Movie Night

"Would you two hurry it up!" Susie's voice called from the living room

Sammy tried to not laugh, his arms around Henry as the smaller male finished making a bowl of popcorn.

"Hold on Susie! Sammy misplaced the salt again!"

"I don't know what your talking about." Sammy scoffed with a grin

"Sammy we're going to miss the movie at this point!!" Susie whined

Sammy sighed, letting go of his partner and grabbing the salt out of the cupboard.

"Sammy that's not where the salt goes."

"Does it look like I care where the salt goes?" Sammy asked with a questioning stare

"No it doesnt darling..." Henry sighed with a grin as he shook his head

Exiting the kitchen, Henry brought out the large mixing bowl filled with popcorn setting it on the coffee table in front of the sofa in front of the girl in the middle of the couch, staring excitedly at the screen. Sammy had made sure to buy the days channel schedule to find out what movies would be playing tonight. The only movie was a thriller film, much to Susie's dismay but she was determined to have a movie night again.

"Susie you know the movie is scheduled for eight right?" Sammy said with a smile

"Yes I know that!"

"It's 7:40 Susie we have ten minutes." He rolled his eyes, looking at his watch

Susie looked up at him as he sat next to her smiling, "I know but you two were taking forever!"

Henry sat on the other side of Susie with a laugh. "Sorry about the Susie, someone was delaying things."

"Don't push your luck Henry."

"Didn't Joey call you two into his office today?"

The room tensed slightly, Henry and Sammy glanced at each other nervously.

"Joey threatened to fire us.." Sammy spoke carefully

Susie stared at him in shock, "Why?"

"Well because we left work early and didn't finish one of the projects assigned to the both of us."

She frowned and looked at the ground for a moment, "Why did you leave early? That doesn't sound like either of you..."

The two looked at each other nervously, unsure whether they should tell her the truth. Sammy sighed, knowing how Susie felt about him thanks to Alice, and knowing how she'd react.

"My sister was visiting, she wanted me to come and see our mother for her birthday. I did. She actually invited Henry as well and most likely flirted with him all night." Sammy chuckled

Henry smiled sadly and nodded, "Yeah she really talked my ear off."

She nodded, not fully believing them. The movie started, causing the room to to go silent. Susie would gasp and sometimes jump while watching, grasping onto Sammy's arm which he didn't mind, being that he expected this to happen with a thriller. Soon she fell asleep, her head resting on his shoulder softly, causing the musician to smile softly. He glanced across the couch and saw Henry was about to succumb to the same fate as Susie and carefully stood to turn the tv off. He made sure not to wake the girl next to him and gently rested her head on the arm rest. He walked to the tv, turning a small knob and turning it off. Satisfied with how tonight went he walked over to his partner and quietly helped him up and helped him to their room. Once inside Henry had woken up a bit more and wasn't as much as a dead weight for Sammy.

"What's going on...?" He asked with a yawn

"We're heading to bed."

"What about Susie? Or the movie?"

This caused the musician to chuckle, "You sound like a child. Susie's asleep on the couch so get in bed and I'll join you in a minute."

Henry nodded, climbing into bed and laying down face first and quickly drifting off back to sleep. Sammy smiled softly and turned to the wardrobe behind him, carefully opening it to grab a spare blanket and pillow. One the objects were obtained he made his way over to the couch where Susie rested.

A small smile rested on the musicians face as he placed the blanket on top of the blonde and carefully maneuvered the pillow under her head. Susie curled into the blanket slightly, signaling that things would be fine now. Sammy started to leave the room, heading back to bed. He was stopped when a small cough came out of him, covering his mouth to keep quiet. When he pulled his hand away, he noticed something, something black.

His face paled slightly and he quickly turned his direction to the bathroom, turning on a light to see what ever he had just coughed into his hand. The black liquid reflected the dim light as it stained his hands, but it wasn't blood, no he knew instantly what the black substance was. It was ink. Panicked he washed it off his hand, the ink disappearing like it had never been there. A sigh escaped his lips as he watched the substance run down the drain, he figured it would be best to keep this to himself.

Sammy shook his head, clearing his thoughts. He'd deal with this in the morning. 
