along with a vase of flowers. A small note was attached to one of the flower petals, but (Y/n) was too far away to read what it said. Moving her (e/c) eyes to the right of the room, (Y/n) was disappointed to see it only contained a window- curtains blocking most of the natural sunlight coming from it. The girl, however, did not miss the shape of metal bars behind the (of course) white curtains.

"They're in place so we don't try to break the glass to either escape or kill ourselves," the man on the bed stated factually, as if (Y/n) had asked for the current time or why it was not raining outside.

Swiveling her head back to face the man, the (s/c) girl asked, "How did you know I was looking at them?"

The man finally put his pen down and stopped his writing, looking up at the girl before him. He was shocked to see she wasn't plain-faced like Libby, or wrinkly like Bridget. She was...




Exactly his type.

Her (h/l) (h/c) flowed around her evenly shaped face and rosy cheeks, looking so soft that he wondered if he reached out and touched it, it might fade away. Her body wasn't petite, nor overly large, but exactly symmetrical in everything, from her shoulders, to her hips, and of course, her pretty legs covered in jeans. He was sure if he hugged her she would fit his body's shape perfectly. He could not see her feet as they were also covered, but he was sure they were adorable, just like the rest of her. His favorite thing about her, though, had to be her mesmerizing (e/c) eyes, which were currently staring




Kim Namjoon snapped out of his daydreams (oof) and smiled towards the volunteer, extending his hand. "Kim Namjoon, pleased to meet your acquaintance. My friend's call me RM."

(Y/n) jumped a bit at the male's sudden attention, but recovered quickly. She walked forward to meet the young male's hand, adjusting the tray of medicine around in her arms to do so. His hand seemed to engulf her own, and it was in that moment the girl realized actually how huge the patient in front of her was.

"(Y/n) (L/n), nice to meet you too."

It did not go unnoticed by (Y/n) that when she tried to pull her hand away, Namjoon's grip upon it seemed to tighten. However, another tug on her hand and he seemed to let up. Blushing a bit, the grey-haired patient motioned towards the tray in her hands and asked, "Are you a new worker here? Or one of the volunteers?"

(Y/n) frowned, responding with: "Volunteer, how did you know?"

He smiled and put his hands in his lap. "Sometimes the higher-ups here make announcements at lunch, and it just so happened that this hallway wasn't fucking around like normal when they informed all of us that starting today, we'd be checked on regularly by college volunteers."

(Y/n) flinched a bit at his use of profanity, nodding in acknowledgement to his statement. Namjoon did not miss it, either.

Interesting, he thought. Little Miss (Y/n) doesn't like vulgar language.

"So... I'm guessing you're on summer break?" Seeing (Y/n)'s attention deviating back to the window, RM frowned and started up the conversation again immediately, not enjoying that the pretty girl in front of him wasn't paying attention to him anymore.

What, so now windows are more interesting than me? The tall male scoffed mentally.

"Oh, um, yes! I'm super excited, some of my friends and I have made a couple plans, to go to the movies and maybe drive to the beach and all..." (Y/n) trailed off, noticing the longing look in Namjoon's eyes.

He, instead, noticed that she had stopped talking. Not liking this, he frowned, asking, "What?"

(Y/n) blushed, and moved a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Nothing, it- it's just, well, I suppose it's a little insensitive of me to go on about all my plans outside when you can't do any of it. I'm sorry."

I'm sorry.

Namjoon had not heard those two words in quite a while. Instead of his lips moving downwards like he wanted them to, he forced them to move them upward in a smile. "Why are you apologizing, love? I like hearing you speak about what you do outside of here. Gives me a bit of a escape, haha." His fake laugh, however was exactly that- fake.

(Y/n) smiled and blushing in response to his nickname, stealing RM's breath away in the mean time. "As long as I'm not hurting your feelings."

Namjoon smiled so wide his eyes crinkled a bit. "Not at all, (Y/n)."

The said female shivered a bit at hearing the addict call her by her name for the first time. It did not sound quite right, in fact, it almost sounded possessive and a bit...


Moving on, the (e/c) eyed girl perked up and said, "Do you mind talking your medicine now? Or would you rather take it a little while later..." She trailed off, watching his expression.

His smile fell quickly and he simply nodded. "Now's fine."

"Alrighty, 00351, right?" Getting confirmation from Kim Namjoon himself, (Y/n) handed the cup of prescription medication and the other cup of water. At this, he grabbed it quickly in excitement, but, again, it soon wore off the minute the male became aware of the fact it was only water. "You wouldn't happen to have anything stronger, would you...?" Seeing (Y/n)'s worried and uncomfortable expression, RM laughed it off. "Just kidding, don't worry. That's why I'm here, right?" (Y/n) swallowed and laughed nervously, scratching the back of her neck, avoiding the male's gaze.

However, she was curious. "Um, Namjoon?"

"RM," he immediately corrected her. "We're friends now."

Blushing, the girl asked what was plaguing her mind. "You don't have to answer, but what kind of medicine are you taking? Sorry, I just don't know of any medicine that helps with addiction... Just curious, sorry. Let me know if I'm overstepping my bounds."

"Don't apologize so much," Namjoon chuckled, "And I don't mind. Ask me anything you want, I want us to get to know each other better. I want to know everything about the girl volunteering here, and I'm sure, in return, you want to know everything about the patients you're helping with."

That uncomfortable feeling creeped up (Y/n)'s spine again.

"But to be honest with you, I don't have a clue what the hell they're giving me. I don't even know why I'm here, to be honest." Lie. "I just think they feed me pills so that my family thinks I'm doing better." Closer to the truth. "And it's not like I have anyone I trust to talk to about it, anyways."

"You can always talk to me, RM," (Y/n) frowned, reaching out her hand to hold Namjoon's empty one.




And then started up again, ten times faster.

Instead of voicing his feelings, however, Joon decided instead to smile and squeeze the (h/c)'s hand. "Thank you."

Nodding, (Y/n) averted her eyes from Namjoon's intense gaze. In doing so, her focus was moved to something upon her second patient's bed: a Rubik's cube. Squealing, (Y/n) quickly snatched up the game, giggling in delight as she began solving it in a rapid fashion. The whole time the (s/c) girl was going so, Namjoon was simply staring in horror, still jumpy from her squeals.

"Oh, my gosh! I can't believe you have one of these! I used to solve these all the time in elementary school!" Laughing, (Y/n) handed the suddenly solved Rubik's cube back to the tanned-skinned male who stared at the girl before him in fascinated wonder. "You like them too?"

"Well, duh," (Y/n) scoffed, rolling her eyes, but soon returned to smiling again, making Namjoon happy and feeling flustered having such a beautiful and perfect thing pointed towards him.

"I can never solve them fully," he admitted, fiddling with the colorful, square puzzle, "It used to really bother me, I can only get one side, you know, but I still enjoy them. Gives me something to do all day, instead of staring out of the window for eighteen hours." He sighed, glancing dejectedly towards the barred window.

(Y/n) frowned; she didn't like seeing such a sad face on such a kind man.

What can I say to make him feel better?

Pondering over the thought for a minute, the volunteer suddenly snapped her fingers and grinned. "How would you feel if I brought more brain puzzles for you tomorrow?" (Y/n) offered as Namjoon's face lit up like a kid on Christmas. "You'd do that for me?" Nodding, (Y/n) smiled and waited for an answer.

"Well, yes, I think I'd be quite happy should you decide to do that!" RM's mouth stretched wider than he thought it possibly could as he smiled in gratitude towards the (h/c)-haired girl.

"Perfect! It's settled then! I'll bring in some brain teasers and puzzles for you tomorrow! I'm so excited!" (Y/n) clapped her hands together and squealed for the second time in ten minutes.

"Can't wait," Joon mumbled as he stared at (Y/n)'s full lips while she licked them.

Grabbing the tray still filled with prescription medication from off of Namjoon's bed where she had laid it to solve his Rubix's cube, she asked, "So, Jungshook is the first person in this hallway and you're the second, but do you know who the third is?"

Namjoon choked on air.

Did she just call him... Jungshook?

"What's wrong?" (Y/n) questioned, watching the addict as he began dying of laughter on the hospital bed. "What did I say? Something incorrect?"

Namjoon nodded, still laughing while clapping his hands together. "H-His name i-is Jungkook, n-not Jung-Jungshook!" He wheezed out through all the laughter.

(Y/n) went still, an expression of mortification taking over her face.


No, he's kidding.

He's trying to make a joke and it's not working.

There's no way that I misread his name, and there's no way I mispronounced it either! And if I did, there's not way he wouldn't correct me!

"You're lying, RM," (Y/n) glared at him, not appreciating his attempt to be funny. "I read the paper and the paper says-"

"Well, the paper's wrong then!" Namjoon had eventually stopped laughing and was currently wiping the excess tears that had fallen from his eyes while chuckling as hard as he had been.

"I'm mortified!"(Y/n) shrieked, burying her now blushing face into her left shoulder, trying to stop Joon from making fun of her.

"Aw, poor (Y/n), has my baby embarrassed herself?" Namjoon cooed, trying to make "his baby" meet his eyes. He did not realize, however, that (Y/n) was not laughing anymore, in fact, she had gone completely still at his words. "W-What did you call me?"

Namjoon's face suddenly looked stricken.

"U-um, I called you 'baby' because you're younger than me! Yeah, and it sounded better in my head, haha," the male patient quickly made an excuse, scratching the back of his neck and chuckling with embarrassment and awkwardness. "S-Sorry."

(Y/n) let out a fake laugh, feeling uncomfortable once again in this man's presence. She did not, however, voice her opinions, instead opting to continue on with her questioning.

"So, who's my next patient? Do you know?"

Namjoon smiled, glad the beautiful girl in front of him wasn't feeling strange because of his comments anymore. It was interesting, though, to know what was running through his head.

Is she that disgusted by the thought of me giving her a pet name? Oh, my dear, there will be far worse things to come, so I wouldn't get too uncomfortable just yet.

Continuing on with answering her questions, he helpfully supplied, "Hoseok is next, I think. From what I remember, at least. Sometimes they move people around; it all can be quite confusing when they don't let us know what's occurring."

Happy to be finished with the conversation at last, (Y/n) offered Namjoon a tight-lipped smile, and made her way to the door.

"Thanks for all the help! I'll see you tomorrow with the games!" Waving, (Y/n) turned and exited the room, leaving Joon to himself.

A deadly, sinister, horrid smirk made its home on Namjoon's face, seeming like it was born to be there.

"Tomorrow can't get here soon enough, my dear."
Hello, friends!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter- it was kind of a little rough, for that, I'm sorry, but I hope you liked it none-the-less. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š


Also, thanks for over 200 votes and 300 comments! (I try to respond to every comment, so if I don't respond to yours, let me know, and I will!)

On a side note, how is everyone doing? Summer is going by too, too fast ugh โ˜น๏ธ

Question: Favorite band/s? (Can be non-kpop too)

Answer: Wow, way too many. BTS is one of the only K-Pop bands I listen frequently, but I listen to a little bit of EXO and GOT7. (Sometimes BlackPink, but I have to be in a mood though! :)) However, my fav non-kpop band is Panic! At The Disco and I'm super happy because they just released a new album! Ahhh!!! ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†

^that answer was way too long lol

What did you like about this chapter?ย 
What do I need to improve upon?
What did you think of Namjoon's character?
What would you like to see in future updates?

Goal for this chapter: 50 votes. ๐Ÿ’•

Have a fantastic rest of your day loves, I hope it all goes well! :)

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^in this house, we stan blonde Jimin ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

Also. He apparently wants to kill me. But it's fine. Everything's fine.

*sorry for not posting last weekend, I was sick. I'm so sorry, loves*

*2671 words*
