Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight

Flynn and his opponent — Dark Rascal — circle each other slowly; reminding me of predators stalking their prey. It is a dangerous game, of a hunter and a beast. I can only hope that Flynn is the hunter. I know he is, his strength easily outweighs the human, but that doesn't sooth my nerves any.

Flynn swings the first punch, catching Dark Rascal on the side of his face. It isn't amusing to watch the human grunt, and stumble back slightly. Yet, Flynn is smiling and the entire time and I can hear the soft hum coming out of his mouth in pleasure. I feel sick to my stomach.

"This is disgusting" I hiss, shaking my head. Colin and Mike look at me in shock.

"What do you mean?" Colin questions, his head cocking to the side as he studies me.

"We can all beat a human up, but it doesn't mean we should. It's like a human fighting a child, it's disgusting and unnecessary". I can feel my anger rising, and my hands curl into fists. I can't believe Flynn would do something low.

Colin and Mike look at one another, but don't say anything. I'm not shocked when Flynn is announced the winner, only seconds later. As soon as he comes out the ring, and is distracted with congratulations, I slip away.

I head towards the way we had come in, the mob around me hiding my escape. I move down the slim hallways, and out the back door. "Hold it there" a voice calls, and a hand grab my arm. It is the bouncer from earlier.

"What?" I snap.

"It's the middle of the night, you're a pretty little thing and you can't be walking around on your own".

"I'll be fine". I pull my arm away and begin to walk into the night.

"Seriously, you can't" the bouncer carries on, grabbing me again. Spinning on my heels I look into his eyes — and for a second I think about throwing him against the wall. But then I remind myself that it might kill the man, and he is only trying to look after me.

"Look, I'll be fine I promise" I sigh, pushing my hood down and running my hands through my hair. "It's nice of you to be concerned, but I can look after myself". There is a pause, before the bouncer sighs and bites his bottom lip.

I am about to leave again, but the door flies open and Flynn rushes out with Colin. He looks around frantically for me. When his eyes settle on me, and the bouncer's hand on me, he rushes over. "Get your goddamn hands off her, before I remove them myself" he screams in rage.

The bouncer moves away from me, as Flynn grabs me. I pull out of his hold, and he looks surprised. "He was just making sure I was safe, Flynn. And I don't feel safe with you, so if you don't mind I am going home" I growl out.

I begin to walk away — feeling like a stroppy teenager as I storm and scowl as I walk away. "Violet" he calls after me, I can hear him walking behind me. "Violet. Violet stop. Athena!" His voice grows louder and louder until he is shouting.

"What?" I scream back, spinning on my heels and coming to a stop. Flynn is so shocked by my sudden stop, that he stumbles slightly and our faces are almost touching.

"What happened? I'm so confused right now" Flynn replies.

"You! That's what happened. You're in there, beating up weak humans and enjoying it. What the fuck, Flynn?"

"I need the money".

"No one needs the money that bad, Flynn" I snap, turning back around and walking away. "I'm going home, do not follow me". I hear him follow me. "Don't fucking follow me" I shout.

"I'm not letting you walk home alone, it's the middle of the night".

"Oh what you going to do? Beat up any humans that so much as walk past me?" I retort sarcastically.

"If they try anything I will. I would kill every human if I had to, just to keep you safe".

"Well it's a good thing I'm not in danger then". It is cold out and I pull on the hoodie a bit, as I continue to moodily stalk the streets. "Stop following me, Derek" I say again, this time through harshly gritted teeth. He doesn't reply, but he carries on following me. "Stop following me".

"I will never stop following you" Flynn shouts; his voice louder and more dominate than I have ever heard. He grabs my arm, and spins me around — his face in mine. Our eyes meet, and I feel his breath blow over my face. "Never, Athena, never will I stop following you or making sure that you get home safe".

I can see the rage in his eyes, but I can see the love he feels for me too. "I am your mate, and it is my duty to make sure you are always safe. I will never leave you to get hurt, I will never leave you in danger's path. You are the most important person in my life now, and I will never, ever, stop following you".

"Flynn—" I begin, but he carries on.

"So you can choose your other mate, and reject me all you want, but I will still keep following you. You can runaway to another pack, but I will still keep following you. No matter where you go, I am coming to. And if you were to go away, I would follow you into the dark. I would follow you anywhere, and everywhere, because you are the love of my life".

Without so much of a warning, Flynn grabs my face and kisses me. For a second I am frozen, as his lips settle over mine. Then, I begin to kiss him back. Our lips battle together, as my arms go around his neck and press myself into his as hard as possible.

Flynn's hands settle on my hips, as his tongue slips into my mouth. This is my first kiss, and it feels magical. All my body is on fire, as soft waves of pleasure flow through my body. I don't want the kiss to ever end.

When Flynn pulls away, he rests his forehead against mine and we both breathe heavily. "I will always follow you, my little PalmaViolet, I will always follow you".

"I need to go home" I whisper, knowing it to be true. I don't want to leave Flynn, but I have a lot of thinking to do. I am feeling guilty; I loved the kiss, and I want to do it again, but I feel bad for Arturo.

I love Arturo, just like I love Flynn. I love them both, but I will soon have to choose between them. This night — kissing Flynn — has made that decision so much harder. I told myself I wouldn't kiss either of them, because that would cloud my judgement. But now, well I just fucked that up.

"I'll walk you home" Flynn nods, before pecking my lips once more. We walk in silence, my hand in Flynn's but neither of us acknowledge it. I lead Flynn to my just outside my house, and we come to a stop.

Pushing my hair behind my ear, he kisses me once more. This time only a small peck, before he rests his forehead against mine. "I love you" he whispers, voice full of sincerity and softness.

"I'm still mad at you" I grumble, moving out of his hold. Flynn sighs heavily, but a small laugh slips out form between his lips.

"Good night, my little PalmaViolet" he smiles.

"Good night, Derek". I offer him a sad smile, before going into the house and leaving Flynn in the dark night.

The following morning, I head back to the male apartments, as I have the morning with Arturo. However, when I get there one of the marshals tells me to follow him. I am confused, but I do as he says.

He leads me to the edge of the territory, before waving me on. He takes a seat in the woodland area, pulling a book out of his pocket. "He is just around the corner" he tells me.

"Thank you" I nod, and leave him.

On the edge of a hill, Arturo is waiting for me. There is a blanket on the grass, with a picnic basket and a bottle of champagne leaning against it. Small twinkling lights are hanging from the trees above — a soft pink colour that gives the area a small red glow. Not being able to help myself, I pull my camera out my bag and take some pictures.

"Bella" Arturo smiles, turning to see me.

"Arturo, I can't believe you did all this" I whisper, as he walks over and offers me his hand. I put my camera away, and take his hand. He leads me over to the blanket, and we sit down.

"Oh my beautiful Athena, mi sei mancato". Taking my hand, he presses a kiss to it. "And of course I would do this, I want to make it all impeccable". He offers me a small smile, and I chuckle. I know he means perfect instead of impeccable, but his translation makes him endearing.

"Champagne?" he asks, before pouting us both a glass. The soft bubbles warming my throat as I swallow it. "Ah, Bella, you are as a beautiful as this champagne is appetising". He presses a soft kiss to my cheek, and I lean into him.

We eat a picnic style breakfast, most of it is made up of salmon and caviar and expensive food that all tastes amazing. I am not used to eating food like this, so Arturo shows me how to eat it; and at some points even feeds me himself.

"I want to give you something" Arturo states, before getting a parcel out of the bottom of the picnic hamper. He hands it to me, and I grin brightly. The present is wrapped in soft blue paper, which crinkles slightly as I hold it.

I rip into the present, and push the paper back to reveal what he's brought it. It was a scrap book, a heavy hard back book with slot for pictures and writing. On the front there the word 'memories' are written in fancy script, and a photo of a beautiful landscape on the front.

"I took this" I point to the picture.

"Yes, I may have stolen one of your — how do you say? — camera memories".

"Oh you mean my film" I laugh, as he hands me back the film for my camera. "Arturo, thank you. I love it, I really, really love it". And then, without thinking I reach forward and kiss him. The instant our lips meet, I feel fireworks explode inside me.

Our lips battle for dominance, as Arturo holds me tenderly. Just like with Flynn, nothing but the kiss matters and the world around me is forgotten. His stumble tickles by skin, but it only serves to make the kiss more perfect. When we pull away I am breathless, and on fire.

"I love you, Bella" Arturo whispers.

"I love you too, Arturo" I say, before we kiss once more.
