Coffee break

Sammy stared at the wall in front of him as ink dripped down his face, some more ink had leaked through the ceiling onto him once again, third time today as he had counted. He tried to keep to himself today and not bother or be bothered by anyone, so he decided to contemplate leaving the studio as the ink continued to drip onto his desk.


Susie's voice broke him out of his thoughts, growling he spun around to look at the woman in his doorway.

"What." He snapped

She tensed but never the less approached the grumpy man before her. "Coffee...?" She held up the pot and cup

He sighed and held out a hand for the cup, "Sure..."

She smiled and handed him the cup and poured him some coffee, "That machine really has you in it's inky grasp huh?"

"Don't remind me."

"Have you complained to Joey about it?"

Sammy grumbled, sipping the black coffee, "Every time.... didn't today..."

Susie sat on his desk, "How come?"

"I was thinking about leaving the company...."

Her eyes widened worriedly, "Sammy..."

He looked up at her in annoyance and sighed, "Think it's worth it?"

She shook her head, "Who will do a better job then you with the music department?"

Sammy smiled slightly, "Suppose your right..."

"Of course I am. Now come on, let's get that ink off of you."


Sammy let a smile creep onto his face, he had finally finished the new sheet music for the next animation, he stood up and took the papers up to the animation department to check with Henry on everything before handing the music over to Joey. Passing through the different rooms and over and under pipes was difficult enough, what was worse was that Henry's desk wasn't in the most accessible place in the studio. Finally making his way over to the man slumped over whatever he was working on at the moment.


Henry looked over at him in surprise, "Sammy! Just the person I wanted to see!"

Sammy was taken aback, "Really? What for?"

"What do you think of Susie Campbell?"

"Well..." he paused, thinking carefully about his next words, "She has promise to be a talented singer and voice actress.... Why do you ask?"

Henry motioned for him to come closer to him and the desk, which Sammy obeyed out of curiosity. On the desk was a pencil and a piece of paper with a new cartoon character drawn next to Beny, being about the same size as the ink demon. The character was a female, with horns and a halo on her head.

"Is this?"

"This is my new character, Alice Angel. I think Susie should be her voice actress."

"I can see it." Sammy remarked

"You can?" Henry looked up at him

He nodded, pointing at Alice, "She's supposed to be a singing role correct?"

"She's supposed to sing and dance in most of her appearances." Henry confirmed

"Susie has a nice singing voice, and generally a very soothing one. I think this role will fit her perfectly."

Henry smiled, "Good. I'll go talk to Joey about it."

"Before that, I want you to look over the new sheet music."

He blinked, he didn't expect Sammy of all people to ask him to review any of his work. "Alright...?"

Sammy laid out the sheet music on the desk before the both of them, pulling up a chair that must have been used by another person working with Henry earlier. "Since I haven't seen the new episode I am not sure if this would fit. Joey didn't exactly say any specifics about it."

Henry nodded and looked over the sheet music, then pulled out some of the story boards he had finished earlier. He looked back and forth for a bit, lightly humming some of the notes as if trying to imagine the two working together. Sammy watched in slight awe, he hadn't seen Joey do this or even any of the musicians reading the sheets to figure out how it would play out with the animation or specific instrument. This was new, and he actually enjoyed it. A soft smile found its way onto Sammy's face, unnoticed by both him and Henry. After a few minutes had passed Henry gave an affirmative nod and put away the story boards.

"It works perfectly, you've done a great job once again Lawrence." Henry grinned and handed him back the sheet music, "Well would you look at that..."


"Your smiling!"

Sammy's eyes widened a bit but he stayed content with his work and current emotion, "So I am..."

Henry chuckled and pat Sammy's shoulder, "I always knew you had an emotion besides total grump."

Sammy shook his head, "Thanks Henry... I should go give this to Joey."

Henry nodded grabbing the paper with Alice Angels design and standing, "I'll come with you, since I need to talk to Joey about the new character."

Sammy stood as well, "I can help with that, suggest Susie being her voice actress."

Henry nodded and the two started to walk towards Joey Drews office. The two talked about small things, mostly on how they got into both of their interests. Sammy seemed to be more relaxed about things now, maybe it was because of how he managed to get his sheet music done so perfectly, or maybe it was because he felt more at ease around Henry now that he had spent time with him. It could have even been both.

"We should have lunch sometime again." Sammy admitted

Henry paused in his steps, looking at him, "I thought you didn't enjoy it?"

Sammy stopped and looked back at him, shaking his head again, "Oh no I did, I just had work on my mind, we could do lunch again on a less busy day?"

Henry laughed, "You've certainly changed in a short amount of time."

"Don't push your luck Henry." Sammy scoffed, continuing to walk

Henry sighed but still kept a smile on his face. The two soon reached Joey's office Sammy's sour demeanor quickly returning, something Henry and the others in the studio's have noticed when ever Sammy has to interact with Drew. Henry entered first, Sammy trailing behind him, the first thing they noticed was the rug on the floor seemingly covering up something that looked like ink stains on the floor.

"Joey...? What's under the rug...?" Henry asked

Joey Drew turn around to face them, away from the bookshelf he was putting a book on moments before. He seemed surprised to see Henry and Sammy both in his office but once he saw that they had papers in hand and relaxed.

"Ah! Some ink from our wonderful Ink Machine leaked through the floor! Seems one of the pipes under the floor burst the other night!" Joey laughed, "Did you two need something?"

Henry nodded and walked over, setting down the paper with Alice Angels design on it, Sammy following him closely.

"Whats this?" Joey asked, picking up the paper

"Sammy and I were thinking, Susie Campbell has been here for two months now, and we thought she'd be perfect for a counterpart to Bendy. Here on this paper is Alice Angel! The singing and dancing angel!" Henry explained

"She has shown great potential Joey, after working with her the past few months, her singing voice is almost angelic and her voice on its own is very relaxing. She should be doing more then just voicing various background characters." Sammy pointed out

Joey stared at the paper for a moment before looking at the two men infront of him. "You both think this will work?"

"Yes sir." Sammy spoke carefully as Henry nodded

Joey thought for a moment before nodding, "Yes! This is a splendid idea! All main characters need a counterpart like this! The Demon vs The Angel!"

Henry didn''t seem to happy with Joey's conclusion, "Wait Joey..."

Joey didn't even acknowledge the man at this point, he continued on with his own ideas for Henry's character, it was quite common for the man to do so.

"We will start the storyboards for her first appearance! Sammy go tell her the news! Oh! Do you have the new music sheets ready?"

"There right here Joey." He sighed and handed them over, "They've even been looked over by Henry to make sure their right this time.."

"Ah well there's the improvement I've been looking for! Finally doing your job right eh?"

Sammy's right eye twitched in annoyance, "Always trying to improve Joey..."

Henry felt bad for him but didn't say anything, he knew how impeccable Sammy's skills were in the music field. Joey dismissed the two, going back to whatever he was reading before the two came inside his office. Sammy left as fast as he could, grumbling profanities to himself, Henry hurrying after him.

"Sammy hold on."

Sammy stopped looking back at Henry in annoyance, "What."

Henry sighed and smiled slightly, "Want to go get drinks after work?"

Sammy thought for a moment, he'd probably need a few drinks after work, since now he has to write a song for Susie to sing as well as the music for the main animation. He hesitated before answering.

