1. library



The smell of old books was always nauseating to Kaspian.

He loved the look of them— frayed and yellowed paper made his heart happy for unknown reasons- but they just smelled of dryness and dust to him. And Westerville Library was home to old books.

Sighing, Kaspian picked up another book, eyes skimming over the cover. Fantasy. Wrinkling his nose, he set the book back down, moving onto another section of the library.

Not many people ever visited the library— a blessing for Kaspian, but a curse for the librarian. It was a small library, a walkable distance from Kaspian's house, which meant that he spent most of his free time there.

Glancing around, a boy in a black Arctic Monkeys t-shirt caught his eye. He was sniffing a book, a grin overtaking his features. Kaspian couldn't stop the slight smile spreading across his own face.

As if sensing someone's eyes on him, the boy lifted his head, almost immediately locking eyes with Kaspian. He offered an embarrassed smile, and Kaspian responded with a slight wave.

Shit, he's really cute. Should I go talk to him?

Shaking his head, Kaspian banished those thoughts from his mind. It was more likely that he was straight than not. Kaspian averted his attention back to the books.

He frowned, having not found any books that piqued his interest. He decided to try his luck with the last section of the library, the Historical Fiction section.

His eyes travelled across the spines of all the books, before settling on a book he'd already read once before— The Book Thief.

As Kaspian reached out for the book, another hand was already on the book, grabbing it off the shelf. He looked up, mouth parting in surprise. Grey eyes looked straight at him, eyes belonging to the same boy who sniffed the book.

The boy's face broke into an apologetic smile, the originally intimidating vanishing from his face. "Sorry, did you want this book? I can pick up another one," he said, handing the book to Kaspian

Kaspian smiled stiffly. "No, it's not a problem. Not at all."

It was a bit of a problem, considering he'd spent over an hour at the library, but he didn't comment.

"No, really, take it. I've got more books at home, I can just come back next week or something. Take it," the boy repeated, pushing the book further into Kaspian's hands.

Suddenly, Kaspian was hyper-aware of the feeling of the boy's hands on his own. They were soft, fingers small and thin.

"I've read it before. Just fucking take it," Kaspian insisted, exasperated. Immediately, he regretted being rude to a complete stranger, even though the stranger did look oddly familiar.

"My dude, I was trying to be nice, but shit, okay," he said, a defensive tone taking over his voice.

Guilt flooded Kaspian's system. He couldn't believe he was being an asshole to a fucking stranger. "I'm sorry. Didn't mean to be rude. But seriously, just take the book, it doesn't matter. It's a good one."

What a fucking cliché, fighting over the same book.

"No worries." The boy gave him a warm smile, eyes crinkling a little. "I'll see you in school," he said.

Kaspian's eyebrows furrowed. "We go to the same school?" He blurted. He wanted to take it back almost as soon as he said it.

The boy let out a nervous chuckle. "Yeah. I don't blame you for not seeing me in class though, you're always late because of your practice, I think."

"Bruh, are you a stalker or something?" Kaspian asked, genuinely curious. "How did I not know we share a class?"

"It's not that hard to miss you when you enter Calculus twenty minutes late, Kaspian."

"Well, shit." Kaspian breathed out a laugh. "I'm sorry, I don't even know your name."

"Rowan. Rowan Aldrich."

The name sounded only vaguely familiar to Kaspian, a fact he kept to himself. He hated seeming like the typical jock— the athlete who doesn't care about anyone but himself and his own group of friends. But he truly didn't know anyone but his own friends and the track team. And he wasn't even sure of the names of all the guys in the track team.

"Kaspian Velasquez," he stated blandly, to which Rowan replied, "I know."

Rowan looked around the library, before saying, "Anyway." He gestured to the book in his hand. "The Book Thief. Is it any good?"

Kaspian perked up. "Oh, yeah, it was so fucking good. I was on the verge of tears throughout the book. Historical Fiction isn't really my thing, but fuck. Would definitely recommend."

"Aight then. See you around, Kaspian," Rowan said, book in one hand, phone in another.

Kaspian just nodded, watching him talk to the librarian, Evelyn, an easy smile on his face, as he complimented her glasses.

He's so attractive, what the fuck? How did I not notice him sooner?

Rowan turned around, met Kaspian's gaze and gave him a small wave before leaving.

Pursing his lips, Kaspian walked towards Evelyn, sitting beside her with a soft thud.

"No books today?" Evelyn asked him, ruffling his hair lightly.

Kaspian crossed his hands on the table, laying his head on it. His glasses fogged up with his breath, causing him to sigh in annoyance. "Couldn't find any," he said, fiddling with one of the pens near the desktop.

"Maybe it's a sign that you should be focusing on your studies instead, no?"

"Evelyn!" Kaspian said, a dramatic gasp leaving his lips. "You're the one who'll be at a loss if I stopped borrowing books from here."

"I think I can manage without one person visiting this place, thank you for the concern," she joked. "Now go home. Just being in your presence gives me grey hairs."

"No, your old age gives you grey hairs," he said, a teasing lilt to his tone. He gave her a two-fingered salute, leaving the library with no books in hand.

Kaspian checked the time on his phone, which read five o'clock. He was supposed to be home only by seven, which meant he could either go home early, or he could see if his friends wanted to hang out.

Opting for the latter, Kaspian sent out a message to his friends on the group chat they had.

kasablanca -
guys guys guys

Shockingly enough, there was an immediate reply.

zahra -
what did u do now

kasablanca -
nothing! just hella fuckin bored rn, are y'all down to go to the park or sumn (pls say yes)

nix -
Going on a date in half an hour lol sucks to be you bitch n e weigh shouldn't you be studying

zahra -
sorry baby, date @ the arcade today

kasablanca -
y'all are the worst, I'll just sit here by myself then

zahra -
stella hasn't replied bc she's probably doing her makeup, but she isn't free either, sorry our date is inconvenient for u hun

north (pole) -
omw 2 the park smh

Kaspian grinned, making his way to the park instead of going straight home. He was lucky enough to live close enough to practically every place, so he rarely ever had to use his car.

When he reached the park, he found North sitting on one of the benches, their legs lightly kicking the sand on the ground. When they saw Kaspian, their face visibly brightened.

Kaspian sat down on the bench next to them. "Wanna go get some ice cream?"

North gave him an incredulous look. "It's fucking freezing, and you want to get ice cream?"

"It's literally not, you're just cold all the time," Kaspian said, removing his jacket and giving it to them. "Come on, I'll take care of you if you get sick," he said.

"No, you won't," North stated, but the two of them walked towards their car anyway.

"It is what it is," Kaspian said solemnly, clambering into the backseat. He hated sitting in the passenger seat, and the only time he was willing to do so was when he had the aux.

North never drove with music playing, something Kaspian found extremely odd, but they claimed that the music distracted them from the road.

"Do you know a Rowan from school?" Kaspian asked North as they neared Cold Stone.

North looked at him. "Rowan Aldrich? Yeah, who doesn't?"

"Me, apparently."

They laughed, parking the car and pinching Kaspian's cheek. "You would if you went to parties. Or literally any social events. Or if you gave a shit about anyone apart from our group."

"I go to parties. I just don't socialise with anyone," Kaspian said, to which North gave him an unimpressed look, and said, "Much better."

"Besides, I give a shit about Atreya," Kaspian defended, referring to the only teammate he spoke to on a regular basis. "Rowan goes to parties?"

He definitely didn't strike him as the party type, not after seeing him smell a fucking book in the library.

"Never seen him shit-faced drunk, but he definitely goes to parties. I don't remember the last time I went to a party and he wasn't there," they said, chuckling to themself. "Why?"

"I saw him at the library today. He seemed to know who I was, but I genuinely had no idea who the fuck he was," Kaspian said, before getting a vanilla ice cream for himself. North wrinkled their nose at Kaspian's choice of ice cream.

"Don't give me that look. You pretend like strawberry ice cream is so much better."

North gasped, the topic of Rowan Aldrich long forgotten. "Strawberry is superior. You know it, I know it, you're just too pussy to admit it," they said, sticking their tongue out.

"Fuck off, vanilla is the base for all other flavours. Chocolate, strawberry, coffee—" Kaspian was cut off by his phone ringing.

Groaning, he picked up the call, giving North an apologetic look, even though they were too busy eating their own ice cream in glee.

"Kaspian, why aren't you home? It's six thirty," his mother's voice echoed through the speakers.

"Mom, it's not even seven."

"Just come home. Soon please," she said. Kaspian was just about to reply when she cut the call.

He exhaled, standing up and throwing his empty ice cream cup in the dustbin. North gave him a sympathetic look. "Your mom?" They asked, standing up as well.


"Want me to drop you home?" North offered, their hair falling in front of their eyes as they took their car keys out of their pocket.

"No, it's chill, I'll walk." Kaspian smiled at them, watching them get into their car and wave goodbye to him.

Kaspian sighed, shoving his hands into his pockets as he started his walk home.

When Kaspian unlocked the door, his mother rushed towards him, eyes swimming with unshed tears.

Fucking hell.

"Mom, I'm home. I'm fine," Kaspian promised, lightly kissing her cheek, as he removed his shoes near the door. "I told you I'd be back by seven. It's six fifty."

"I know, mijo, I'm sorry, I am. I was just worried. Go do your homework, I'll call you when dinner is ready."

Kaspian's annoyance faded away. He knew his mother had good intentions, she just had a really bad (and emotional) way of showing them.

"How was work?" Kaspian asked, on his way up to his room.

"Would you understand what I was talking about even if I told you? Same as it always, is" his mom said, seemingly fine now.

She worked as a data processor, something that Kaspian had zero interest in. He wasn't entirely sure what he even had an interest in, but he didn't want to think about that now.

Kaspian huffed. "I'll be down soon, I have to shower," he told his mother as she chopped up some sweet potatoes. She just hummed in response, her focus on the vegetables in front of her.

He took out his phone, charging it before showering. He always preferred to shower at night in cold water, rather than in the morning. It saved time, especially when he was running late for track practice.

Once Kaspian finished showering, he changed into a loose t-shirt he usually slept in, and sweatpants, since he had no plans to go anywhere else, despite it being only eight o'clock.

As he made his way downstairs, his mom gestured for him to sit beside her, her feet propped up on the glass table in front of the sofa.

Kaspian took his plate from the kitchen, before plopping himself down on the sofa beside her.

"Abuela is coming home tomorrow," his mom said, lips pursed.

Kaspian's face dulled, his good mood taking a dip. "Please say sike?"

"She's your grandmother."

"But she's homophobic as fuck. She doesn't respect me, and she constantly talks shit about my friends," Kaspian complained.

"I know, mi vida. But she'll only be home for two days, that's all. She'll be gone before you know it. I know she's not the best person," she soothed. "Now, what shall we watch?"

Kaspian sighed, nodding. "You know what I want to watch."

His mom looked at him fondly, selecting a random Spanish movie, remote in one hand, plate in another.

Kaspian smiled lightly, moving closer to his mother as the opening credits rolled.


AN: happy pride month!! <3

first chapter woohoo (: pls bare w me while i figure out how to actually introduce characters instead of just shoving them in random social settings

also, if anyone notices any words written like *this*, please point it out! i'm writing on my phone, and *this* means that it's supposed to be in italics and i just skipped over it while editing on wattpad oops

also, my em dashes are changing to en dashes while editing so ): i promise im not illiterate

thank u for reading <3
