I don't think this is logical for you to do Starscream. She is the queen. Our master's wife. We listen to her, not you. If you do not listen to what I say I will make you into my own specimen. Is that clear? Jeez, okay. I really don't want to be that. That is disgusting. He walked off. And Shockwave moved his hand showing me the throne. I walked over to sit. I still didn't feel right sitting in it but someone had to be in charge.

Everything was quiet in the med bay until some certain warlord was starting to wake up. Ugh. Where. Megatron scanned the room but didn't see anyone until he saw the doors opened. My Liege you are awake. Yes indeed, Knockout. Here let me have my son. Knockout went over and handed Sunblaster to him. And he walked off to let CyberMoon known about Megatron

I was still thinking about my husband until the doors opened. Knockout, is there something wrong or anything you need. No my queen. It is Megatron. He just woke up and he is asking for you. I immediately ran. Oh Soundwave right now you are in charge. Wait what. Starscream, just do your job and go back to work I told him. I left and headed off. Megaton was watching Sunblaster when he saw the doors open. My sweet spark. My love. I went over to him nuzzling him. He licked my face. I missed you CyberMoon. I missed you, my warlord. He chuckled at me saying my warlord.

So who has been in charge since I was out. Oh I have been. Don't worry Shockwave put Starscream in his place. He said that I don't think it is logical for you to do Starscream. She is the queen. Our master's wife. We listen to her, not you. If you do not listen to what I say I will make you into my own specimen. Is that clear? Oh he did. Well I am glad to hear it. Argh. Careful Sunblaster your sire is still healing he chuckled.

I was afraid that I could've lost you, I told him. Sweet spark you will never lose me. You and Sunblaster mean the world to me. I saw my husband looking the other way and he looked angry. My warlord, you look angry at what is wrong. After I said that I was massaging his shoulder. It's nothing, it's just what Prime said that angered me. He was saying stuff about you that wasn't true. Honey, just ignore him. He doesn't know me and he doesn't need to know. I went up and kissed him on the cheeks. He smiled and turned at me and looked at me. I blushed when he was looking at me. My sweet spark, you are beautiful when you are blushing. I blushed even more, hiding my face in his chest as he chuckled. He lifted his servo and started caressing my back tracing each line that was left by Starscream. But one mark was sensitive. Ugh. What's wrong sweetheart. It's just that one scar that is very sensitive hasn't healed yet because of Starscream. It was before I fell in love with you.

I see. Well I promise you this that I will protect you. We locked eyes with each other. We noticed Sunblaster was getting tired. You better head to bed my love and get some rest. No. I am staying here with you. Megatron made room and I climbed on with him. He started sucking my back making me moan his name Megatron. He chuckled. He stopped and looked down and saw his son was trying to climb on his chest. CyberMoon lifted him up and put him on his sires chest.
