I told Knockout I will be right back he nodded and I proceeded my way out. I was looking cautiously and trying to avoid Starscream in any way I could. I didn't see him and I walked to the cafeteria to get some energon. I made it to the cafeteria but Steve walked out. Oh hey CyberMoon here's some energon don't go in Starscream is in there.
Okay thank you Steve. I took the energon and headed my way. I so badly wanted to go out flying. I was drinking the energon and bumped into someone. Oh sorry CyberMoon. I looked and saw Shockwave. Shockwave, no it's my fault I wasn't watching where I was going. I was trying to avoid Starscream. I see that it is logical that you do. He is not the very smartest bot that is. Excuse me, I need to get back to my research.

I was going to head back when I saw the mech that I love. Megatron was stepping out of his quarters. He turned and saw me and gave me a smile. Then he proceeded his way to his throne room. My spark keeps beating every time I see that mech. I was heading back to the med bay when I ran into yes Starscream. He saw me and was walking by and he grabbed my wings and pinched them and mangled them. Ow. Hey what was that for. He didn't answer and walked off. Me almost crying I walked off having my head down. I may never get to fly.

Knockout was busy when he heard the door open. CyberMoon what happened he got up and walked me to the berth. It was Starscream I said, having my head down. Now I may never get to fly again because of him. I didn't do anything. What did I do to deserve this? I don't know, Knockout answered back to me. Knockout checked and did an examination on both of my wings. CyberMoon your wings are severely damaged. It is going to take me another month to fix them. I just walked off and headed to the flightdeck.

Megatron P.O.V.

I loved seeing her the way she smiled at me like that this morning. But I felt something wasn't right. My sparkmate didn't seem happy I felt it. I went to the med bay and asked Knockout where CyberMoon was. He told me that she is on the flightdeck. She is pretty upset. Her wings are more damaged than they were before he told me. He told me it was Starscream. After hearing his name my spark and my core boiled over it. I walked out and headed to the flightdeck. And I saw my sweet spark sitting alone sad and crying

CyberMoon P.O.V.

I was sitting and yes crying because I couldn't fly anymore and I yelled this isn't fair. Which it wasn't fair. How come Starscream gets to fly and I don't. What did I do to deserve this? I was thinking until I felt a servo on my shoulder. I looked up and it was my sparkmate Megatron.

Hey you okay he said. I told him no this isn't fair how come Starscream gets to fly and I don't. I may never get to fly again. It's just not fair. He quickly grabbed me holding me and trying to comfort me I felt him caressing my back trying to make me relax which it did.
