^seriously guys, I'm not kidding around. Please know it's okay to leave now. Your mental health/state means more to me than views and votes. I love you all- know if you're ever dealing with anything, you can come to me. I promise I'll be there for you. πŸ’œ

Enjoy! :)

(Y/n) emerged from Kim Taehyung's room, body shaking in anger. She wore a disgusted look on her face as she noticed her own body shivering in fright from the situation she just came out of.

"I-I mean, w-who does that, huh? W-What's wrong with him?" The (h/c)-haired female volunteer scoffed in bewilderment, "What kind of pig-"

Suddenly, (Y/n) stopped ranting to herself as she noticed something peculiar down the hall. A black-haired boy was staring at her two doors down. He was wearing all white; (Y/n) guessed he was a patient as no one else would be able to get this far into the hospital unless they were either a patient or visitor. Or volunteer, like the girl holding medicine in front of Kim Taehyung's room. (Y/n) would not have glanced twice in his direction, because the male looked to be simply standing outside his room, but what made the (e/c)-eyed girl uncomfortable about the whole scenario was that he was holding a very expensive-looking camera. And it was





The male did not even seem to notice her noticing him- he was simply staring into the camera that was still pointed at her.

That's it! The girl fumed, This is the last straw! I'm done!

"Hey!" (Y/n) barked at the boy. "Can I assist you in being a creep or are you just going to keep filming me without my consent?"

The black-haired boy jumped in surprise and fumbled with his camera. He had been caught, and he knew it. Blushing a deep red that (Y/n) could not deny looked immensely attractive upon his porcelain-colored skin, the boy quickly opened his room's door and disappeared with a slam of wood.

Great. I bet I have to give him medicine too. Unbelievable, the (s/c)-skinned female groaned in annoyance. Let's just get this next patient done with, then the day is almost halfway over. (Y/n) hated to admit it, but the day was dragging on and on. She thought she would be having fun at this job, not praying for the day to end! At least she had some nice patients, though...

Sighing, (Y/n) (e/c) eyes drifted to the name on the wall, curious who her next patient would be. The metal sign read:

Patient 00353
Min Yoongi
Suffers from Depression

The kind-hearted female frowned in sadness. She had quite a few friends who suffered from depression in the past. (Y/n) knew it was not an easy thing to cope with and that everyone who was diagnosed with it dealt with the struggle of it differently. The girl hoped this poor patient was on their way to recovery.

Knocking on the door, (Y/n) waited patiently for an answer to her calling. For perhaps the fifth or sixth time today, the volunteer did not receive an answer.

Is everyone in this hospital hard of hearing? The girl thought to herself, rolling her eyes a bit at the notion. Wouldn't surprise me...

Rapping her (s/c) hand on the door once more, this time louder just in case, (Y/n) finally had an answer to her calling. A muffled, "Give me a second!" came from within the room, along with the sod of shuffling and moving bed sheets.

"No problem!" (Y/n) responded back with a smile, all her bitterness gone now she finally had a patient answer her for once. "Take your time!" She assumed he had either been napping or changing and that she had simply caught him at a bad time.

She had caught him at a bad time, but not because of any of her previous guesses.

The reason was much, much...


Inside the room, Min Yoongi whimpered as he pressed the hand towel to his wrists, hoping to stop the bleeding long enough to take his medicine and have the female-sounding volunteer get the hell out of his room as quickly as possible.

He had forgotten that starting from today on, he was going to have some stupid fucking volunteer poking their nose in his business.

"Shit, shit, shit," he muttered; the blood flow was not stopping, but getting worse. "No, no!" The green-haired male whispered to himself, hopeless. "No, no, please, c'mon..." Abandoning the rag and moving to the sink in his bathroom that the pale boy was currently residing in, Min Yoongi abandoned dabbing at the blood with a towel and quickly turned the water on. Scrubbing furiously to try and get rid of the red, burgundy color, he cried, worrying that his only way of coping may be found out and stolen from him like Yoongi knew the hospital wanted to do.

Min Yoongi was severely depressed, and the only thing that helped to fix that problem was an even bigger one that he did not want to admit to doing to himself.

Yoongi cut himself.


And he did not know how to stop.

But, Yoongi did not even know if he wanted to stop.

At the exact same time Min Yoongi was trying to cover up his overwhelming addiction to harming himself, (Y/n) was rocking back and forth on her heels outside the room, still carrying the tray of prescription medicine in both hands that was now nearly empty, waiting for the patient inside to give her the "clearance" into his room. When that did not occur for almost five minutes, the female began to become suspicious. However, alarm bells began ringing hysterically in her head when she heard sobbing coming from within the room.

Moving to place her ear on the door, (Y/n) called out, "Yoongi? Is everything alright in here?" Not hearing any type of response or confirmation that the male inside the room had hear the (h/c) female, she slowly twisted the knob to open the door. "I-I'm coming in, alright?" She warned, still not receiving any response.

The room's interior was, of course, the same as the others- mostly white and plain, unexciting. However, it was missing one vital thing: the patient that was supposed to be in said room. Glancing around, (Y/n) saw a light on in the bathroom and the door opened only a crack. "Yoongi?" The female volunteer called out his name, furrowing her brows. "Ae you in there?"

No response.

At least the sobbing had stopped though.

(Y/n)'s heart seemed to beat faster when she moved to the bed and saw something vile.

A small, yet sharp, metal blade lay there, covered in a red, sticky substance that was dripping off the bed onto the pristine, white floor.

Setting the prescription medication down on the bed, (Y/n) felt her (e/c) eyes water as she covered her mouth with her now-empty hands. They started to shake as she put two-and-two together, body turning towards the shut-bathroom door.

At first, the (s/c)-skinned girl creeped slowly to the door, seeing the light on under it, but after she realized the trouble the patient might be in after everything she had seen so far, (Y/n)'s legs moved as fast as they could.

Coming to a stop in front of the door, (Y/n) began to pound on it. "Min Yoongi, I know you're in there! Please, let me in! I saw the blades, I know what you're doing!"

The mint green-haired boy cursed himself as he stared at his reflection. After three years of getting away with self-harm at this God-forsaken hospital, he had finally been caught. And he only had himself to blame for being so stupid to be found out by a first-day volunteer. Min Yoongi glared at himself in the mirror through his salty tears, disgusted with everything about himself.

"You're worthless," he spat, spitting on the mirror as if it was his own body. Which, in a way, it was.

Outside the bathroom, however, (Y/n) was not quite as unforgiving.

"Min Yoongi, please open up the door and we can work on this together! I promise I'll listen with am open mind! Just, please, open the door!" The (h/c)-haired female cried out, knocking harder now.

Inside, the patient sighed in relief as the bleeding stopped. He ran his arms under the cool hospital sink's water and wiped off the excess water with a towel. Pulling down his long-sleeved black shirt, Yoongi looked at himself one last time in the mirror.

"You're not depressed. You're a stupid, attention-seeking faggot. Get over yourself and get out of the f*cking bathroom," he repeated some of the words his father had continuously mocked him with before the older man finally gave up and emitted him into this nightmare of a facility. You see, Min Yoongi's mother passed away a couple years after he was born, causing his already strict father's heart to become hardened with the death of his wife. His father took out his pain on Yoongi, verbally and sometimes, if the young boy just so happened to catch the man on a bad day, physically. Should Yoongi do poorly on a test? His father might give him a kick or two, or perhaps a smack to the head. If Yoongi ever talked back to the man in his early teenage years? Well, he learned "respect" and how "good boys should act" much earlier than his peers. It got even worse when Yoongi began high school. He had always been a smaller boy with not a lot of muscle on his body, which caused some of the seniors at school to begin teasing him about his feminine appearance, starting and spreading all kinds of horrible rumors about the young man. Because of this, Yoongi could never find a female willing to go to parks or cafes or dances with, adding his father to assume something about his only son's sexuality.

His father was not very accepting of the idea his son might be "batting for the opposite team", as some would say.

Min Yoongi learned how to grow up fast, quickly, or else face the wrath of all of those surrounding himself. All of these factors and experiences in his life were not beneficial to his mental health and self-esteem in any way, shape, or form. This was the cause of why he was were he was today.

"Min Yoongi, if you don't open this door immediately, I'll be forced to call hospital security and I know you don't want that to hap-" In the middle of her statement, (Y/n) was interrupted (which seemed to be a reoccurring theme today) by the opening of the bathroom door which she so-desperately wanted open earlier. (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes moved to look at the patient standing in the doorway of said bathroom.

The first thing her eyes were drawn to was his hair. It was bright green, a mint-looking color that (Y/n) could guess was hard to find in this part of town. However, the male wore it well- his pale skin perfectly contradicted the explosive colorΒ  the hair dye. For his body, it was covered in a black long-sleeved shirt with (also black) leather pants that both seemed to be a little big on his small frame. If the girl was to look close, she would see he barely had any skin on his bones and appeared as if he had not done any physical exercise in multiple years. His skin was so pale that (Y/n) could guess the reason he was lacking in physical activity was because he had not left the hospital in a very long time; Yoongi's skin had, at least, not seen the sun's rays in quite a while. The green-haired male was wearing black boots to accompany the rest of his uncolored attire and (Y/n) was willing to bet money on what she thought his favorite color was.

"You should take a picture, it'll last longer," muttered the male in front of the female volunteer as she was caught staring.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry, I didn't-" (Y/n) tried to stutter out an apology as (who she assumed to be) Min Yoongi pushed past her to go to the bed.

(Y/n) stared in confusion as she watched Yoongi pick up a cup of pills, read it, and swallow it with another cup, this one full of water. He turned to her and crossed his arms, leaning on the side of the bed, "Done. You can go now, and leave me be."

(Y/n) walked to the bed, a look of confusion masking her features as she furrowed her brows, "But, I don't understand, I thought-"

"Oh, this?" Yoongi raised his eyebrows with the bloodied blade now in his hand, "It's quite a long story and I don't think you'd understand even if I told you it. So, don't worry, m'kay? It's not what you think it is. Do I look hurt in any way to you?" The male smirked in victory as he looked at the female before him.

"Well, I suppose not, but you're still not allowed to have weapons, I do know that, so I will have to notify some-"

Interrupted once again, (Y/n) listened as the pale-skinned male said, "Listen, lady. I'm sure you're very kind and you think you'd be helping by letting someone know, but trust me when I say, I have permission to have this here. Like I said, you don't know the whole story, so please, let it go and just forget about it, all right?"

Turning around, assuming the conversation was now over, Yoongi was surprised to hear the girl behind him cry out, "Wait! I know for a fact you're not supposed to have that because I was explicitly told should a situation like this occur, I was supposed to confiscate the weapon and alert someone in charge!"

Yoongi faced the infuriating (h/c)-haired female, face filled with anger. "Now listen here," he growled out, stalking towards the now-afraid volunteer, "my uncle runs this place," correct, "you don't think I know the rules? I could have you fired," false, "for even daring to speak to me in such a way, so get out before I call someone to deal with you!" Chest heaving with anger, Yoongi glared so hard at the girl he thought she would pass out. Instead, she simply whimpered and nodded, then quickly walked around him to grab her medicine. Once (Y/n) had fully left the room, Min Yoongi let out a shaky sigh.

He had almost been caught. And he knew it.

sooooo it's been a while... 😳

Please don't be too mad at me for not updating in such a long time, I swear I've been working on my stories but last month was just not very good- my mental health went down THE FREAKING DRAIN so I took some time off to "fix" myself, I guess?? I suppose saying "getting better" would be the more appropriate term... πŸ€”

I hope this chapter wasn't too triggering for some of you guys, it was a little for me so I hope you all were okay. 😊😊

Also, I want it to be know if any of you, ANY of you, are going through anything, good or bad, please know my DM's are open! I'll try to be a very good listener. :)

It was milkissy and I's birthday on August 25th! πŸ’•πŸ’•

I'm in school now, so updates won't be AS frequent, but I promise I'll try my best! I think I'm going to update Spellbinding next, if that's good with y'all! 😊

Another thing to add (sorry, so many things to talk about πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ)- I haven't been responding to as many comments as before, so I just want to let you guys know it's because there's so many and it's REALLY hard to get to all of them, haha! But I promise I'll try to respond to as many as possible!!! I'm so grateful for all your guys' support- it seriously means the world to me! 🀧🀧

Question: What's your favorite song off the new album???

Answer: Idol ft. Nicki Minaj- it's just so good!!!! πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

How was this chapter?
What did you like?
What can I improve upon?
What did you think of Yoongi's character?
What/Who would you like to see in the upcoming chapters?

Goal for this chapter: 200 votes πŸ’•

Have a good rest of your day, loves!

~Laura 🌸
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^this boy I swear 😍

*2849 words*
