Okay, so I was going to introduce Yoongi in this chapter, but apparently I'm too predictable BECAUSE Y'ALL KEEP GUESSING WHO'S COMING UP NEXT CORRECTLY. 😤😂

So, I switched it up to keep you guys on your toes. 😏

And yes, Tae will have his mullet in this story because I 👏🏼 love 👏🏼 Tae 👏🏼 in 👏🏼 a 👏🏼 mullet. That is all.

Enjoy! :)

"-And this one is my favorite song, it's a..." Jin looked up from his iPod in which he was scrolling through his music to show the young volunteer, (Y/n), his new friend.

She would become much more than a friend in the weeks to come...

Frowning, Kim Seokjin asked, "Where are you going?" Seeing the (height)-foot tall girl swinging her legs off the bed and yawning.

She wasn't... leaving him, was she?

She wasn't allowed to.

Gulping, (Y/n) stood up and stretched her arms out a bit (they had become sore after sitting on that stiff hospital bed for the remainder of her time with the schizophrenic male). Turning around with a kind smile on her delicate face, that in turn, caused one to spread across Seokjin's face, the (h/c)-haired female explained, "Jin, sweet boy, I have to go and give the other patients their medicine too, okay?"


"W-What?" Baffled, (Y/n) scoffed in bewilderment, "Jin, I'm not just here to help you-"

Jin glared at the poor girl. "But you should be. I'm your sweet boy. The other patients don't matter. Only I do." At this, a soft smile adorned his face as he looked down, blushing. "Stay with me, (Y/n). Please?"

Ignoring the unwelcome and uncomfortable feeling that was beginning to pool up in the bottom of her stomach, (Y/n) put a fake smile on her face and said, "Jin, you are my sweet boy, but that's exactly why I have to go help the other patients. You're my sweet boy because you're so understanding and kind  to-"

Cutting her off with "Only to you!", Jin sent an enthusiastic smile her way. 

(Y/n)'s smile dropped, seeing she was getting nowhere with the brunette. As she saw Jin move his head down to look once again at his iPod's music selection, the girl glanced towards the doorway.

No, the girl scolded herself, you're being childish. Just have a conversation with him and explain your situation. He will surely be rational about it!

Frowning, (Y/n) realized she had tried to do this already- unsuccessfully.

The female's (e/c) eyes began to glance continuously back and forth from the only exit out of this room and Kim Seokjin.

She could make it before Jin noticed, hopefully. She'd apologize later and he'd understand, right? (Y/n) encouraged herself to do what she probably considered to be one of the most embarrassing acts she would ever go through with.

"Ah! Here it is! It's..." Glancing up from his spot on the hospital bed to see (Y/n) creeping silently towards the door with the tray of prescription medication, Jin frowned in confusion. "(Y/n), what are y-" A sudden realization dawned upon the schizophrenic brunette as he saw the (s/c) skin of the volunteer's hand twist the knob upon the door.

"A-Are you l-leaving m-me?" Jin choked out, becoming emotional when he finally understood what the female was trying to accomplish, "W-Why?"

Wincing as she was almost there, (Y/n) begrudgingly turned around, ashamed. "L-Look, Jin, this isn't personal, it's just-" She stopped immediately when she heard his next words.

"Y-You d-don't like m-me. I knew it! H-He was right... h-he's always r-right..." Jin spat out, furious at the girl in front of him who was supposed to be his friend. 

Maybe even more than friends.

At least he had thought so, until she had betrayed him like this.

Walking forward a little, ready to comfort the patient in front of her, (Y/n) flinched when Jin mumbled out, "Just leave already. Everyone always does, anyways."

If Jin's words had been any quieter, (Y/n) would have missed them. But, they were loud enough. Loud enough to hear and loud enough to pierce through her heartstrings, leaving the girl feeling horrible and disgusted at herself, as (Y/n) was the one who made herself feel that and, more importantly, made Jin feel like that.

"Jin, I-" she tried, but was interrupted once again.

"Didn't I tell you to leave?" The brunette male, sitting despairingly upon the bed, faced the female with a glare and tear-streaked cheeks.

And as (Y/n) painstakingly slowly exited the room, waiting for Jin for some reason or other to call her back into the room, saying he was joking or playing around, all she could think of were the broken, brown, red-rimmed eyes glossed over with tears that she had caused to roll down Jin's normally rosy cheeks.

And if that was not a heartbreaking thought, (Y/n) could not comprehend what was.


As soon as he heard the door shut quietly, Jin looked back at the door with a menacing smirk adorned upon his fragile face. It seemed out of place on such a beautiful canvas, but even the evil expression looked like art upon Kim Seokjin's face.

Just a wait a little longer, Jinnie Boy. We've got her now, we just have to make sure the others  don't get in our way. She's ours now.

The disturbingly alarming smirk became wider on Jin's face and he couldn't tell if it was his doing or the voice's.

And for once he didn't care.

He was going to have the girl all to himself, whatever it took.

Him and the voice were working together now, for the first time, towards a common goal.



Trying to compose herself after everything that had happened in Jin's room just moments ago, (Y/n) took a couple of deep breaths to calm her heartbeat from plunging into immense sadness after what had occurred in the schizophrenic's room and what it had made her feel.

Sighing, (Y/n) tried to smile and have a positive attitude towards this patient.  

She could think about Jin later.

The metal plack describing the patient within the room read:

Patient 00354
Kim Taehyung
Suffers from: Split Personality

Frowning, (Y/n) thought, A lot of Kim's at this hospital, huh?

Shaking away the strange idea, the (h/c) female knocked lightly upon the wooden door, patiently awaiting a sign of acknowledgement from within the fifth room the volunteer had visited today.

She did not receive one.

(Y/n) gulped. For some reason or other, she was not quite quaint on entering the room. However, she took another deep breath and opened the door. Walking into the room, able to carry the tray of prescription and water with only one hand, now that she only had three patient's left, (Y/n) used her right hand to open said door and her left to hold the medication. Looking inside, she was pleasantly surprised to see color exploding everywhere. There were large flower pots on the dresser with dozens of different and unique kinds of the sweet-smelling plants. Also on the counter was a basket filled to the brim with seemingly unopened letters. Posters decorated the walls, some of movies, like E.T., Fast and Furious, and Aliens in the Attic, and some of music, like Fall Out Boy and Journey. It was colorful, not messy though, thank goodness for (Y/n) who would have to come back in later and clean all the rooms in this hallway that belonged to her patients. The girl subconsciously moved forward as she admired the home-like room. The volunteer looked towards the bathroom, noticing small splats of spots on the handle of it. They were a strange red color... 

(Y/n) was now fully submerged within the room, the door closing loudly behind her, echoing in the uncomfortably, eerily quiet room.

Her first mistake.

Still looking around the room, now searching for the person who was supposed to be living inside of it, (Y/n) looked to the window, where a tall, built-looking man was standing.

Kim Taehyung perked up, hearing the door close. He slowly turned around, a sinister smirk etched upon his stunning-beautiful face that the poor volunteer seemed to barely miss. At least, (Y/n) thought it was Kim Taehyung.

She would soon find out she was incorrect.

"Hello," the attractive male purred, "And who might you be, angel?"

Blushing, (Y/n) stuttered out, "I-I'm volunteering here n-now. I'm here to give you your me-medication."

Kim Taehyung put his finger on his chin, looking up at the ceiling in thought. He frowned, the said, "No, I don't think so. Not today. Perhaps I shall feel up to it tomorrow." Smiling at the girl, he turned back to the window and began his job of ignoring her.

(Y/n) did not know what to do at this. He obviously was still in a jolly mood and bringing up the medication might trigger unwanted behaviors, like with some of the other patients. However, the (s/c)-skinned female could not simply let him go without his medicine!

Deciding to put her foot down and stand up for herself and her position as a volunteer here at the hospital, (Y/n) decided to respond with, "Kim Taehyung, if-"

Turning around suddenly, said male's eyes flashing, he stalked towards (Y/n) like a predator stalking his ample prey, widening his strides as if to get to her quicker.

And she was his prey. The poor thing just didn't know it yet.

Concerned, but knowing, hoping, her fifth patient of the day was not going to do her harm, (Y/n) took this time to observe his features. There was no doubt in (Y/n)'s mind that Kim Taehyung (like the rest of the patients in this wing of the hospital) would ever be considered unattractive in anyone's mind. With stunningly beautiful, light topaz eyes that complimented his dark brown mullet and light skin tone, he was definitely a looker. Add on the fact the male had an extremely muscular build and was wearing what looked to be a designer outfit, (Y/n) knew Kim Taehyung had never had a problem with starting relationships. However, if the brunette acted like he was acting with the volunteer now in his relationships, (Y/n) bet they did not last very long.

Reaching her, Taehyung pulled her close in his arms, the only thing separating the two from touching chests was the tray of prescription medication that (Y/n) still had to get the patient to swallow.

He looked down at her, smirking, obviously knowing the effect he had on the poor girl, "Never," Taehyung whispered, swooping down to her neck to place a gentle kiss there, "never, speak another male's name in my presence, angel. Understand?"

Blushing at the sudden, and frankly, unwelcome contact from the brunette, (Y/n) tired to push him away, to no avail. "B-But I said y-your name, T-Tae..."

At this, Kim Taehyung tsked and, thankfully, let go of (Y/n) and stepped away, only to grab her available hand. "My name is V, angel. Taehyung is..." Looking away, he chuckled to himself, "...currently unavailable."

"V", who could not be anyone other than Kim Taehyung, it simply was impossible for him to be a completely separate human being, lifted (Y/n)'s (s/c) hand, looking her deep in the eyes as he lightly pressed his lips to her skin. "Pleased to meet your acquaintance."

Face a beet-red, (Y/n) snatched her hand away as if it had been burned, missing the agitated scowl that came across V's face as she did so.

"I don't care if you're the Queen of England, you're in this room so I'm supposed to give you your medicine," glaring at the male, (Y/n) held up the tray, indicating that V was still going to have to swallow the prescription whether he wanted to or not.

Smirking, V said, "Fine. But let's do it by the bed."    

"W-What?" Spluttered out the poor girl, not liking the tone the patient used to say the words with.

Almost as if there was a double meaning to it, another underlying message...

His smirk grew. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle."


V burst into laughter, clutching his sides as he doubled over in amusement. (Y/n) could only watch in bewilderment at the sudden mood change. "Y-You sh-should've seen your f-face!" He exclaimed, face red from laughing so hard.

(Y/n) gulped, hands white from clutching the tray so hard in fear. She did not understand why, but she got a horrible "vibe" from this room; the (h/c)-haired volunteer wanted to leave as quick as possible.

The brunette wiped his eyes as the male had started crying in amusement from the female's reaction to his sexual innuendo. "I was kidding, but man, that was hilarious!" He chuckled a bit at the statement and then motioned towards the bed. "But seriously, if you're going to make me take that disgusting substance, at least let me sit down while doing so."

The female did not understand why, but she was not keen on the idea of traveling farther into the room; she especially was not keen on traveling closer to Kim Taehyung, especially after everything that had happened already with him.

Gulping, while also trying to quench her fears, (Y/n) decided to push away the feeling of distress and join Kim Taehyung, V, by the bed. Setting the tray of prescription medication on a small space of room she found on the dresser, the girl's (e/c) eyes widened immensely when she felt her arm being tugged closer to V. (Y/n) was spun around to face him, with the same proximity as before except now there was no tray to separate the two. V seemed to realize this just as quickly as (Y/n) as the male smirked cockily.

"Maybe I wasn't joking," he murmured close to her ear, nibbling on it after he did so.

"W-What," (Y/n) whispered back, body too frightened to push the patient off and face too red to say anything else.

"Perhaps," V suggested, moving his lips from her ear to down her neck, slowly, sensually, "we should take our cloths off, hmm?"

That was the last straw.

Hitting and pushing against his chest until he let go of her, (Y/n) glared at V, disgusted. "How dare you," the girl seethed, "you disgusting pig. Take your medicine and leave me be."

V stared at her, incredulously. No woman had ever fought off of his advances before. He...

...liked it...


He wanted to play with the girl more, but he knew he had to tread carefully.

"I apologize," V said sincerely, "My intention was not to make you feel... bad. The opposite of it, actually."

(Y/n) just scoffed and grabbed his medicine and water cups. "Here," she practically threw them at the male, who looked surprised by her actions, to say the least.

Downing the pills without the water, V walked closer to the (h/c)-haired female. Only a couple of inches apart now, he set down the water cup to the right of her tray on his dresser. The patient made a move to touch her, perhaps in sorrow, perhaps not, but when V saw (Y/n) flinch at his moving hand, he glanced down apologetically and walked back to the bed.

Climbing up into it, V covered himself in the sheets and explained, "It's draining to change back. But..." he turned to face the beautiful volunteer whom he was immensely curious about now, "...thank you."

Tight-lipped and still not looking at him, (Y/n) nodded and took her tray and headed to the metal door in the room that had started all of tension and hurt feelings now apparent in the air of Kim Taehyung's room.

And even though the girl was furious at the male, she still took the time to turn off the light so V could sleep peacefully.

^me after writing this chapter 😂

Well... that was... an experience.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter... like I said, it was... interesting.

In all seriousness, thank you to milkissy for beta reading some of this and giving me help and advice. You're fantastic. ❤️❤️

Thank you to akrillin for always being pleased with the length of my chapters, haha. 😊😊

Thank you to @hoseok6476 for all your supportive comments! 💕

Like stated above, I was going to do Yoongi in this chapter but then people started guessing him so I had to spice it up! ;)

Speaking of spice, this chapter... what did you think of it??? Too spicy, not spicy enough?? I will take all sides. 😂😂

Question: Where is everyone from?

Answer: I'm from the U. S. of A, baby! (If someone gets that reference you will be my new best friend 😂)

How was this chapter?
What did you like?
What can I improve upon?
What did you think of Taehyung's character?
What/Who would you like to see in the upcoming chapters?

Goal for this chapter: 100 votes. 💕

Have a great day, loves!

~Laura 🌸
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