

I stand behind Yasmin at the kitchen table, as I braid her hair. A hand touches my waist before a soft kiss is pressed to my neck. "I've got to run, I'll see you tonight. Love you" my husband says.

"Love you" I call back, seconds before the front door opens and closes. I finish braiding my daughter's hair, as she eats her cereal noisily. I press a kiss to the top of her blonde hair, before turning away and heading back upstairs.

Noah is still in his room, half-dress with a toothbrush hanging out his mouth. "Bathroom" I snap, point behind me to the corridor, "what have I told you about brushing your teeth anywhere than over the sink?". He walks past me to the bathroom, moaning around his toothbrush.

I head further down the corridor to Callum's bedroom. I push the door open, he's sat on his bed – thankfully with his school uniform on – furiously scribbling on his English homework. "You promised me you'd finished that already" I deadpan, giving him a dangerous look.

"I'm just fine tweaking" he replies innocently.

"Uh-huh. Go get in the car, Cal, you can finish it on the drive to school". I leave his door open before heading back to Noah. "Trousers, shoes, now!" I order him. I head back down to Yasmin, who has finished her cereal, and help her put her school shoes on. As I do, Callum brushes past me and to the garage. I follow him to the car.

I shout for Noah, twice, while putting Yasmin in her car seat. It took another two shouts before Noah comes running out, book bag in hand and hair unbrushed. I sigh, as I smooth his hair down before driving to the school.

I drop off my two eldest children at their school first. Callum is the eldest at ten, Noah at eight and Yasmin our youngest at four. All my children took after Nick; with soft blonde hair, green eyes and smooth fair skin. They are all beautiful – but, then, I am biased.

As a teenager, before I mated with Nick, I had never really given the idea of children more than a fleeting consideration. But, after just months with Nick I had become pregnant. It hadn't been planned but we'd been excited. Which showed how wrong Flynn had been for me.

With Flynn I doubted my decision to leave Nick daily, but with Nick it was different. I still thought of Flynn and Arturo – but nothing more than anguish for what could have been. Some days it ate me up inside and some days I didn't think of it at all.

Nick pushed me to contact them over the years but I didn't actually do that until I was pregnant with Noah. I didn't have the balls to call them, so I wrote both of them a letter. Arturo replied quickly, sending me a picture of his wife and daughter. I thought I would be hurt by that, but in reality it was almost like a little bit of relief. Some of the weight of hurting Arturo was taken from my shoulders.

Flynn hadn't replied, even after I sent two other letters. I'd learnt from my parents that, not long after I'd left him, Flynn had returned to the Pack. So, I knew he got the letters but didn't reply.

I had to understand that. As much as it hurt, I understood. I was the horrible bitch who had broken his heart and went off and married another man. I wished I knew how he was doing, but if Flynn didn't want to speak to me or have any contact with me, I needed to respect his decision. It hurt, he'd been part of my soulmate and my life, but he'd made his decision.

After dropping Callum and Noah off at school, I drop Yasmin off at hers. She is in her first year of full time school, so my days were quieter now that I don't have her at home with me. I've been filling some of my days with photography, nothing big just some wedding or business shoots, but it give me something to do.

But, today, I have nothing much to do. After returning home, I do the laundry, clean the kitchen before preparing dinner. I put the chicken in the slow cooker before taking a bath.

Nick comes home early as I'm still soaking in the tub. "Athena?" he calls, walking through the front door.

"I'm in the bath" I yell back. I hear him walk through the house before coming up to the bathroom. "Hey, you're home early" I smile. My husband really is beautiful. The beginning of aging shows on his face; slight crows feet by his eyes, deep frown lines on his forehead and a few stray grey hair through the edges of his blonde hair. But, he is still as attractive as when I first met. It's just no longer a model beauty, its more a mature fatherly attractiveness.

He grins at me, leaning down and pressing a brief kiss to my lips. "It's quiet today, so I thought I'd come spend the afternoon with my beautiful wife".

"Sounds good. Let me just wash the conditioner out my hair and I'll be out".

"Don't rush. I'll join you" he grins.

I raise an eyebrow playfully, "naked at one in the afternoon? You feeling frisky today, Beta?"

He laughs deeply, "around you? Always". He undresses before climbing into the bath with me, sitting behind me as I lean back against him. His hands run up and down my arm softly.

"You're thinking about something" I comment.


"Nick, don't play coy with me. I know you better than you know yourself. I've been your wife for over ten years. I know when something is on your mind".

Nick finally sighs and shrugs against me. "Your old Alpha called this morning".

"Alpha Jackson?"

"Yeah, he um...I don't know how to say this".

I turn in the bath to look at him, "Nick you're scaring me. Spit it out".

"Derek Flynn is sick...apparently very sick. Alpha Jackson said he has days left". I hear my blood pumping harder in my head. My hands shake softly as I take the words in. "He's been asking for you".

"He's dying?"

"Yeah...you need to go Athena. You need to be with him at the end. It's going to be hard but that is where you need to be". I feel myself nod, even though I am numb. "We'll take a trip up. I'll have the kids and we'll visit with your parents as you go and see him".

"Okay" I whisper. My heart hurt so much I can't think.

"We'll leave tonight".


Yesterday was so normal, getting the kids to school, housework and looking at my upcoming photography work. Yet, suddenly my world span on its axis. I stand there, outside the door of Flynn's hospital room. The air feels both hot and cold at the same time. I take a large breath, hands shaking, before pushing the door open.

Flynn, thin and pale, lays on the bed – nosy machinery attached to him in different places, a heartbeat monitor slow and dull in its beeping. He's asleep and I don't know if that's good or bad.

I take a seat on the bed next to him, admiring him softly. No matter what this man is my soulmate, no matter who I chose to stay with, I would always love Derek Flynn.

I watch him for a while before he wakes up. He blinks in shock, eyes adjusting to the light, before he sees me. His eyes widen just a fraction but a lazy smile slips onto his face. He's drugged up, the doctor warned me about this, so he's still not fully with it.

"Hi Flynn" I smile sadly, trying not to cry.

"You look exactly the same" he whispers, giving me a bright smile. "I thought...I don't know I thought you'd look older, but you don't, just beautiful".

A single tear spills from my eyes and I wipe it away. "The hair is different". I twirl a piece of my soft brown hair around my finger. The last time Flynn had seen me, my hair was still purple.

"Yeah, not so Violet anymore, huh?" The use of my old nickname makes my heart ache. "You look upset. I guess the doctor told you the prognosis huh?"

"He said it's some sort of infection".

"Toxoplasmosis Gondii, he says it called. It's a complication due to AIDS" he admits. "Don't look so scared, Violet, I'm ready. And don't worry, I didn't give it to you. I got it afterwards, needles, drug, random sex...only my idiot self to blame".

"I wasn't worried about that" I reply. My mother told me that Flynn had spent some time in rehab for drugs a few years back, but I wasn't aware just how serious it had been. I am the reason he even turned to drugs in the first place, I am the reason he is going to die.

"Does it hurt?"

"A little, but the doctors say that the end will be like going to sleep".

"Is there no cure?"

"Maybe a couple of years ago, but I buried my head and didn't look after myself. Too late now. It's okay, I'm ready".

"I'm not" I whisper.

"You look so happy" he says, voice full of pain.

"You okay?"

"Hurts a little bit, think I'm almost there". His eyes flitter closes slowly.

"I'll go and get the doctor".

"No" he hisses, grabbing my hand in his. "I'm ready, stay with me".

I begin to cry – silently salty tears rolling down my face. Flynn offers me a soft smile. "It's okay. You're here. Talk to me".

"About what" I sob.

"You and Nick, your life. Do you have kids?"

"Yes, three".

He smirks softly, "busy girl".

So, I begin to tell him about my kids. I show him pictures of Callum, Noah and Yasmin. I tell him about my photography, I even show him pictures from Nick and I's wedding.

"I love you, Athena. I'm sorry for what I said in Thailand" he comments, cutting off my talk. His heart rate is slowly and his eyes struggle to stay open. "I am so happy you're happy. I can go, knowing that Nick will take care of you and look after you. I love you so much Athena, please don't forget me".

"I love you and I'll never forget you, Derek".

His heart rate begins to slow as his eyes close. Flynn gives me a sleepy smirk, "how many times do I need to tell you? My name is Flynn".

"Maybe just one more time" I cry. And then his heart stops.


I place the picture of Flynn and I, standing on the beach in Thailand wearing matching green shirts, above the mantel piece. I tuck the picture of Arturo and his daughter, Viola, into the edge of the frame. I smile as I look at my two mates. Arturo with his family and Flynn at peace.

Hands slip around my waist as Nick come up from behind me. I lean back against him as I look at the pictures. "I love you" he says.

"I love you too".

I say it to Nick.

And Arturo.

And Flynn.

------------THE END--------------
