Chapter 6

Ava : At-At Tommen ?

Woman : Yes at Tommen, I can give you some time to think about it of course

Ava : No ! I mean, That- I would be honored to come at Tommen for a dance scholarship

Woman : Good, here takes a card from her bag are my contacts. I'll let you enjoy the rest of your evening. See you soon Ava Montegorry

Ava : Hum- Thanks

The woman left. At the same time, Taghd, Shannon and Joey's little brother came behind Joey.

Taghd : When are we leaving ?

Joey : Soon

Julia : Taghd ?

Taghd : Oh hey Julia

Both of them talked a bit and Emma and Joey looked at them amused by the situation. Then Julia's mom arrived.

Julia's mom : Do not leave us like Julia, we were scared.

Julia : Sorry I didn't want to hear you fight

Julia's mom : Oh I'm sorry honey, we're going home come on

Julia : Bye Taghd

Taghd : Bye Julia

Julia waved goodbye to everyone and left with her mom.

Joey : Is she the friend you've been talking about ?

Taghd : What ? No !

Emma giggled. Ava came back shocked by what just happened.

Joey : Everything alright ?

Ava : I just- I just got scouted

Joey : What ?

Ava started to jump : I just got scout Joey !

Joey : Oh my god ! Congratulations !

Ava jumped into Joey's arms.

Joey : Oh my god I'm so proud of you !

Ava : I'm going to Tommen !

Joey : You're going to Tommen !

Emma : You're going to Tommen ?!

Ava : I am !

Emma : Oh my !! Congrats !

Gerard : Why are we screaming ?

Emma : Ava got scout for Tommen !

Gerard : Oh congratulations !

Shannon : We'll be in the same school ! That is going to be amazing

They all celebrated the event.

Gerard : We need to celebrate that !

They all agreed.

Johnny : Friday night at mine is that okay for everyone ? Mam and dad won't be here

Shannon : I can't, I have to babysit my brothers

Joey : What- No you're going I'll babysit the boys

Shannon took Joey aside.

Shannon : You need to have fun Joey, he is not here for the week because he had a fight with mom, I'm gonna be okay

Joey : You deserve to have fun Shannon plus they're going to your school not mine

Shannon : They're your age Joey, seriously go

Joey : Shannon-

Shannon : no you're going Joey Lynch. If something happens I'll call you

Joey : You promise ?

Shannon : I promise

They came back to the group

Joey : Alright friday night it is

Gerard : Great this is gonna be awesome 


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