Ha, y'all thought I was gonna stop writing this? Not in your wildest dreams, babes. I'm here to stay. No way you're getting rid of me now, we're almost at 10k. 😂😉

-funny guy
-cute guy

Jin, what THE HECK do you want to be called?! 😂

Enjoy! :)

The walls were soundproof. Therefore, a couple minutes after (Y/n) exited Jung Hoseok's room, the poor girl was oblivious to the screaming of her own name by said-patient one room over.

Knocking on the fourth room's door, (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes quickly glanced over at the metal plack next to the entrance of the room. It read:

Patient 00352
Kim Seokjin
Suffers from: Schizophrenia

The (s/c)-skinned girl furrowed her eye brows, confused. This doesn't make any sense, (Y/n) thought to herself, trying to make sense of the situation. They had a patient who obviously needed to be in rehab, not a hospital, and here they have a patient who clearly needs to be in a mental institution... What is going on here?

Not hearing any type of confirmation that the patient inside the hospital room heard her knock, (Y/n) shifted the tray of medication in her arms to open the door.

"I'm coming in," she warned, "Just so you're aware..."

Still not hearing anything, the volunteer fully opened the door into this "Seokjin"'s room, curious if he was in the bathroom like her previous patient, Hoseok, had been.

He was not.

He was sitting on the bed, facing the headboard (away from her), listening to some kind of music system, apparent by the shape of the white earbuds in both of his ears.

"H-Hello?" Receiving no response from the male in front of her, (Y/n) stepped forward, closing the door. "S-Seokjin? I-Is that you?" She did not understand why she was so afraid of the man sitting upon the bed, seeming so innocent and unaware of his surroundings. But (Y/n) knew better. The air held something deadly captive in it, causing the fear in the poor girl's heart. It was the same air similar to the one in her other patient's room- almost as if all the rooms were sharing the same energy. But how? Simply because of the overall hospital's feeling? Or perhaps, it was because of the patient's occupying the rooms...

(Y/n) had not realized the close proximity she had placed herself in with her fourth patient. He was only a couple of steps away, and (Y/n) quickly cleared the distance to meet him by the bed. Looking around as she did so, her (e/c) eyes immediately noted that this room was like the other three she had been in, with one exception. This room was all white, no dashes of color provided by Rubix Cubes or pretty red flowers. No cards from loved ones or books to help keep busy. Just...


It was disturbingly


The only color provided within the room came from Kim Seokjin's red and black hoodie and his soft-looking, dark brown colored hair. And his music system, of course. Well, that was white too.

(Y/n) softly repeated Seokjin's name, trying to capture his attention once again. When that failed, the (h/c)-haired volunteer tried another method.

She put her had on his shoulder, trying her best not to frighten him as she whispered "Seokjin?"

Kim Seokjin did not appreciate her touch.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!" The schizophrenic male thundered, quickly turning to face (Y/n) who looked at him with a frightened expression, clutching tightly to the tray of prescription medication in her hands in fear. Soon realizing one of the girl's hands was still lightly placed upon his left shoulder, he pushed it off aggressively in disgust. "Watch it!" He scowled, seeming to "dust" of the shoulder (Y/n) had touched.

The female volunteer tilted her head in confusion, "I-I'm sorry, I d-didn't mean to offend you somehow, I just need to give you your medication..."

Seokjin, who the whole time (Y/n) had been speaking, was looking down at his (what the girl thought to be) iPod, scrolling through his purchased music and playlists, looked up suddenly when the words "medication" registered in his brain. His face morphed into the face of a scared little boy, afraid to take his shots at the doctor's office. The patient's eyes began to look red, the color of someone trying to hold in the ocean of tears that wanted to escape from them.

She's trying to get of me, Jinnie.

Don't let her.

Get rid of her, Jinnie, before she makes me disappear.





(Y/n) watched in fascinated confusion and bewilderment as Seokjin began to whimper, tears forming in his eyes. "N-No," the brunette choked out, the ocean within his eyes beginning to be unleashed as he spoke, "I-I don't w-want to!" Frowning, the volunteer began to undertake the reoccurring task of explaining that no, the medicine will not hurt you, you shall be fine, but did not get the chance to as the boy continued speaking, ocean eyes far away from this world and from (Y/n). "S-She seems nice, I d-don't want to hurt her! Please, d-don't m-make me..." he sobbed out, standing up just to fall besides the bed on his knees in sorrow.

"W-What?" (Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows as she bent down to help Seokjin back up. "Seokjin? Are you alright? Who are you talking about? Do you nee-" Reaching out to touch the male and help him stand back up, the poor (h/c)'s hand was slapped away for the second time in the hour.

"I thought I told you to keep your filthy hands off of me," Seokjin heaved out, face still dripping wet with tears. "What do you not understand about that?!"

(Y/n) gulped, rubbing her now-empty hands together (she had placed the prescription on the bed earlier) and started to apologize, "Listen, Seokjin, I'm sorry, but I really need you to take the medi-"

Cut off once again, Seokjin quickly scooted farther away from the (s/c)-skinned girl, backing up frantically until his back slammed into the white wall to the right of his room's bathroom door. Pulling his jean-clad legs up to bend his long legs, the brunette placed his head on top of his legs and folded his arms, crying heart-wrenching sobs into his knees.

The sight almost caused (Y/n) to shed a tear as well, but the (h/c)-haired girl quickly composed herself and headed over to where the male was having, what seemed to be, a mental breakdown. (Y/n)'s heart ached for the poor boy who, she could tell, obviously had very serious mental issues. She wished she knew some way to help him, but all the dismal girl could think of doing was to encourage him to take his (evidently unwanted) medication.

Kneeling down to Seokjin's height, (Y/n) could hear him whispering in dismay to himself, "N-No, I don't want to, n-no! No!"

Who is he talking to? (Y/n) thought to herself. Is it, perhaps, himself? The volunteer did not know much on the subject of schizophrenia, but could make a fairly educated guess that it had to do something with delusions and paranoia. Poor thing. The girl pitied him, and wanted to help him feel calm again.

What would make him feel better? The female racked her brain for anything to help calm him down and aid in drying his tears. His music system! (Y/n) smiled in victory as she pictured an ima(jin)ary light bulb going off over her head.

Standing up and jogging over to the bed, (Y/n) grabbed the male's music system and the plastic cups of pills and water. Moving back to where Seokjin was on the floor, (Y/n) crouched down and say directly in front of him.

Still not noticing her presence, all Kim Seokjin could do was cry and mumble out disagreements to what the voice was shouting at him in his head. He did not wish to harm the girl, she seemed nice. She was...



At this angle, (Y/n) was able to fully appreciate Seokjin's appearance. He was a very dark-haired brunette, his hair looking as soft as star silt sheets in the windows of shops by (Y/n)'s house that she cannot afford. He had deep mahogany eyes that complemented his light skin tone well. The boy had a black and red hoodie on and dark-washed jeans that were probably wet from all of his tears by now. Overall, probably the most handsome patient she had seen so far. His beauty could stop traffic, (Y/n) mused, He is stunning, I'm sure he'd be considered beautiful worldwide (yes I did just do that).

"Jin?" (Y/n) softly called out, watching as the male before her looked up, face red and eyes damp from crying so much. "I can call you Jin, right?"

Kim Seokjin nodded, wiping his nose with his hand, sniffling a bit as he did so.

"Good," encouraged the (e/c)-eyed volunteer, happy to see she was getting somewhere, "I can call you something else, if you prefer...? Perhaps, Seok? Or,  Jinnie?"

There it was. That horrible name that Jin so-hated to be called. It was not used as a nickname. It was not cute, nor funny. It was used in a derogative manner, directed by the voice to Jin.

It's what you deserve, it hissed at him, angry his host was letting this girl speak to him. Get rid of her, Jinnie.

"...No," the boy croaked out, "Anything but that..."

Jin was unsure whether he was speaking to the voice or the girl.

"Okay, I won't call you that. I'm (Y/n) (L/n), I'm going to be volunteering here for a while. Namjoon told me someone might have told you this? Maybe, at lunch?" (Y/n) informed the boy, suggesting what she already knew.

"Joonie?" The male lifted his head, meeting the girl's gaze once more, after he put his head down to argue with he voice. "...I like Joonie..." Seokjin's eye contact drifted to behind the female.

(Y/n) smiled in an encouraging manner, "Yeah, so do I. Namjoon is a cool guy."

"Cool." Jin echoed, now staring at the tiled floor.

"Do you want your music, Jin?" The (h/c) girl offered, holding out his music system in her right hand. "You seem pretty attached to it."

"Music. Want." He repeated, making small grabby-hands at the device.

Smiling, (Y/n) put it behind her. "Only if you take your medicine."

Whimpering, Jin rested head back in his arms, still looking at the female. "I don't think I can do that."

Patient, the girl asked, "And why not, Jin?" (Y/n) made sure her voice was soft, like the way she would address her younger brother when she had caught him stealing extra dessert at supper time.

"Because I'm not allowed," Jin stated in a monotone voice.

"Who told you that, sweet boy?" (Y/n) smiled at the handsome male before her, hoping that complimenting him would make him open up more.

Surprisingly, it worked.

"S-Sweet?" Jin stuttered out, his face a beat-red color from embarrassment. "(Y/n) thinks I-I'm sweet?"

Nodding to confirm his suspicions, said-girl stood up. "And guess what? Sweet boys take their medicine." (Y/n) noticed he forgot to answer her question, or simply did not want to, but refused to ask again, fearing she might loose the leverage she had right now.

Take that medicine and I'll go away, Jinnie. Who will discipline you then, huh? This bitch standing in front of you? I don't think so...

"Jinnie" whimpered again, not liking being scolded so harshly by the voice. It reminded him of his mother. He did not have a lot of love for his mother. "D-Do I have to? C-Can't s-sweet boys just listen to m-music, instead?" He suggested, trying to offer an alternative to taking the nasty drugs.

(Y/n) shook her head and looked down at Jin. "C'mon, Seokjin. It'll be quick, promise." She winked, and held out her hand to help him up, giving him the decision if he wanted to touch her or not. She knew how he felt about touching.

Jin did not understand why she stopped calling him by his new nickname, instead opting for his birth name. He liked hearing his name come from the girl's lips, he was not aware of why, though...

It's because she hates you! The voice sneered in his head. Just like everyone else!

Shaking his head to clear his brain of the yelling the voice was doing at him, Kim Seokjin reached out to meet (Y/n)'s delicate and small hand. It looked so soft...

TOUCH HER AND YOU'RE DEAD, YOU HEAR ME, JINNIE? Screamed the voice, giving the poor boy a low-case of a migraine.

Noticing how Jin was hesitating before meeting her hand, (Y/n) covered the distance, gripping the male patient's hand herself, using a little bit of strength to fully pull him up.

At first, Seokjin flinched at the contact, but soon he realized how comfortable it felt to hold hands, he smiled.





It made (Y/n) giddy to think that she caused such a beautiful expression to make its way upon the boy's face. Moving to the bed where she had previously set down the tray of prescription, (Y/n) tried to take her hand out of Jin's, but flinched when his grip tightened.

He looked down at her, frowning. "Stop," he commanded her, "I like this."

Smiling weakly, (Y/n) turned at shivered at the chills that went down her spine when Jin said this. It was not a pleasant feeling, especially when his




Now standing next to the hospital bed, the pair looked down at the tray of medication, one with hope, the other with disparity.

Noticing his unpleasant expression, (Y/n) handed him the cup of water and, as she was searching for his cup of prescription drugs, the girl said, "Don't worry, they're small and easy to swallow. You'll be fine, won't you, sweet boy?" Once she found the cup, (Y/n) have it to Jin, who, with a renewed boost of confidence from her assurance and encouragement (and his nickname that he realized he now loved hearing her say), Jin downed the pills and water in two gulps.

Smiling another model-perfect smile, Jin turned to (Y/n). "Did I do good?" He questioned, genuinely curious.

(Y/n) laughed at his adorableness. "Yes, Jin," she assures him, "you did good."

Handing him his music system, (Y/n) smiled as his face lighted up.

"Can you show me your favorite songs?" Asked the (h/c)-haired girl in amusement as Jin started to plug the earphones in his ears. Caught off guard, the schizophrenic male looked confused for one second, then understood what she was asking. Nodding, he pulled her to sit on the bed with him, handing her one of his earphones to listen with.

The two sat on the bed for another twenty minutes, just listening to music and enjoying each other's presence.
beep beep ima jeep.

Hello, friends! I updated early this week because I have a sporting event this weekend and won't be able to update. :(

However, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I had a lot of fun writing it!!!! 😆😆

Also, twenty øne piløts released more music, I can't!!! 😩❤️ If you haven't listened to it already, listen to it!!

Thank you so much to Graveyard_Of_Aurorae for the beautiful cover! I love it so much, and appreciate you making it for me so much! 👇🏼👇🏼

Thank you to Lovealy205 for all your cute comments and reactions last chapter! ❤️

Thank you to @BTSJungkook1997Love for telling me you couldn't wait for the next update! Hope you liked this early one!! 😆😆

Thank you to @personchan for being here (basically) from the start and all your continued support. ❤️

Thank you all so much for 8k and 9k!!! We're almost at 10k and I can't wait ahhhhh!!! I'm so excited!! 💛💛

Don't forget to follow my Twitter: @yoongijiminsuga ❤️✨

Question: Who do you want to win the World Cup?
Answer: Croatia, they're actually my favorite team and I've been rooting for them since the beginning, so I hope they can win it all! 😆❤️

How was this chapter?
What did you like about it?
What can I improve upon?
What did you think of Jin's characters?
Who/What would you like to see in the upcoming chapters?

Goal for this chapter: 85 votes. 💕

Have a great day loves, and a good weekend too! :)

~Laura 🌸
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We love a sassy sister. 😍😍

*2840 words*
