Not Alone

Y/n's POV

Seeing Mikey's face change from being affectionate to what looked like fear before bolting out of my apartment hurt in ways I couldn't describe.

What pain is he holding on to?

I couldn't help but believe it was something to do with me still. I decided to take the time to stay in today, being sure to call Emma and tell her I was fine but needed a day in.

"Please don't tell anyone, okay?" I muttered.

"You mean Mikey?" Emma sighed and before I could let her get upset, I quickly interjected.

"No, I just meant in general. I'm just feeling so weird and it's hard to explain. I even had a dream and I think I died..." Her scared gasp brought me back to my senses. "I'm okay! It was just a freaky nightmare. Anyway, I gotta go. See ya later!" I hung up before she could question me further, slowly sitting on my bed and pulling my covers around me like a cocoon.

That dream just felt so weird...and so real....

The thing I can't shake though....I think it was real...

I squeaked in surprise when persistent knocking brought me from my thoughts. "My queen, it's me! Are you okay?" His voice was quickly followed by the rest of the mizo crew. Hearing their banter at my door as I approached helped me calm down, giggling as I opened the door. I jumped back with wide eyes as they all fell into my home like a sack of potatoes.

"Oh my...are you guys okay??!?!" Sheepish smiles followed as they quickly got up to dust themselves off. 

"Yes, my Queen!" Yamagishi happily chirped only to get a swift smack by Akkun.

"Knock it off, Yamagishi."

I don't even feel mad, even though I'm pretty sure they know I was staying in today. They've already lifted my spirits so much.

I started laughing at their silly behavior and laughed so hard, I snorted and laughed harder as tears fell from my eyes. When I finally calmed down and wiped my eyes, my cheeks warmed at the sudden closeness of Yamagishi and Makoto. "! I just thought you guys looked so cute, I couldn't handle it." I giggled.

"Well then..." Makoto smirked, moving to my side. "If that's the case.."

Akkun's POV

Seeing Makoto subtly swing his arm around Y/n after she had already looked so shy when these two were so close, he quickly stepped in, pretending she had some dust on her hair to push Makoto's arm away with a tired stare.

"Oh, thank you Akkun! That's so sweet!" Akkun couldn't help blushing madly but smiled in return. "Well, since you're all here, we never got to finish our movie night. You guys want to do that now?"

She remembered?

"That sounds really nice, Y/n." Takuya spoke softly, equally red faced. Her eyes lit up as she ran to get snacks and movie ready. She took such care with each thing she grabbed, even picking items she specifically knew each one of them would like.

She's so cute...
