Chapter 5

Ava : Hum, I'm very proud of the work we've done, do your best out there and mostly have fun okay ?!

Everyone cheered up, jumped and clapped their hands. The representation started, everyone was in awe, in front of Ava's solo. They were all admiring her. The duo's moment arrived. They danced on Take me to church by Hozier. At the end of the representation all the dancers came back on stage. They gained more funds than the last few years. Emma ran to Ava.

Emma : that was incredible !!! You are incredible

Ava : Hum thanks but I wasn't alone, we're a team

Emma : Yeah we are

Edel Kavannagh and Mia Gibson went to the girls.

Mia. : that was amazing girls

Edel : Yeah it was beautiful

Emma and Ava : Thanks

They all talked for a bit before Ava and Emma went to their friends.

Joey : You are very talented Ava Montegorry

Shannon : Yeah that was perfect

Ava laughed : thank you guys it means a lot

On the other hand Emma went to Gerard and the rugby team.

Emma : Thanks for coming guys, it means a lot

Gerard : Yeah well, I have the title of best brother to keep

Johnny looked behind Emma : That's Shannon

Gerard and Emma had just the time to turn around that Johnny was already walking to Shannon and Ava.

Gerard and Emma looked at each other : bulldozer

They followed him

Johnny : Hi Shannon

Shannon : Hi Johnny

Joey : Kavannagh

Johnny : Lynch

Ava : You all know each other ?

Joey : Johnny drove my sister back home the other night

Ava : Oh okay

Gerard and Emma looked at each other trying not to laugh.

Ava : I didn't do the presentation, Joey; this is Emma and ?

Gerard : Oh I'm Gerard but everyone call me Gibsie. Turned to Ava Hi nice to meet you

Ava : Hum Nice to meet you too

While they were talking Julia came in a rush to hide behind Emma

Emma : Julia ?

Julia : They're fighting... Again...

Ava and Emma looked at each other then at Julia's parents. At the same time a woman came next to the group.

Woman : Ava Montegorry ?

Ava : Yes, that's me

Woman : Could we talk ?

Ava : Hum yeah sure.

They took a few steps away from the group.

Woman : I won't be long, hum, I'm a scout from Tommen, and I saw your performance on scene, it was incredible

Ava : Oh thank you

Woman : I know you created a big part of this representation and I wanted to know if you'd be interesting by getting a scholarship at our school
