
Ok ok before you say anything yes I am still not using wattpad! I haven't deleted the app because god there's still so many of you reading and commenting and your comments brighten my day so I just can't bring myself to delete it!

BUT that doesn't mean I'm done writing ohhh no! If you've seen my bio or last note from Sammy's Handbook or even my TF work you'll know that I'm on Ao3! And that is why I am here today for one last hurrah!!

I am rewriting Turning Ink!! It's on Ao3 and I'm really excited to work on it again! Now I've explained it all in my welcome note on the rewrite and this is the link to said note and story!

I do hope I see you there and that you love the rewrite as much as you did this fic!

Love you all so much and I'll see you on the flip side!
