Chapter 4

Ava : Okay, if you're talking about my friend one last time, I'm gonna punch you

Bella : Oh I'm so scared !

Joey : Okay, what is going on here ? Ava, everything's okay ?

Emma : Bella just go, you can't show up like this, if you want answers ask Johnny himself.

Bella : This isn't over Gibson

Bella walked away.

Emma : I'm sorry about her

Ava : She looks irritable

Emma : She is

Joey : Are you ready to go Ava ?

Ava : I have to clean the studio

Emma : I'll do it, don't worry

Ava : No I'll-

Emma : Ava go, seriously, you've been here for 4 hours, go rest I'll clean the studio

Ava : You sure

Emma giggled : Go

Ava : Thank you so much, you're a life saver

Emma : Yeah I'm pretty cool

Ava went with Joey.

Joey : So that was Emma ?

Ava : Yeah, that was Emma

Joey : She seems nice 

Ava : She is

After cleaning the studio Emma joined Gerard and Johnny at the bar.

Gerard ; How was training ?

Emma : Good, we finished the organization

Gerard : Fun

Emma : Yup, looked at Johnny, what's going on with him ?

Gerard : He learned some stuff about little Shannon

Emma : Did he talk with her ?

Gerard : Nop I stole her field

Emma : You did what now ?

Gerard : Oh come on, he was losing his mind, I needed it to stop

Emma : Gibs... How did you do ?

Gerard : Dee...

Emma just looked at him with compassion

Gerard : I think he made it his mission to protect Shannon

Emma : Well that wouldn't hurt, because Cruella came to the studio...

Johnny : Bella came to the studio ?!

Gerard : I love the fact that we all understand that Bella is Cruella

Emma : Yep, and she is crazy about you Kavannagh

Johnny : For fuck sakes, she'll never leave me be

Emma : Easy tiger, we're not hurting anyone

They spend the night talking.

Days had passed and the day of the representation had come. Ava was a bit stressed.

Emma : Hey everything is going to be okay, we've been practicing for two months.

Ava : Yeah I know

Emma : Okay, let's take a deep breath.

Ava chilled out and went to prepare a group. Julie, a 12 year old dancer, came to Emma.

Julia : Emma I'm stressed

Emma sat at her level : You're going to do great out there Julia, I believe in you

Julia : Do you think my parents will be here ?

Emma : I- I hope so darling, anyways, I'm very proud of you.

Emma took Julia to her group. All the groups met on the stage while the curtains were closed.

Teacher : Okay, guys, we've been practicing for two months, we worked hard, and the people out there are here to see us and we are here to help the hospital. Ava do you wanna say something ? 
