
Y/n's POV

I walked into Mitusya's apartment, feeling a little disappointed that I could change my gifts but knowing it's too late. "Y/n!" The girls squealed simultaneously. I excitedly put my bags to the side and gave each one a hug and smile.

Maybe they won't notice it and I can just...

"What's that?" Luna asked while pointing at my bags.


"Luna, it's rude to look through others things. You should apologize." Mitsuya's words made me panic a bit as I realized he saw my disappointed expression.

"No, it's okay! I just didn't think I should give these to them because they didn't turn out quite like I hoped they would." Everyone gave me a quizzical look as I pulled out both crowns, deciding to let it go and to do better next time. "Mana, Luna, please kneel."

The girls eyes widened with excitement but they did as they were told. "I pronounce thee Princess Mana and Princess Luna. Please rise with your new official title of the House of Mitsuya."

Mitsuya's POV

He felt his heart almost burst seeing such a sight. He had thought when he saw her face fall after his sisters saw the crowns, that they probably weren't for them in the first place. It warmed his heart when she explained. When he got a closer look, he realized these were handmaid with little flowers carved into the sides.

His family was his world but looking at Y/n made it impossible to see her as anything less than his family.

Not just my future....

Hakkai's POV

Why does it suddenly feel so warm!?!?!??

This is cute!


Taka has great taste...but.....SHE'S TOO CUTE!

He had watched Y/n with what could only be compared to having heart eyes. He tried to hide his face in embarrassment when his sister nudged him before giving him a knowing smirk.

Please let the earth open up and swallow me whole!

As he desperately tried to calm himself, Mitsuya approached them as Hakkai's eyes wandered back to Y/n. Hakkai found it nearly impossible to look anywhere else, which was entirely unlike him. However, Mitsuya wasn't oblivious nor a fool. "She's beautiful, right?" Mitsuya's words brought heat back to Hakkai, coloring his cheeks as dark as tomatoes.

All Hakkai could do was nod quietly. Mitsuya smiled softly as he turned to watch Y/n play with his 'Princess' sisters.

Yuzuha's POV


Yuzuha found herself growing frustrated before finally walking over with a bright but slightly devious smile.

If all they're going to do is stare, I'm going to do what I can to give Hakkai a good lead!

"Hey, Y/n! Can I play, too?"
