41. Over


Sike! Y'all thought 😂
Just kidding!
Continuation of last chapter.

F A H A D' S  P O V

Did she go? For real?

That's not what I wanted. I just wanted her to stop bringing my father's topic every now and then.

"Are you happy now?" Mom looked at me with her splenetic eyes.

"Mom, what did I do? She went by her own will."


"What? I am the villain here? Why are you guys not talking about her?"

"Brother, she loved you! She frikkin gave her heart to you, but all you did was kick it like a football." Uméma snapped at me. "You know what? She was planning for your birthday! Trying to surprise you! She was sad that you never celebrated or enjoyed your birthday cause you were too busy being sad about our father's absence. She tried to make it special for you!"

"Why isn't no one concerned about me? Why would no one hear my side of the story?" I asked them, exasperatedly.

"Okay, tell me, even though I know that you're at fault. Let's listen what you have to say." She crossed her hands across her chest.

"She brought up our father's topic. Asking me to forgive him. I already had a rough day because that good for nothing man showed up at my office today and you know for what? For the share in the property. On top of that, she asks me to forgive that man?!" I heaved out. "My anger just bursted out on her." I said dismissively.

"Toh kya galat keh diya?!" She moved her hands frantically. "Forgive that man. Forget him." Uméma spoke to me with absolute anger. "Just- just leave the past behind Fahad." She kept her hand on my shoulder. (So what wrong did she say?!)

"No, please, don't do the same as Nada s-"

"What she did was correct, my son. Why don't you understand it?! She was hurt seeing you in pain. She asked you to forgive so that you could live without any heaviness on your heart. But you? What did you do? Shouted at her and now you both are getting divorce! Wow." Mom spoke sarcastically.

"Dekho, I want my daughter-in-law back. I'll leave that up to you. And if she still doesn't come back, then I'll understand that you guys were never meant to be." Mom looked me into the eye and glared at me snatching the ground beneath me. (Look.)

Mom stomped away into her making me feel dispirited.

"If you still have some brain left Fahad, realise that your mistake and love for her."  Uméma advised.

Wait what did she just say? Love? I love Nada? No I dont!

"Stop being in denial." Uméma shook her head and went upto her room.

Today, I not only made Nada upset but also my mother and sister too.

I, too, went upstairs in my room, the room which seemed awfully silent. Walking inside it did not reflect any radiance. Just plain.

Going inside the bathroom to get freshen when I had to come back to take my clothes out cause it had become a habit of me to just wear whatever Nada had decided or kept for me.

I decided to text Rahim and asked me to meet me in the evening tomorrow.

I was used to living in my room alone, being independent. But now, it I had become so much subservient, all because of Nada!

You're still blaming her?

Yes. Cause she is at fault.

I sighed and got downstairs to have dinner. I looked at the dining table to see only Mom and Umèma. I felt a pang of hurt as I saw Nada was not present.

How she used to sit beside me and fill my plate until it overflowed.

I sat at my seat and it felt very unpleasant to sit beside an empty seat. I had become so habitual of her without even realising it.

"The table looks so empty without her." Unéma spoke in disdain.

"I know, it doesn't feel good that she no longer is here to sit with us." Mom said with a forlorn expression.

"Mom, Uméma what has happened to you both? Before also we used to sit just like this. It's nothing new." I uttered agitatedly.

"Are you explaining this to us or yourself? We can see on your face that you're missing her that too very badly." Uméma affirmed.

"What's stopping you, Fahad? Speak up beta." Mom too joined in.

"Nothing. Everything is crystal clear. I know what I am feeling, Mom."

The dinner just went by in blur and everyone proceeded to go back in their rooms for rest.

However, I didn't feel like going inside. I am not liking the vibes which my room is giving right now: Sad and gloomy.

Get yourself together, Fahad! You're not a lovesick puppy for God's sake.

I opened the door and simply crashed on to my bed. A feeling didn't let me sleep. Feeling of regret. But what did I do? After all you've done, you still ask what did you do? My brain piped in between. I was in a sour mood and on top of that Nada brought my father's topic. All my anger bursted out at her. Also, I don't think that she went because of what happened today. I had saturated her to an another level. Good for her though, she won't be in denial that one day I will fall for her. I don't love her. Do I?

The next morning, I was a little late for my Salah because I had slept late last night. My mind wouldn't let me all it did was, wander about the thoughts of Nada and the cruel words I spoke to her.

After my Salah, I got ready for work. Yes, I had to get my own clothes.

At the dining table too, again I felt a little down knowing Nada is not sitting beside me and I won't have a breakfast made by her.

"Do you know Fahad?" Mom started.

"What?" I asked her slicing the pancake which was made by the cook.

"Poor girl was planning a birthday surprise for you." She said with downcast face to which Uméma nodded.

"Uh- I am getting late for work. AllahHafiz both of you." I got up and went away.

As I was going to unlock the car, I remembered that I had forgot all my belongings inside.

How Nada used to remind about the things I used to forget! Damn, I really need to get her out of my mind.

I went back inside to take my things. "What happened Fahad?" Mom asked.

"I forgot to take my wallet and my car keys." I replied shortly and quickly grabbed my stuff from my room.

"She had really become your habit, huh." Uméma remarked at me to which I swiftly ignored.

"AllahHafiz." I greeted and rushed towards my car.

Some time later I was in my office sitting on my chair. However, I was just physically present mentally my mind was far away. Was I really harsh this time? 'Harsh' is very less to describe of what you did. But it's fine cause now she won't waste her time on me. At the same time, I am feeling restless. A feeling of hollowness has been resting in me since last night. Ugh, it's very confusing!

Soon it was lunch time and I was here in a five-star restaurant eating their high class food but it tasted nothing like the food which Nada used to cook.

Stop thinking about her, Fahad. Stop it!

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my phone started ringing.

"Hello." I picked up the phone.

"Hello? You say a hello after the chaos you've made? I want you back in your office in five minutes, Fahad. Be quick. AllahHafiz." I heard a very angry Rahim on the other side.

I cut the call and hurried towards my car after paying the bill. What has gotten into him?

"What?" I opened the door of my office, gasping for air, cause I literally dashed my way in.

"You, brother, are going to die soon." Rahim stood up from the chair he was previously sitting and strolled towards me.

"And may I ask you why? By the way Asalamwalaikum." I crossed my hands against my chest.

"You have the audacity to ask that? Wow!" He clapped his hands. "By the way Walaikumasalam." He replied.

"Yaar, end the suspense and tell me what's the matter?" I asked him frustratedly.

"You! You are divorcing Nada?!" He asked me, bewildered.



"Who told you? I, myself, was going to inform you about it."

"Mira was talking to Nada last night." He answered me. "You reply me that- why? Why are you divorcing her?! She loves you infinite. That girl did so many things. For God sake, she was planning your birthday too!" Why does everybody keep reminding me that she was planning my birthday?

"What do you mean by why am I divorcing her? It was already planned." I answered him nonchalantly. "By both of us, me and Nada." I said curtly.

"Oh really? You're divorcing her when you're already in love with her?" He argued.

"What? What rubbish are you talking?"

"You are one dumb man!" He snapped at me. "Look Fahad, I am your best friend, it's my job to guide you to the correct path. Just think about it okay?" He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"And if then too you don't realise that you're in love with her then just wait and watch what I will do. You have twenty-four hours only." He said in a clipped tone. "AllahHafiz."

"AllahHafiz." I replied to him. I didn't have any words to reply him for the previous words he said.

He looked at me for a few seconds and exited the room.

I am really missing Alizah now. I really want to meet her. Cause one look at her bubbly face and all my worries subsides. Those old days.

I sighed as my head started to ache with all the confusion and thinking. What has happened to me?! Why can't I be more clearer about what I want!

The whole day went in blur. As I reached home I was welcomed with silence.

How Nada used to open the door for me with a bright smile and rosy cheeks! See? I am again thinking about her.

Dragging my body to my room, I switched on the lights and got freshen up. After having my dinner with Mom and Uméma I went back to room.

Sleep was, today too, far away as my brain kept having flashbacks making my head ache. I checked the time to see it was midnight. Happy birthday to you, Fahad. Probably the worst birthday ever. I got up from the bed and started searching the pills for my headache.

Where is the medicine box when you need it? I decided to check in my closet section cause only that was place I hadn't checked. I rummaged through the shelf and finally found it. Who kept it here? As I pulled the box, a glitter paper fell down.

I bend down to pick it up to find a an envelope on which 'Open only at 20 December' in a beautiful cursive handwriting. Who had kept it here?

I opened it to see a paper folded. I unfolded it to see,

Dear Husband,

Happy Birthday to the most handsome person ever. I hope you always live a very happy life. Accomplish all your goals. Eat good food (For that I am here to cook good food for you ;)) and most importantly be happy in your life. And I hope that I would be with you for every moment in your life. Good and worst.

I have enjoyed a lot being with you and annoying you. But, sometimes I think I go overboard but what to do you don't know how much I love you, so I have to do things to prove you. You deserve every happiness.

I'll shut my rant now. Once again happy birthday, love of my life. I love you.

Ps. I am sorry if I was very cliché.

Pss. I hope you you realise my love for you.

Psss. There's an another surprise waiting for you tomorrow ;)

Pssss. There are too many 'Ps' ;)

Yours and yours only,
Your Wife

After I read the letter, I was shocked. Shell-shocked. I remember she told me yesterday that she has a surprise for me as soon as she got out of my closet. It was this letter! She must've kept it before our fight.

She has also written in the letter that there's an another surprise not anymore I guess. Things have taken a drastic change since last twenty-four hours.

I was pulled back out of my reverie when I heard knocks on the door. I quickly kept the letter in the drawer and turned to open the door.

"Happy Birthday!" Mom and Uméma exclaimed at me.

"Thank you." I hugged and kissed their foreheads.

"May you get all the happiness you deserve!" Mom smiled at me.

"And may you get the brain which you require." Uméma remarked.

"Shut up Ummi." The nickname which Nada used to say rolled off my tongue without even my acknowledgement. "Uh- I mean Uméma." I cleared my throat.

"I hope you realise your feelings. In the afternoon Nada is going to issue divorce, remember that." Uméma said sliding the ground off my feet.

"Think calmly and choose wisely. Happy Birthday once again." Mom concluded.

"Yes, we'll go now. You have office tomorrow. Once again happy birthday looser." Uméma hugged me and both of them went back to their rooms.

Later, I got a call from Rahim wishing me happy birthday and said that he was waiting for what I decided.

I lied down on my bed and again her thoughts were surrounding me. Would she remember that it's my birthday? Well, seeing that she had been planning since a long time she would remember it but why hasn't she wished me yet. Why would she? After all I have done to her.

"Fahad! You thick head! You haven't realised anything?!" Rahim screamed out of frustration. It was the next morning when Rahim had come into my office to listen my decision.

I looked at the frame, which Nada had kept a day before. Our Nikah day. Hate to admit, I miss her. I gazed at the frame and realised that she looked really beautiful. Even though she wasn't wearing a wedding dress but still looked no less than a bride.

"I-I am confused, Rahim. I was very concrete about my decision but since the time she left me. My mind has been baffled. Tell me Rahim. Guide me. I am unable to conclude anything. It's all messed up." I said helplessly. I was fed up of this confusion. Since half an hour Rahim was questioning me about it but I was very muddled to answer him.

"Fahad, look, did you feel nice when she left you?" Rahim asked me making me glare at him.

"Of course not." I said in an obvious tone.

"You miss her?" Rahim proceeded with his questions. Did I miss her? Of course I did, every corner of my room and home even this office reminds me of her.

I nodded at him.

"Speak, you little shy girl!" Rahim piped in.

"Yes, Rahim." I spoke agitatedly.

"Tell me do you care about her?"

"Of course I do." I said in a heartbeat.

"Does her thoughts roaming around your mind 24/7?"

"Yes, Rahim that's why I am asking you what is all these things happening?!"

"Then dumb idiot what's your problem?! You are in love with her!"

"What no-" Rahim cut me off by throwing the files, which were kept on the table, at me.

"Rahim, they are very important!"

"Nothing is more than the thing which we are discussing right now!" Rahim denounced. "Fahad, I want you to be happy, yaar." He said softly.

"Tell me how are you so sure that you don't love her?" Rahim countered. Well, that was a quick change in the mood.

"Cause I don't-"

"Okay, you idiot, I heard that she is going to some Advocate Kareem to issue a divorce. Come let me drop you there, hmm?" As soon he said those words, a feeling of emptiness entered into me.

"Come let's go." He took out his car keys from his pocket and walked towards the door.


"What?" He turned behind.

"You're true, Rahim." It came out like a whisper as Rahim stood infront of me. "I don't feel like divorcing her."

"You imbecile you still 'feel like not divorcing her'." He quirked up his one eyebrow, air quoting the words.

"No! I don't want to divorce her." I told him in serious tone.

"Hush! Finally. I would like to know the reason." He forwarded towards me.





"Would you let me finish my sentence?" I chimed in exasperatedly.

"Okay okay. I am just too excited for my friend to say those magical words. I'll keep mum, you continue."

"So as I was saying, that I don't wanna divorce her cause I-I love her." As soon as I confessed something happened which was very unexpected for me: A party popper was exploded in the air.

"What the heck is this?" As the confetti inside it flew out on my face.

"A party popper for the celebration." He exclaimed. One dumb friend I have got.

"Yeah!!" He was going to explode another one too when I snatched it from his hands.

"Are you dumb or stupid or foolish?"

"None of the above." He piped in.

"Where did you get those from? I didn't see them before. And most importantly, why did you bring it here?" I questioned him.

"They were hidden behind my back and underneath my coat for a long time. Dang, they were prickly. And I was pretty confident about your positive response. So I bought them." He explained.

"One manic you are!"

"Oh puh-lease not more than you." He singed.

"Now tell me what do I do? She is going for the divorce. I don't want to leave her. I can't."

"Are you dumb or stupid or foolish?"

"Right now, all of the above. Tell what do I do now Rahim?" I massaged my temples.


"Geez, don't shout. I can hear you if you talk with a low pitch too."

"Your thick head doesn't seem to." He mocked me. "Tell me, you love her right?"

"I may have realise this late. But yes, I do love her with all my might." I answered him with uttermost sincerity.

"Ok then, confess her about your undying love."

I looked at the frame once again and made my decision.

"Yes, I will. I will bring her back. Cause she's my need, desire, everything."

"Wow, love suits on you, huh." Rahim wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Ye-" I was cut off by the ringing of my phone.

I looked at the screen to see Mira calling me.

"Why'd she call me?" I asked Rahim.

"Dumb dumb, pick up the call to know the reason behind."

"Hello." I spoke cautiously as I kept the phone on speaker.


"What happened Mira?"


I looked at Rahim for some help so that he can save me from his wife's wrath.

"Darling, what happened. Why are you shouting at poor Fahad like that?" Rahim jumped in the conversation.


"Baby, talk softly. Your throat might hurt later. And my phone was in my office. I was with Fahad talking about something important." Rahim comforted, trying to calm Mira down.

"Nothing can hurt me more than how Fahad has already hurt me. Nada was hopelessly in love with you, Fahad. She did so many things to prove her love to you. Heck, she even planned so many things for your birthday. Today is your birthday right? May you have the worst birthday ever." She spoke angrily. See? Again the birthday thing.

"Don't do this to me Mira." I pleaded her. "What did I do?" I asked her innocently. Wow, now she is also angry with me.

"You, you idiot, have hurt my best friend a lot."

"Yaar for that I am really sorry. I am a jerk. A real one but now I-"

"Agreed." Rahim interrupted as I stomped on his foot to shut his good-for-nothing mouth.

"-I realised it, Mira. I love Nada. I don't want to divorce her."

"Oh, so you realise also?" She mocked me. "It's too late. She's gonna divorce you soon. On top of that, she already has a proposal waiting for her. Do attend her wedding, okay?"

What the heck?

Asalamwalaikum and hello people!! Was it a funny chapter? I tried making it as humorous as possible cause I don't like the chapter being too sad or serious. Anyway, did you like it? Tell me through comments and don't forget to click on the star icon. Also, only 2-3 chapters left. Until then, bye, thank you, stay home, AllahHafiz and take care ^_^

Sorry, for the heart attack in beginning xD

Also, do tell your favourite part of the chapter.

