The ink machine

Sammy was working quietly in his office, which was just down the hall from his main studio. He enjoyed the silence that he would experience in the music department, he'd only be bothered by Norman Polk or Wallace Franks, and on occasions Susie Campbell would come down and bring him some coffee in the mornings when she was recording in the music booth. He sighed and scribbled out a few notes from the sheet paper he was working on, staring at the paper in distaste.

"Dammit Joey....." he muttered, looking out the window of his office

A familiar face was seen walking down the hallway too him, it was Henry. His tanned skin and dark hair really stood out from the rest of everyone in the studio, he was the one guy everyone seemed to like to talk to, after all, he did start the studio up with Joey himself.

Henry knocked on the door, earning a small annoyed reply from Sammy who got up and opened the door.

"Need something Henry?" he asked

"I mean if your not wanting to go out to lunch today-" Henry started, reminding Sammy of his promise from earlier

"Shit, I forgot...."

"You said that last week..." Henry shook his head smiling, "Come on your not getting out of anything this time."

Sammy looked down thoughtfully, then back at his work. "I could use a break from Joeys nonsense...."

"That's the spirit!! Come on!"

Henry and Sammy left the studio together and started to walk down the sidewalk through Hollywood Blvd, Sammy seemed more at ease outside the studio, but still as pissed off as ever. Henry looked around for the place they had planned to go to weeks ago, it was a place that they hadn't been to yet and Sammy seemed interested to try it.

"Oh! Here we are!" Henry pointed across the street at small bar and grill

"Musso and Frank?" Sammy asked

"Well yeah this is where we agreed on going..."

Sammy nodded silently and crossed the street, heading inside the restaurant being followed closely by his co-worker and were quickly seated at a double table. Sammy's head was already hurried into the menu, his hunger forcing him to actually eat today. He never ate in the studio, partially because Joey never really offered anything to eat as a meal.

Henry smiled a bit at the other man's eagerness, his plan to get Sammy out of the office and get some fun and food into the grumps body was working. "So, hows the new songs coming along?"

"Oh, well," Sammy glanced up at him, "The songs are almost finished if that's what your asking."

"I'm not Joey, you can tell me if your struggling with work. Maybe I can give you an extension if-"

"That won't be needed Henry." Sammy sighed and looked back at the menu

"Are you sure?" Henry frowned, he saw how stressed Sammy was when he went down to the office


Henry shook his head with a sigh, "Alright, but don't forget Sammy you have a whole department to help you if needed."

Sammy glared at him for a moment before the restaurants waiter came over to take their orders. Sammy and Henry both ordered fairly quickly, both now starting to want to get back to the studio. Once the food was on the table they ate in silence.

"Sammy..." Henry started, breaking the silence

Sammy huffed an acknowledgement, looking up at him as he ate.

"What did you want to do in a music career standpoint. You seem to not like working with me and Joey."

This caused Sammy to pause. "It's not that i don't like it Henry. I don't like Joey or his god awful talks of dreams constantly, I definitely don't like any of the other employees, I can tolerate Susie for the most part but who doesn't like Susie. The work environment is terrible and Joeys deadlines are horrible. Plus he has no idea how to hire musicians."

Henrys eyes widened at Sammy ranted quietly about the studio. "I had no idea..."

"Well no one does Henry. It's not like i'm a friendly kind of guy." Sammy glared

"You seem pretty friendly outside the studio."

"Don't push your luck Henry."

And with that the two finished their meal and left, Henry paying the bill much to Sammy's disliking. He payed the bill for the last place they went too together, Sammy planned to pay it this time, as a sort of thank you.

Soon they were back at the studio, neither noticing the new large pipes on the floors, walls and ceilings. Henry sighed and watched as Sammy left for the stairwell down to the third floor, the music department. Once down there Sammy went back into his office and straight back to work, not even caring about any of the musicians in the other room trying to figure out how to play one of his newest and finished pieces of work. However his work was soon interrupted by a creaking sound above him, looking up he noticed small black drops of liquid was starting to fall through the wooden boards, and it was starting to leak more.

"What the-"

Before he could finish the sentence, large amounts of ink started gushing through the ceiling, running down his walls and even covering him. Letting out a small scream of anger, he rushed out of his office and back upstairs.


Everyone looked at the musician in shock, it wasn't exactly a pretty sight. Sammy was covered in the black inky substance, only one of his eyes was showing as his hair was covering the other, black liquid dripping from it and onto his clothes. Joey stared at him nervously, unsure what the man would do to him.


"Oh dear.... T-that would be the ink machine Lawrence...." Joey spoke nervously

Sammy stared at him in angering confusion, turning away to where he heard a machine rumbling.


He stormed over to the noise only to find Wally their tinkering with a large machine.


He jumped, looking over at Sammy.


"Sorry Sammy! Still working out some

"Wallace there is ink, flooding my department." Sammy glared, walking over to him

"I'm tellin ya Sammy. This is the bosses order. But if I don't get this ink to stop flowin I'm outta here."
