44. Confession


Also, the second last chapter. T_T

F A H A D' S P O V

Getting heart broken, I looked at Nada who gave the most heartbreaking news ever.

"I guess, she really doesn't want me."

"Are you stupid?" Rahim remarked at me.

"Don't give up, yaar." Shariq kept his hand on my shoulder.

I just turned away from them. One, to ignore them and two, that I couldn't witness looking at Nada, who was going for issuing the divorce. Mira was trying to make her understand that what she was doing is wrong and Uméma looked like she is about to cry, she really shipped us. But, I am sorry Uméma.

"Fahad! Are you listening to what we are saying?" Rahim turned towards me.

"No." He released a sharp breath.

"Look Fahad, you've still got tim-"

"I already did what all I could. She really doesn't wanna live with me. I can't force her now, can I?"

I kept staring at the ground not being able to withstand the heartbreak I was going through. So that's what Nada felt, huh.

"Did she go?" I whispered.

"Almost. She's at the door right now." Replied Shaariq.

"I have already controlled her a lot. I really love her, and if loving her means letting her go then I'd do it in a heartbeat." A tap on my shoulder made me stop talking. Of course, Rahim.

"No Rahim, you will console me saying that Nada still loves me but-" Again I felt a tap on my shoulder. My voice got heavy a little. I took in a deep breath, "she doesn't." I received a hard, like really very hard, slap on the back of my head.

"Yaar Rahim! What is- NADA?!" I turned back thinking that it was Rahim who slapped me but got bewildered seeing that it was Nada who did that. Whaaaat.

"Yes me!"

"Nada why are you crying? Are you hurt somewhere? Did someone hurt you?"

"Yes!" She spoke furiously. "YOU!"

"Me?" I babbled out of fear. Dang, what wrong did I do?

"Yes you, you idiot!" As she said those words she hugged me, very tightly making my heart pace a hundred times faster.

"You are a one big fool!" She mumbled against my chest.

"How insensitive you are! Seriously!" She crowed in anger.

"But what did I do?" I fretted out of nervousness. Yes I was scared of her.

"First tell me," She detached herself from me and wiped her tears. "What do you think about me?" She crossed her arms across her chest.

"I think- that you're a. . . Human?" I received a series of slaps at the back of my head. That too, three!

"What?" I hissed at the culprits: Rahim, Mira and Uméma.

"That is not what she means." Shariq echoed in my ear.

"Then?" My eyebrows furrowed. "Oh! I got it! I think that you're a really beautiful girl and I am glad to have you as my wife." I bubbled in happiness. And Uméma face palmed.

"One big foolish you are." Rahim snapped at me. Why????

"Okay, close. Think more vaguely, Fahad." Shariq suggested. He is the only one helping. This Rahim and Uméma are busy in hitting me. God knows what revenge they are taking!

"Ugh! Fahad! Why are you such a blockhead?! Tell me whether you love me or not?!" Nada fumed at me. I am a dead meat now. RIP Fahad Hammad Sheikh.

"What are you dreaming about? Answer her, dumbo!" Mira hit me. Good, you were the only left and now Mira's also on the list.

Shariq nudged me and moved his head and directed his eyeballs towards Nada.

"Of course I love you, Nada. Didn't you hear my confession before?" I asserted trying to prove myself. I hope I pass this test.

"Oh really?" Nada spoke angrily. "Then why did you let me go?" Her emerald green eyes looked up me.

"Because you weren't happy." I placed my hands on both the sides of her cheeks.

"Who told you that?" She craned her neck up.

I kept quiet after that.

"If I wasn't happy with you, then I would have not come back to you!"

"I didn't stop you because I really thought that you hate me now and I have given many reasons to hate me too. If loving you meant letting you go, then I would have accepted that even if it was my heart that had to broken." I looked into her eyes.

I thought that she would now understand and forgive but instructed she protested, "I am angry at you." And turned away from me.

"Yaar, Nada I am sorry."

"Dekha? You couldn't do one work properly." Rahim criticised. (See?)

"Rahim, please make her understand."

"No, it's your job to do." He raised his hands in the air.

"Nincompoop!" Uméma hit me, AGAIN! It is really my bad day. Worst birthday ever! I guess I deserve all this. Nada was standing away, not even glancing at me. What do I do?

"Yes one big nincompoop!" Rahim slapped me at the back if my head.

"Arey don't hit him, guys." Finally Nada spoke. Rahim winked at me and moved away.

Nada stood in front of me, caressing the back of my head and worriedly asked, "Is it hurting?"

"Nope! Not now." I smiled.

"Awwwiieee!" Of course. Cue the fan-girling from the shippers. Mira and Uméma. That remark made Nada blushed and she shyly dropped her gaze.

"Are you still angry with me?" I asked her cautiously.

"How can I angry be with you when I love you so much and you have just confessed it to me!" Nada elaborated.

"You don't how ecstatic I am right now." I confessed looking into her eyes.

"I love you, Fahad." She leaned in towards me.

"Love you more, Nada!"

"Oh yeahhh!!!!" Our bubble got bursted when we heard the choruses of "Yeahs" and "Wows"

Rahim wolf-whistled, which has become very common for me now. Where did he learn that from? Well, that's Rahim he can be a. . . real weirdo.

"FINALLY!" Uméma and Mira squealed and hugged each other. Well, they look happier than me.

And then something blasted. Any guesses what would have? C'mon Rahim's here, it's an easy answer.

A party popper blasted in the air. Cue the face palm. Where did he hide them again? Behind his back underneath his coat?

An angelic chuckle pulled me out of my reverie. I looked at my left to see Nada laughing at the antics happening in front of us. Such a radiant smile she has! I got very happy seeing her like this. And ecstatic that I will be able to witness her smile throughout my life.

I gave her a kiss on her temple as her cheeks got glossed with blush.

The chaos was real. Uméma and Mira were gushing about something very excitedly. Rahim was busy bursting the party poppers and Shaariq was opening a box which had. . . A cake? How much planning did they do?

"Congratulations!" Uméma and Mira hugged Nada. Oof- girls.

Nada laughed wholeheartedly and threw her arms around them.

"Thank you both of you." She grinned.

"So. . . ." They drawled out. "We have decided your kids name too! Just tells us how many you guys are going to have." Mira ranted excitedly.

"I want many nieces and nephews, okay?" Uméma said sternly.

"What are you guys talking about?" Nada's face got even more redder.

"You don't know what we are talking about?" Uméma leaned in towards Nada.

"Well, Fahad surely must know." Mira wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Uh- I- umm. . . Rahim's calling me. I'll go." I just came up with an excuse.

"Fahad you are so shy. If Rahim would have been in your place he would have. . . . Well let's just not talk about the enormous numbers." Mira commented making us all chuckle.

"What's wrong in that?" Rahim exclaimed.

"Everything!" Mira jeered at him.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Cause it's not you who has to deliver the babies!" Nada piped in.

"Can we not talk about this topic!" Uméma and, of course, Shariq said it together.

"Ohk." Mira and Nada wiggled their eyebrows at her.

Uméma made a tsking sound and threw an angry look at Shariq.

"What was that look for?" Shariq added.

"I can do whatever I want." Articulated Uméma.

"But not disrespect someone else!" Shariq chided. When will they stop fighting.

"Ugh. . . Why is this ill-mannered man here?!" Uméma growled at me.

"Let's just ignore her and eat the cake. Come everyone." That made Uméma angrier.

"Come with me." I held Uméma's hand while my other one was holding Nada's.

"When did guys bring the cake?" I asked while slicing the cake. Now we were all sitting in the living room as we devoured this cake.

"Yaa, even I didn't know about it." Nada commented from beside me.

"I bought it." Shariq said.

"I and Mira asked him to." Uméma spoke.

"We knew that you guys will sort out the differences." Mira asserted.

"And I had asked Mira to buy the party popper." Rahim chattered.

"That's a really long planning." I commented.

"Seriously guys, thank you for all your efforts. Rahim, Mira, Uméma and Shaariq too-"

"One minute! What did this useless creature do?!" Uméma butted in.

"He was the only one who didn't hit me." I cleared as everyone laughed at it.

"You are also so dumb! What were we supposed to do if not hit you? You were being so dumb!" Mira avowed at me.

"Lol." Uméma added.

"I am not saying anything in defence. Cause he deserved every hit." Rahim foretold nonchalantly.

"We will take our leave now." Rahim and Mira got up.

"Yes even I need to go." Shariq too joined in.

"Same here. Come Uméma let's go." I spoke.

"Nada, will-will you also come with me. I promise that I will never hurt you."

"Of course I am coming with you! I have already forgiven you."

"Let's go then, girls." I held Uméma's arm to stop her arguing with Shariq.

"Fahad." I heard Mira call.

"What happened Mira?"

"I wanted apologise for my behaviour cau-"

"Stop it right there. Why are you apologising me? You're just like Uméma to me. And you have all the rights on me just how Uméma has."

"No, I behaved really rudely with you. I got really engrossed into what was happening to my best friend." Mira spoke with hesitance.

"I am glad that Nada has a friend like you." I smiled at her.

"Also, I didn't even wish you happy birthday. And when I did, I said that may you have the worst birthday ever. I a-" She got cut when I started laughing.

"You are apologising for that? Oh God, Mira stop overthinking. It's okay. If it wasn't for you to inform me about that Aftab guy, I wouldn't have even known about what was happening."

"No there's more to it. Ashar didn't come for asking Nada's hand in marriage but it's true that he likes her though."

"I will keep that in my mind. Also, thanks to you, for helping me, Mira." I jabbered.

"Happy Birthday Fahad." She exclaimed. "Also the name-for-my-kids' offer is still available." She laugher off making me shy. I don't know how to deal with these situations.

"Birthday is there fine. But what about the celebration?!" Shariq questioned.

"There's a celebration! I'll text y'all the venue soon. Meet you guys at the venue. Also Mira bring Hamadan too and Shariq bring Shehroz along with you too." I announced everyone. Hamdan was Mira's smart and funny brother and Shehroz was Shaariq's who was too quirky and goofy. I have met them both and we got along well. Even though they are still teenagers, they both really keep a good company.

"Let's go then." I looked at Nada.


Asalamwalaikum and hello people!!


Finally our Fahad and Nada are united. ONLY ONE CHAPTER LEFT! I am crying. Tell me about this chapter about how you felt through the comments and don't forget to click on the star icon. Until then bye, thank you, AllahHafiz and take care ^_^

Also, do tell me your favourite part of the chapter.

