Everyone was busy including me. I was the assistant for Knockout. He actually enjoyed having company like this and having help. He actually thought I was doing a great job with it. It was more busy when the Vehicons kept fighting with the Insecticons, and the Eradicons.

Sigh. This is getting really annoying Steve. With you and the other Vehicons getting into fights with the insecticons and the Eradicons I mean seriously Steve, he said. Steve apologized about it. I asked Knockout if I could take a break and he said yes after everything I had done. I went to the flight deck to take a break but to find out that our master Lord Megatron was on the flight deck. I proceeded my way and let him do his thing.

Megatron P.O.V.

I was just minding my own business thinking about what next to do for the war and to defeat the Autobot's until I saw in the corner of my eye a femme. One of Knockout's assistants. I can't explain it but for some reason this femme has caught my eye. What am I thinking and saying I am the leader of the decepticons. I have no time to find love or fall in love.

CyberMoon P.O.V.

I was just minding my business. But it looked like my master was well. I can't explain it. It's hard to read our master's expressions. But I looked into the skies wanting to fly again. It angers me that I can't fly right now. But when I turned back Megatron was gone. But something felt weird. Am I falling for him? No I can't. He is the leader of the decepticons. I know that he is not looking for someone to fall in love with. I left the flightdeck heading inside when I heard Steve yelling out.

Jeezh come on. This isn't working. Frag this. I was walking when I heard Steve saying this. Hey Steve I said. What's wrong? He told me that he was working on this project, apparently what Starscream wanted him to do. But it failed.

It's okay Steve. Some things like this happen. Next time maybe let Starscream do it. I left until I felt someone pinning me against the wall. How dare you. I looked up and saw Starscream. He heard every word of the conversation that me and Steve had.

Megatron P.O.V.

I was still thinking about that femme couldn't keep her off my mind. I was walking and coming around the corner until I looked up and noticed Starscream had that femme that I met earlier on the flightdeck. He had her pinned against the wall. It made my core and my spark boil after seeing this. Starscream, what is the meaning of this, I said put her down now. Wait my Lord she. No Starscream he said. Put her down. He put me down and before I knew it Megatron had soccer punched Starscream in the face knocking him out. Megatron turned to me and asked me if I was okay. I responded to him with a yes.
