For the past 3 days the queen was showing improvement but wasn't waking up. Megatron was worried. But Knockout told him that she is a strong fighter, she used to be a seeker and she knows how to fight. Megatron agreed but was still worried.

Everyone was busy except for Megatron. He was sitting on his throne thinking about the day he met his queen.

Megatron P.O.V.

It's not the same not having my queen around. Of course she is but not really. I always have been checking in but she has been improving but no sign of waking up. I miss her. I mean she makes me happy like no other femme has. She knows how to relax if I ever need it. But I also need to think about my son. I remember the time I first met CyberMoon. It was on the flight deck. Ever since we've been together and had Sunblaster it just feels like everyone and everything is trying to take us apart. I have to be strong for my son and for the Decepticons. But I know I will try my best to take care of my son.

Megatron was still thinking about CyberMoon until he felt a servo on his shoulder. It was Knockout. My Liege. I came here to bring you some good news, he said

Megatron was waiting until he heard him say that CyberMoon is awake. He pushed Knockout out of the way and ran to the med bay.

CyberMoon was awake. She was looking and scanning the room but no didn't see her warlord until she heard the doors open. She looked and immediately started crying. Megatron quickly went in comforting her. Shh. It's okay my queen you are safe. He nuzzled her head and licked her face. She giggled and chuckled while it hurt.

They were talking when the doors opened. CyberMoon was flabbergasted when she saw Prime was here holding her son. Megatron immedny told her about everything. My queen I actually ended the war. I. I can't lose you or Sunblaster. I almost lost you to Tarn. Prime walked in, placing Sunblaster down.

So you must be CyberMoon. I have heard all about you from what Megatron has said to me. Yeah so. What gives. I hope you won't betray my warlord like you did a long time ago. Prime knew what she was talking about. I won't CyberMoon. I promise you that.

CyberMoon just stared at him but looked at her warlord. She leaned in, nuzzling his neck. He purred at the touch and the feeling. She whispered in her warlord's audios and said this to him. I will trust him for now. But if he does something that hurts you or anything and betrays us. He will not hear the end of it. Megatron stepped back and smiled and chuckled. He leaned down and responded back. My queen, I trust him. Optimus was watching but quickly turned away and let them do their thing.
