
Y/n's POV

Emma really did ditch us but Shin is so kind, I think I'm not too mad at her.

"I came here at almost noon, Shin. I don't mind staying at your shop but you haven't even stopped to eat. Aren't you hungry?" I couldn't help but worry. He still did his job with excellence and answered any questions his incoming customers had, but he never took a break and this worried me a bit. I did try to help as much as possible, cleaning random messes until I realized something I could do that would be helpful.

As long as I don't get any of the ingredients on my face, it should be fine this time!

I glanced over at him to make sure he was distracted before smiling and running off to the store across the street. Grabbing multiple items to make him something to hold him over until dinner, I hummed softly to myself before turning to head to the front counter.

And walking right into a person.

"I'm so sorry!" I frantically checked over the blonde man to make sure I hadn't spilled anything on him or injured him at all. "Are you okay?" 

"Are you dating Shinichiro?" The question came out of nowhere and I found myself freezing up. He smiled softly. "Sorry. I'm Inui. I'm a friend of his. I came by and saw you run out but wanted to be sure before I start congratulating him on finally getting a girlfriend."


"What do you mean finally? He's a good man and any woman should count herself lucky to have someone as sweet as he is." Without meaning too, I began to grow angry. "Are women being unkind to him?"

He deserves so much better than that!

Inui stared at me as I waited for an answer, expression unreadable as he looked me over. "You're strange." My eyes widened at the comment but my shoulders slumped as my eyes fell to the ground.

"Sorry." I muttered. "I just want him to be happy. Everyone around him loves and respects him. It makes me sad that women don't see how precious he is." I took a deep breath and looked into the eyes of Inui with a sad smile. "He can touch and understand hearts with ease. I admire that because I don't know how to do that."

Inui's POV

He watched her run out of Shinichiro's shop and followed her to see what kind of woman was hanging around the one he has always looked up to. He saw her look back toward the shop multiple times as she grabbed different kinds of food and it didn't take him long to realize she was trying to surprise him by feeding him.

He's always been a straightforward person but he couldn't help but smile when she was obviously flustered by his question.


Come to think of it, she looked familiar. Maybe not looked but somehow felt familiar.

"You doubt yourself when you shouldn't. I don't like that." He spoke softly. He moved to take some of the overflow of items from her hands. "I'll help you take this back to him."

He walked her to the shop, leaving the items on the counter but as soon as he turned to leave, he felt a tug on his sleeve. He looked back to see her wide eyed once again. "Aren't you going to stay? Shin is my friend and I want to be yours as well! I'll cook for you both, okay?"


He nodded and felt heat rush to his face when her smile blossomed over her features. He watched her for longer than he meant to, not even hearing Shinichiro walk up behind him. "She's pretty, right?"

His heart filled with warmth and tenderness as he stayed quiet for a moment longer before a soft smile spread over his lips. "Yes."
