My First Job in Red

Y/n's POV

I guess sleep is for the weak. I did nothing but toss and turn last night. So many things blew through my mind and it was all so overwhelming, I couldn't help but believe I am being toyed with by both Haitani's. The conclusion was the only one that made sense, but also one that made me sad. Before I could get sucked in too deep with my depressed thoughts, my phone went off with a notification.

Assistant position starts today.

I jumped up in a panic as I threw my clothes on, grabbed a quick breakfast and bolted out the door, ignoring the text messages from Emma.

Sorry Bestie. I'll text you later, I promise!

I had managed to get a good job once I got here. Even though it was only part time, it was the first place to reach out to me after only a day of having lived here. The name was intriguing, but it was the fact that it was a non-profit organization that assisted orphans in finding good homes that caught my heart.

The name Tenjiku does sound familiar though...


I waited to be let in the director's office, smoothing out my red blouse and pencil skirt in an attempt to not freak out. New places always seem like huge giants, but this one makes me nervous. I jumped out of my seat at the sound of an opening door and footsteps approaching. I smiled widely at the familiar white hair.

"It's nice to see you again, Y/n." Izana smiled back at me with more warmth than I thought I would receive here. "I will be the one showing you around the building and training you on your duties."

Wait..he's....HE IS GOING TO TRAIN ME?!!?!? He doesn't need to treat me like I'm special! It'll get in the way of his job and his job is way more important than mine!

He said it so calmly, like it wasn't completely unheard of for the director to train his assistant. He gave a soft chuckle as my mouth opened and shut like a fish out of water, but he patiently waited for me to speak. "Izana, I'm supposed to work for you! Why would you do so much work trying to accommodate me when...I I the only assistant you have?"

His eyes twitched and I felt myself back pedal. "It isn't bad that you're going to train me, it's awesome actually! I just think you have tons of tasks as the director of this place and I feel like having to take care of me is more of a hassle for you than an amazing opportunity for me..."

Izana's POV

He had remembered seeing her application come through before meeting her. It only had her name and he fully intended on sending her recommendations of other places to work. When he met her, he felt such a strong pull, he couldn't deny the overwhelming feeling in his heart and the resounding phrase in his mind.

Second chance.

As soon as he heard her name, he knew it sounded familiar. He went straight to his office that day and found her in only a few moments and approved her position himself. He had actually been watching for her as soon as she came to the building and had to spend a good amount of time not panicking. She was wearing something professional, but seeing how beautiful she was whether she was casually dressed or professionally dressed wasn't something he was prepared for.

Telling her he would be the one training her was the only thing he could come up with to get to know her. He began to regret the decision when she asked if he had no other assistants. The regret didn't last too long when he listened to her explanation, his heart warming at her concern.

He moved to stand directly in front of her with a bright smile. "You could never be a hassle to me." Seeing her smile back at him in response made him freeze as an odd thought came to the front of his mind.

I won't miss out on being with you this time.
